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Training for Flight Procedure Regulations, Guidelines and Manual Development Hanoi, 13 – 24 August 2012 OPENING 13:30-14:00 13 August 2012. proceeding. ✈ Opening Remarks by JICA Experts ✈ Welcome Remarks by CAAV ✈ Introduction of Japanese Instructors & Participants
Training for Flight Procedure Regulations, Guidelines and Manual Development Hanoi, 13 – 24 August 2012 OPENING 13:30-14:00 13 August 2012
proceeding ✈ Opening Remarks by JICA Experts ✈ Welcome Remarks by CAAV ✈ Introduction of Japanese Instructors & Participants ✈ Schedule of Lectures and Exercise ✈ Others
Instructors • Mr. Kunihiko AZUMA • Special Assistant to Director • Flight Procedures and Airspace Program Office • ATC Division, ANS Department, JCAB • Experience and Responsibility: Flight Procedure and • Airspace Design, Design Criteria and Regulations • ICAO Instrument Flight Procedure Panel Member • Background: Air Traffic Controller (Nagoya Airport, • Tokyo Area Control Center) • Mr. YoshinobuNAKANISHI (MA&Sc) • Project Manager • Flight Procedure Design, Airspace Group • First Division, NTT DATA i Corporation • Background: Proc. Design, Flt Ops, Charting • ICAO Instrument Flight Procedure Panel Advisor
Participants (1) • Mr. ChhunSivorn, SSCA • Mr. PeangSary, SSCA • Mr. Kim Rathanak, SSCA • Mr. MoeungSovann, SSCA • Mr. Mr. BountaengSymoon, DCA • Mr. SohnsacksitKhamkeo, DCA • Mr. ManasavanhKounlath, LATM • Mr. KhamphanhViengmixay, LATM
Participants (2) • Mr. Pham Dai Nghia, CAAV • Mr. Tran Van Viet, CAAV • Mr. Vu Ngoc Tuan, CAAV • Mr. Trinh HoaLiem, CAAV • Mr. Nguyen TienGiang, VATM • Mr. Tran Hieu, VATM • Mr. Nguyen Cong Chinh, ACV • Mr. Le Anh Dung, ACV • Mr. Nguyen Cong Long, CAAV (observer) • Ms. Tran DucHoai Phuong, CAAV (observer)
Project team support Administration for running the Training Course Hiroshi INOGUCHI Project Leader and Air Traffic Management (ATM) Advisor Contact: inoguchi@ta2.so-net.ne.jp RyuichiNAGAI Communications, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) Advisor • Contact: ryu3210@nifty.com Atsushi YAMANE Flight Procedure Office (FPO) Advisor • Contact: ayamane@joy.ocn.ne.jp
Project team support Tomonori ORITA Project Coordinator • Contact: orita777@gmail.com • Ngo Thi THOM Administrative Assistant (Secretary) • Contact: thobingo@yahoo.com Project Office • Room 505, Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) • 119 Nguyen Son, Long Bien, Hanoi, Vietnam • Tel: +84(0)43-872-2397 (direct) • Fax: +84(0)43827-4194
objectives of the Training For Regulators and Flight Procedure Design Service Providers 1) To understand the roles and responsibilities of regulator and providers in flight procedures design and implementation; 2) To acquire Knowledge & Skill to develop necessary regulations, procedures, technical criteria/guidelines, and manuals, including quality assurance for flight procedure design. Please keep theseOBJECTIVEs in mind during the training program
COURSE Contents ✈ Lectures (Day 1-5) • Regulatory Framework • Organizations • Standards, Regulations, Procedures • Quality Management • Audit ✈ Group Works (Day 6-9) • Review of existing situation • Discussion on the contents of regulations • Discussion on how to develop organizations & regulations ✈ Develop ACTION PLAN (Day 6-9) for your Country’s actions to achieve goals through • Group Work & Presentation • Discussion
technical documents Technical documents: • ICAO PANS-OPS (Doc 8168) Volume.2, 5th edition with Amendment No.3 & Corrigendum No.2 (individual participant should have his own copy); • ICAO Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design (Doc 9906), Volume 1-Flight Procedure Design Quality Assurance System, 1st edition (2009) (individual participant should have his own copy); • ICAO Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design (Doc 9906), Volume 5-Validtaion of Instrument Flight Procedures, Advance edition (unedited) (individual participant should have his own copy); • ICAO PBN Manual (Doc 9613) 3rd edition (one copy for group sharing among each country participants); • ARINC 424-17 Navigation System Data Base (one copy for group sharing among each country participants).
ICAO Quality Assurance Manual Electronic version of the above-mentioned ICAO Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design (Doc 9906) can be downloaded from ICAO website of the PBN Symposium and Workshops to be held in Montreal, 16-19 October 2012. http://www.icao.int/Meetings/PBN-Symposium/ Pages/Reference%20Documentation.aspx
schedule of the Training (1) DAY 1 (Monday, 13 August) 13:30-14:00 Opening 14:00-16:30 Session DAY 2 (Tuesday, 14 August) - DAY 9 (Thursday, 23 August) 08:30-12:00 Session 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-16:30 Session DAY 10 (Friday, 24 August) 09:00-10:00 Closing Ceremony 10:30-11:30 Report to CAAV Any change to Schedule and Administrative matters will be advised to participants by JICA Experts
certificate and Assessment (1) Certificate of Attendance ✈ Certificate will be issued to participants who have attended more than 95% of Programs and achieved 80% (or higher) of examinations, which may be conducted during the Training to assess the level of understanding (Participants will also be evaluated by JICA). ✈ Certificate is jointly signed by JICA Short-term Experts and Project Leader Evaluation/Assessment of the Training ✈ Feedback from participating counterpart in the Training is essential for JICA and Project to improve our programs. No Interpretation/Translation Services
certificate and Assessment (2) Participants are requested to provide their Feedback by ✈ Submitting Country Group Evaluation/Assessment (in English) everyday after Lectures/Exercise (Country Leader summarizes feedback of all participants). Group Evaluation Form will be provided to Country Leader every afternoon. ✈ Submitting Individual Evaluation/Assessment (in English) on 24 August. Individual Evaluation Form will be provided to the Participants in advance. ✈ Copy of Country Group Evaluation and Individual Evaluation Forms submitted will be made available to respective CAA (SSCA, DCA, CAAV) for records.
You are here Training Plan (1) ✈ “Basic PBN Training Course” was successfully conducted in Hanoi from 17 July till 10 August. 4 from Cambodia, 4 from Lao PDR and 8 from Vietnam. ✈ “Training for Flight Procedure Regulations, Guidelines and Manual Development” in Hanoi from 13 till 24 August. 4 from Cambodia, 4 from Lao PDR and 10 from Vietnam. ✈ OJT on “Airport Obstacle Survey” will start in Cambodia (Phnom Penh, 27 August-7 September), followed by Lao PDR (Vientiane, 10-21 September) and Vietnam (Hue, 10-21 September). Approximately 8 participants for each OJT. ✈ OJT on “PBN Procedure Design with PANADES” (2 weeks) will start on 24 September. 2 courses for Vietnam from 24 September till 5 October, and from 8 October till 19 October. 1 course for Lao PDR from 22 October till 2 November, and 1 course for Cambodia from 5 till 16 November. 4 participants for each course.
Training Plan (2) ✈ OJT on “Design Verification/Ground Validation” will start in Vietnam (Hue, 22 October-2 November), followed by Lao PDR (Vientiane, 19-30 November) and Cambodia (Phnom Penh, 3-14 December). Approximately 8 participants for each OJT. ✈ “Familiarization Training on PBN Operations for ATC” in Hanoi is being coordinated for 2 weeks from 24 September till 5 October. ✈ “Flight Inspection/Validation” is under consideration for early 2013.
basic PBN training News Articles on • CAAV website • the Communist Party of Vietnam • People’s Army
Training Plan at glance C L Basic PBN OJT Obstacle V V L C V OJT PANADES V L C OJT Validation Regulation Development PBN Familiarization GOALS: 4 PBN Designers in Cambodia, 4 PBN Designers in Lao PDR, and 8 PBN Designers in Vietnam by end of 2012
Asia-Pacific States with PBN Approach PBN, yet to be implemented Your mission is to change white to green! 1) Based on Jeppensen Database for January 2012 2) Only approaches to international airports are shown.
Pbn Implementation ✈ Cambodia will implement 1st PBN (RNP1 SID&STAR and PBN Approaches) at Phnom Penh Airport by June 2013, and then at Siem Reap Airport by December 2013. ✈ Lao PDR will implement 1st PBN (RNP1 SID&STAR and PBN Approaches) at Vientiane Airport by May 2013, and then at Luang Phabang Airport by December 2013. ✈ Vietnam will implement 1st PBN (RNP1 SID&STAR and PBN Approaches) at Hue, PhuBai Airport in 2012. FPO and JICA Experts are committed to supporting the PBN implementation efforts of 3 countries by organizing training programs.
Please Be On Time! Please Switch Off Your Mobile Phone or Use Vibration Mode in the Training Room Thank You for Your Understanding and Cooperation
Do not be an observer! Participate actively!! Get involved!!! and Enjoy the Program