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Filing rules

Filing rules. 7 Requirements for Proper Alphabetizing. Rule 1. Names of individuals are transposed when filed as follows: Last name First name or initial Middle name or initial * When identical names occur, the next consideration is often date of birth. Examples. Rule 2 .

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Filing rules

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Filing rules 7 Requirements for Proper Alphabetizing

  2. Rule 1 • Names of individuals are transposed when filed as follows: • Last name • First name or initial • Middle name or initial * When identical names occur, the next consideration is often date of birth

  3. Examples

  4. Rule 2 • Surnames which include prefixes are filed as one word • Examples Written As Filed As Saint Marie SaintMarie Van der Pelt VanderPelt de Silva deSilva

  5. Put It Together • Alphabetize the Following Names: • Ginny Saint Pierre • Deborah T. Livingston • Alphonse Vincent Smith • Josephine Van Liere • Marlon S. Perry

  6. Answer Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Livingston Deborah T. Perry Marlon S. SaintPierre Ginny Smith Alphonse Vincent VanLiere Josephine

  7. Rule 3 • All abbreviations in names should be alphabetized as though they were spelled out • Examples Written As Filed As Mary St. Louis SaintLouis, Mary Wm. BallmanBallman, William A.J. Wright Wright, Adam James

  8. Rule 4 • Hyphenated and compound last names are treated as one unit – ignore the hyphen • Examples Written As Filed As Lesia Smith-Jones SmithJones, Lesia Hilda Adkinson Meyer AdkinsonMeyer, Hilda

  9. Put It Together • Alphabetize the following: • Henry St. Paul • Jeremy David Smith • Tina Yates-Viner • Monica St. George • Leonard V. Young

  10. Answer Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 SaintGeorge Monica SaintPaul Henry Smith Jeremy David YatesViner Tina Young Leonard V.

  11. Rule 5 • Nothing always comes before something • Example Wilfred Long would be filed before Wilfred K. Long Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Long Wilfred Long Wilfred K.

  12. Rule 6 • Numbers or numerals are always in consecutive order • Example: John Jones III would be filed after John Jones II

  13. Rule 7 • When a name consists of just a title and either a given name or a surname, the title is the first alphabetizing unit • Examples: Sister Mary would be filed as Sister, Mary Princess Kate would be filed as Princess, Kate But, Father Don O’Malley would be filed as OMalley, Don (Father)

  14. Put It Together • Alphabetize the following: • Natalie Hiebert • Henry L. Moncrief • Henry L. Moncrief, II • Sister Alice • Mandy Hieber • Henry Moncrief • Reverend James Harris

  15. Answer Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Harris James Reverend Hieber Mandy Hiebert Natalie Moncrief Henry Moncrief Henry L. Moncrief Henry L. II Sister Alice

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