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Understanding Spanish Verb Structure

Learn the fundamental parts of Spanish verbs: the infinitive, stem, and endings for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. Practice conjugation exercises with -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in various tenses.

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Understanding Spanish Verb Structure

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  1. The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb Theinfinitive: The basic, unconjugated form, the one that corresponds to the English “to do” (something).For example, to speak, to work, to sing, etc. 1 The Spanish infinitive always ends in –ar, -er, -ir

  2. ar ir er er ar ir ar er er ar er ir The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb The ending always consists of two letters hablar comer escribir cantar aprender leer salir conocer costar correr finalizar freír There are three types or categories of verbs in Spanish: those that end in ar, those that end in er, and those that end in ir

  3. The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb • Thestem or root: Whatever is left after removing the ending from the infinitive. 2 The stem can consist ofa variable number of letters, depending on the length of the verb in question.

  4. The fundamental parts of the Spanish verb The infinitive – the ending = thestem hablar comer escribir cantar aprender leer salir conocer costar correr finalizar freír

  5. The fundamental parts of the verb ¡No te olvides! Don't forget! 1 • The infinitive: The basic, unconjugated form of the verb. estudiar Theending: The last two letters of the infinitive. 2 ar Thestem: What is left after taking the ending from the infinitive. 3 estudi

  6. -AR Verbs

  7. Uds. Ud. ellos él ellas ella Verbs of the 1st conjugation (-ar) All persons and numbers are based on the stem. hablar yo nosotros/as h a a bl o habl a a mos vosotros/as tú h a a bl as habl á á is h a a bl a h a a bl an Notice which vowel gets the emphasis!

  8. Verbs of the 1st conjugation (-ar) Its stem? trabajar trab a a j o trabaj a a mos trab a a j as trabaj á á is trab a a j a trab a a j an The emphasis?

  9. Practicamos • Complete each sentence below with the correct form of the verb bailar. • Las señoras ____________________ salsa. • Tania ____________________ con Juan. • Nosotros ____________________ en la fiesta. • Tú ____________________ muy bien. • Yo ____________________ en el gimnasio. bailan baila bailamos bailas bailo

  10. -ER and –IR Verbs

  11. -ER and –IR verb endings -er Verbs -ir Verbs • Yo • Tú • Él, ella, Ud. • Nosotros • Ellos, Ellas, Uds. -o -o -es -es -e -e -emos -imos -en -en

  12. Practicamos • Complete each sentence below with the correct form of the verb beber. • La señora ____________________ café con leche. • Las muchachas ____________________ unalimonada. • Nosotros ____________________ limonada. • Tú ____________________ leche. • Yo ____________________ téhelado. bebe beben bebemos bebes bebo

  13. Practicamos • Complete each sentence below with the correct form of the verb escribir. • Yo ____________________ muchas cartas. • La profesora ____________________ el examen. • Los alumnos ____________________ con lápices. • Mariana y yo ____________________ con bolígrafos. • Tú ____________________ unacartalarga. escribo El fin escribe escriben escribimos escribes

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