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Visit ( noun ) : short stay in a place. Examples: We are expecting a visit from our German agents. He is on a business visit to London We had a visit from the VAT inspector. Visit (verb) : to go to a place or to see someone for a short time. Examples:
Visit ( noun ) : short stay in a place. Examples: • We are expecting a visit from our German agents. • He is on a business visit to London • We had a visit from the VAT inspector.
Visit (verb) : to go to a place or to see someone for a short time. Examples: • He spent a week in Scotland visiting clients in Edinburgh and Glasgow • The trade delegation visited the Ministry of Commerce.
Visitor ( noun ) : person who visits. Example: • The chairman showed the Japanese visitors round the factory.
Here are some phrases which can be used when meeting or being met: • Hello,are you Mr ....? / Mrs...? I’m... • Welcome to... • It’s great pleasure to meet you! • I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. • How was your journey / flight?
I think we’ll go to your hotel / our office first. • my car’s outside / we’ll take a taxi / we’ll take the airport bus. • Can I take (one of) your bags? Can I help you with your luggage? • I’ll just find a trolley / a porter for your bags. • Is there anything you’d like to do before we ..?
Would you like a drink or something to eat before we ...? • Sorry I’m late-there was fog at..... / an engine failure outside Cologne/ a traffic jam north of Florence. • I hope you haven’t been waiting too long. • Before we set off, I’d like to have a coffee / beer / sandwich. • I’d just like to make a quick phone call, if that’s all right. • Very smooth / not too bad / pretty tiring / absolutely exhausting.
Welcoming a visitor Lisa Frey is meeting Jack Middleton, her colleague from London, for the first time. Lisa: Good morning. I’m Lisa frey. It’s nice to ..... you at last. Jack: Jack Middleton. Nice to .... you too. Lisa: Sorry to keep you .......... . The meeting room is just over here. (Jack follows Lisa to the meeting room)
Lisa : Here,................ ? your coat. Jack: Thank you. (He gives his coat to Lisa.) Lisa: Please, ................. ? (pause while Jack sits) Can I offer you ...........................? Perhaps a cup of coffee? Jack: .................... tea, if you have it. Caffeine does terrible things to me at this time of day!
Lisa: Oh. (laughs). I normally need a strong cup of coffee after lunch to get me going again! (Lisa pours Jack a cup of tea) So, here ............. . (She passes him the filled tea cup). There’s milk and sugar if you need it. Please, help ......... . ................. some biscuits to go with that? Jack: No, thanks, I’m fine. Lisa: So, how ........ your flight? Jack : A bit bumpy because of the weather.
(they socialize some more and then have the business part of the meeting. At the end of the meeting...) Lisa: Well, I think that just about covers everything. Jack: Yes, we’re certainly spent a productive three hours together. Lisa: (Nods her head in agreement) Mmm,..are you flying back to London this evening? Jack: Yes, unfortunately. My plane ......... in a couple of hours.
Lisa: Well, thanks again for coming Jack. I’ ll ...... you out. Jack: It was my pleasure. I’ll start on the new proposal as soon as I get back to the office. Have a good..... Lisa: You too. Bye now. Jack : ...
Here is some advice which might be given to travellers. Decide: • Which of the advice would you recommend to someone who is coming to your country? • Which of the advice would you yourself follow when visiting a foreign country?
Photocopy the information page of your passport(the one with your picture on it) and store it in a safe place in case your passport is lost or stolen • Avoid unnecessary physical contact with strangers. If you are pushed, check your belongings immediately. • Keep valuable documents out of sight • Keep your passport, tickets and other important documents with you
Use traveller’s cheques, not cash • Never agree to transport anything for a stranger • Keep your hotel key with you when you leave the hotel, if possible • Find out which parts of the city are unsafe at night and avoid them • Walk confidently, as if you know exactly where you’re going to.
Add some more advice you would give a foreign visitor to your country.
Problems sometimes arise when people are away from home. Discuss these problems with your partners and decide: • What action would you take in each situation? • Who would you speak to? • What exactly would you say to that person?
You arrive in good time at the airport but discover that you have lost your ticket. The ticket clerk says your name is not on the computer.
“Could you check again, please? My name may not be spelt right on the computer. If you still can’t find it, could I speak to your supervisor, please?
1. You find that your travel agent has entered the wrong check-in time on your itinerary and you have missed your flight. Your host are meeting at the airport but by now they will be on their way there.
2. You are a non smoker but the only seat available on the plane is in the smoking section. After take-off you find that your neighbour is a chain smoker and he doesn’t speak English.
3. You arrive at an airport in a foreign country expecting to be met but there is no one there to meet you. You have a meeting in a couple of hours in the centre of the city.
4. Your train has missed the connection and now you’re going to be an hour late for your appointment. You have only five minutes to find a phone and make one call.
5. You’re seeing off a visitor. You arrive at the airport for his/her flight home and discover that the check-in desk for his/her flight is closed. You go to Airport Information. They tell you that airline is on strike.