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Belarus Nuclear Infrastructure Development: Present Status and Future Prospects

Explore the development of Belarus' national nuclear infrastructure and human resources for nuclear power. Learn about regulatory measures, organizational structure, international cooperation with IAEA, and priorities for support and assistance.

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Belarus Nuclear Infrastructure Development: Present Status and Future Prospects

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  1. Current Statusofthe National Nuclear Infrastructureand Human Resources Development in the Republic of BelarusTM/WS on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development: Managing the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power9 – 12 February 2010, IAEA, Vienna

  2. The Act of the Security Councilof the Republic of Belarus In intention of development of nuclear power in the Republic of Belarus the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus decree: 1. Realize the construction of the nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus with total electricity power 2000 MW with commissioning of 1st NPP unit in 2016, 2nd – in 2018. 2. To the Government of the Republic of Belarus to insure: the notification as duly the International Atomic Energy Agency about adopted decision of NPP construction in the Republic of Belarus.

  3. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus № 565 from 12.11.2007“About some measures on NPP construction” In order to provide implementation of the preparatory activities for NPP construction in the Republic of Belarus and insuring of nuclear and radiation safety Decree stipulates : 1. Establishment of The Directorate for Nuclear Power Plant Constructionto carry out functions of customer on realization of the complex of preparatory and investigation works on NPP construction. 2. Assignment of BELNIPIENERGOPROM as the general national projector (comment: design-engineer institute) for coordination of design, and State Scientific Institution "Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research" of the National Academy of Science of Belarus as an NPP scientific supporting organization. 3. Establishment of the Department on nuclear and radiation safety in the Ministry for Emergency Situations to provide state oversight in nuclear and radiation safety.

  4. Staffing is crucial

  5. Shaping the national system of staff training

  6. Organizational Structure

  7. Developing National Human Resource Base

  8. Belarusian State University

  9. Belarusian National Technical University

  10. International Sakharov Environmental University

  11. United Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

  12. Elaboration of Draft Documentation

  13. Department on nuclear and radiation safety of the Ministry for Emergencies (Gosatomnadzor)

  14. Department on nuclear and radiation safety of the Ministry for Emergencies (Gosatomnadzor)

  15. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONWITH IAEA • Project of the technical cooperationwith IAEA BYE/0/006“Developing Human Resourcesand a TrainingSystem for the Nuclear Power Programme”. • Project of the technical cooperationwith IAEA BYE/9/016 “Strengthening the Regulatory Authority”.

  16. Priority Areas for Cooperation, Support and Assistance • institutional aspects and legislative status in the field of nuclear and radiation safety; • nuclear infrastructure: regulator, research, utility, industry; • principles of work of the regulator; • regulations, safety guides development; • Technical Support Organisations (TSO) for licensing, assessments and supervision;

  17. Needs of the Gosatomnadzor • training and professional development of staff of the regulator and TSOs; • approach for safety assessment during the licensing process; • licensing process; • transportation and waste management: safety aspects; • regulatory inspection and control; • technical support for safety assessment; • emergency preparedness.

  18. Assistance in the review of the Safety Analysis Report • Transfer of methodology for the regulatory review of the Safety Analysis Report on the basis of IAEA requirements and best practice • Organisation of Seminars on selected topics of the assessment of the safety case • Support to the regulator and its TSO’s in the review of the Safety Analysis Report for Belarus NPP

  19. Thank you for your attention!Ina Silitskaya Tel.+375172182142E-mail Silickay_IA@min.energo.net.byVasili Paliukhovich Tel.+375172099696 E-mail v.paliukhovich@rambler.ru

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