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Choosemyplate.gov. Nutrients – Energy Producing. Carbohydrates Provides Energy Protein Builds and Repairs Body Tissue Fat Insulation, Protection, Reserve Energy. Nutrients – non energy producing. Vitamins Assists in the biochemical reactions related to the metabolic process Minerals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Choosemyplate.gov

  2. Nutrients – Energy Producing Carbohydrates Provides Energy Protein Builds and Repairs Body Tissue Fat Insulation, Protection, Reserve Energy

  3. Nutrients – non energy producing Vitamins Assists in the biochemical reactions related to the metabolic process Minerals Skeletal structure Water Hydration, most essential to life Fiber Aids in digestion, can’t absorb – “non nutrient”

  4. 2,000 calorie diet

  5. Grains Major Nutrient: Carbohydrates, Fiber Serving: 1 oz = 1 slice bread, 1 cup dry cereal, ½ cup pasta or rice Tip: Make at least ½ your grain whole grains

  6. Vegetables Major Nutrient: Minerals, Vitamins, Fiber Serving: ½ cup vegetables = 1 cup leafy vegetables, ½ c. canned vegetables Tip: Make half you plate fruits and vegetables

  7. Fruits Major Nutrient: Vitamins, Fiber Serving: 1 cup = 1 medium/small piece of fruit, 1 c. canned, fresh or frozen fruit Tip: Make half your plate fruits and vegetables

  8. Dairy Major Nutrient: Minerals, Protein Serving: 1 cup = 1 ½ oz cheese, 1 cup milk/yogurt/ice cream Tip: Switch to fat free or low-fat (1%) milk.

  9. Proteins Major Nutrient: Protein Serving: 1 oz. meat = 1 egg, 1 T peanut butter, ¼ cup cooked beans, ½ oz. nuts or seeds Tip: choose low fat or lean meats, bake, broil or grill. Vary protein.

  10. Oils Major Nutrient: Fat Serving: 3-11 teaspoons Tip: Choose healthy liquid fats

  11. Empty Calories Solid fats and added sugars add calories to the food but few or no nutrients.

  12. Stay within your daily calorie needs 10 pound weight gain per year 100 extra calories per day

  13. Examples of 100 calories • ⅔ can of a regular soft drink • 2 tablespoons maple syrup • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine • 2 tablespoons jelly or jam • 10 large jelly beans (I oz.)

  14. Nutrient Dense Foods: Foods with little calories but lots of nutrients. Caloric Breakdown Carbohydrates: 55-60% Fat: No more than 30% Protein: 10-15 % Average American eats too much fat, sugar, calories & sodium Average American doesn’t eat enough fiber.

  15. Recommendations for Physical Activity Kids 2-5 – Let them play! Kids 6-17 – 60 minutes a day Adults – At least 2.5 hours a week moderate exercise

  16. Plate size history

  17. The Dietary Guidelines Revised Every 5 Years

  18. Which is more Nutrient Dense? Eat Nutrient Dense Foods What does “Nutrient Dense” mean? Foods that have a lot of vitamins, minerals or other beneficial substances with relatively few calories Choosing foods that are nutrient dense are better for your overall health. OR Spinach Candy

  19. Intake Output 2. Balance Calories to Manage Weight Monitor food and beverage intake, physical activity and body weight

  20. 2. Balance calories to manage weight • Reduce portion sizes

  21. 2. Balance Calories to manage weight • When eating out, make better choices

  22. 2. Balance Calories to manage weight • Limit Screen time

  23. 3. Reduce sodium, fats and added sugars, refined grains and alcohol.

  24. 4. Increase vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk, seafood and use oils in place of solid fats.

  25. Increase Seafood • Choose at least 8 oz. of seafood products in place of meat/poultry

  26. 5. Build healthy eating patterns that meet nutritional needs over time at an appropriate calorie level. Building healthy habits NOW will affect you LATER!

  27. 6. Include physical exercise as part of healthy eating patterns. 6-17 year olds should be active at least 60 minutes or more each day

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