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World Class Commissioning (WCC)

World Class Commissioning (WCC). Phillip Couser Service Development Manager. Scope. What is it? How did we perform? What next?. Definitions. Commissioning: “ the process by which we ensure the health and care services provided most effectively meet the needs of the population.”  

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World Class Commissioning (WCC)

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  1. World Class Commissioning (WCC) Phillip Couser Service Development Manager Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  2. Scope • What is it? • How did we perform? • What next? Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  3. Definitions Commissioning: “the process by which we ensure the health and care services provided most effectively meet the needs of the population.”   WCC: designed to “…raise ambitions for a new form of commissioning” and is ultimately about “delivering better health and well being for the population”. Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  4. WCC Vision • Better health and well-being for all • People live healthier and longer lives • Health inequalities reduced • Better care for all • Evidence based and best quality services • Choice and control – services personalised • Better value for all • Best use of available resources • PCTs work with others to optimise care Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  5. What it entails…. • New NHS planning framework: • Strategic Plan • Annual Operating Plan • Development of PCOs as world class commissioners: • Assurance framework - 360o assessment, culminating in panel review • Underpinned by organisational development plan Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  6. Assurance Components Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  7. Outcomes Selected All PCOs: • Life expectancy • Health inequalities Locally set: • Under 18 conception rate • Infants breastfed • Smoking quitters • Rate of hospital admissions per 100,000 for alcohol related harm • Diabetes controlled blood sugar • CHD controlled blood pressure • Obesity among primary school age children in year 6 • Stroke brain scan within 24 hours Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  8. WCC Competencies • Locally lead the NHS • Work with community partners • Engage with public and patients • Collaborate with clinicians • Manage knowledge and assess needs • Prioritise investment • Stimulate the market • Promote improvement and innovation • Secure procurement skills • Manage the local health system • Make sound financial investments Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  9. Governance • Strategy – clarity, financial alignment, board ownership, evidence of delivery • Finance - sustainable position, accurate projections, ongoing management • Board – alignment, structure and culture, processes Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  10. WCC Agree Scorecards To PCT Panel Review PCT Prep + Documents Calibration Panel Prep Revise Strategic Plan Strategic Plan * 5 Year Financial Plan Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Key Actions To Inform Our Vision, Our Future. Engagement of Clinical Groups, patients and public Initial scope of Darzi recommendations (trial Staying Healthy) CSR 2+3 Operating Framework LAA Refresh Final AOP review Tariff publication + uplift (treat as rebasing exercise) Final PCT Strategic Plan 2nd Cut AOP & vital sign refresh Agree LAA 1st Cut AOP & vital sign refresh LAA Review SHA issues guidance and standard templates AOP/ LAA AOP & LAA planning cycle Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  11. 0.5 Newcastle PCT Northumberland Care Trust North Tyneside PCT National average WCC Commissioning Assurance scorecard OUTCOMES COMPETENCIES COMPETENCIES GOVERNANCE GOVERNANCE Level 4 Board 75.2 G 76.2 Life expectancy, males Years Level 1 77.3 76.9 80.3 Life expectancy, females Years 80.6 National 81.0 1. 81.3 Local leader of NHS 31.4 Health inequality IMD 23.5 20.8 2. Collaborates with partners 23.7 54.9 Under 18 conception rate Rate per 1,000 females, aged 15-17 50.0* 3. Patient and public engagement 57.1 44.4 24.8 Strategy Infants breastfed % of infants breastfed 22.4 4. Clinical leadership 21.4 G 31.3 1,048.0 Smoking quitters Per 100,000 population aged 15 and over 5. 1,471.0 Assess needs 946.1 912.5 23.6 6. Patient admitted for stroke given a brain scan within 24 hrs,% 24.0 Prioritisation 24.0 28.4 Local 2,473.6 Rate of hospital admissions for alcohol related harm Rate per 100,000 7. Stimulates provision 2,103.5 1,723.9 1,488.0 8. 25.2 Diabetes controlled blood sugar, Percentage patients with diabetes who have an HbA1c of 7.5 or less Finance Innovation 25.8 25.5 A 23.5 9. Procurement and contracting CHD controlled blood pressure % CHD patients whose last measured total cholesterol (in the last 15 months) is 5 mmol/l or less 25.3 24.8 25.2 24.7 10. Performance management 28.6 Obesity in children at primary school age, % obese in year 6 06/07 NHS info centre 23.5 24.5 23.5 * Northumberland figure based on Wansbeck ward data only (not all of Northumberland)

  12. The League Table Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

  13. What next? • WCC action plan: • Supports organisational development plan • Targets Level 3 for all competencies • Supported by coordinated regional action • Refresh of strategic plan • WCC assurance timetable: • September to December 2009 – PCT preparation • January to March 2010 – Analytical phase • April to May 2010 – panel days • June/July 2010 – calibration and publication of results Newcastle PCT, North Tyneside PCT and Northumberland Care Trust

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