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Making Money and the “LOST Art” of Driving Revenue in a Business. PRESENTED BY: GREG CLEMENT. What is “Driving Revenue”. It’s the master result of the “why” “how” and “what” in a business All Activities are either “driving revenue” or “supporting revenue”
Making Money and the “LOST Art” of Driving Revenue in a Business • PRESENTED BY: GREG CLEMENT
What is “Driving Revenue” • It’s the master result of the “why” “how” and “what” in a business • All Activities are either “driving revenue” or “supporting revenue” • It’s focusing on different ways to make money or make more money
There is a 3 Step Formula that ALWAYS works • If you get ONE of these wrong then you won’t make much money or drive much revenue...
3 Step Formula • Why do I make money? • How do I make money? • What am I spending my time on?
FAITH • For me my faith is like an anchor that keeps me grounded and focused on what’s really important • I need it to feel complete • It is my base and my rock from which everything I do stems from.
Family Hugely Important • My goal as a husband and father is really 3 things • Love unconditionally • Build confidence in Kelly and my boys • Make them Happy • That making them happy part is often overlooked but I think the key to it all…
Friends and Fun • With friends like this who needs enemies • Make friends wherever you can • Give first mentality, “How can I serve others?”
PATEOTR What’s your Magic Number? When you are totally and completely financially FREE • FORMULA @ 6% ROI (Annual # x 25 = PATEOTR) • 100k net means 150k gross is the MN (taxes) • 6% of 2,500,000 = 150k a yr gross (never ending pile) Financial Freedom in a Politically FREE Environment is a rare thing indeed
LIFESTYLE DESIGN • Lifestyle Design – Build your business around your life instead of your life around your business • Build yourself out of your business. If you don't do it then nobody else will. • You'd be surprised at how easy it is • Then that frees up your time to work on other things like your handicap or your tan...
Just simply ask yourself THAT question... (I do it alot) HOW does my business MAKE money?
The Answer is by engaging in “Revenue Producing Activities”
So what EXACTLY are “Revenue Producing Activities?” (HINT only about 10-20% of the business - Pareto’s Law)
Revenue Producing Activities • Marketing to Sellers • Talking to Sellers • Negotiating with Sellers
Revenue Producing Activities • Marketing to Buyers • Talking to Buyers • Negotiating with Buyers
Doing BPO’s ($32,000 per hour work) Negotiating with the Bank
Engage in “Hyper-Revenue Producing Activities”
“Hyper-Revenue Producing Activities” • Putting Seller/Buyer Marketing Systems in Place • Putting Referral Systems in Place • Put List Building Systems in Place • Putting Selling Systems in Place • Developing a “Closing Protocol”
YOUR 4 STAGES OF GROWTH... • Spending Business Time in “Revenue and Hyper Revenue Producing Activities” • Building a “TEAM” to make sure YOU can spend MOST of your time in RPA’s and HRPA’s (which means your team takes care of the “details”) • Building a “TEAM” to spend time in RPA’s and HRPA’s • Finally, BY letting your “TEAM” RUN the Business = FREEDOM
Building Your Business People – “There’s no way we could do what we do without awesome people” • How can I drive home the importance of this??? • Bill Gates says that if you took away Microsoft’s 20 best people then they become a very average company… • Topgrading Principle • Unique Ability Team - Sullivan • Hire A Players – how do you attract them • YOU - must Have a BIG Vision • THEY - Actions speak louder than words – what have they done in their lives NOT what do they say they will do
TEAM BUILDING • Systems run the business and People run the systems • Create the system and test it • Track results over time (make sure it’s long enough) • Assume some problems not considered • To change a result work on the system not the symptom • Search for bottlenecks and constraints
What Am I Spending My Time On? (probably not the right things...)
How to become “Addicted To Productivity” Dan Sullivan’s Personal Economic System • Time is an entrepreneur’s currency • FREE/FOCUS/BUFFER Days • FREE – any day that is 100% dedicated to R/R NO WORK involved • FOCUS – 80% of the day is focused on RPA’s • BUFFER – dedicated to ensuring great free/focus days. All the other stuff
Get in the “Flow” or the “Zone” That state when your just on… • As simple as focusing on ONE thing for 45-90 minutes at a time • Things that prevent us from getting in the zone or the flow... • Multi Tasking - it's a disease • Being Interrupted • Electronic OCD Loop - e-mail, vm, web, etc... • Think of it this way - Friction is anything in your life that gets in the way, that snags... and makes things not work smoothly - FRICTION IS THE ARCH ENEMY TO PRODUCTIVITY AND RESULTS (MONEY AND FREEDOM)
Specific Ideas Spend a little time making your office inspiring • Something as little and inconsequential as this could make a big impact on your clarity of thought and motivation • Inspiring pictures • Clean semi-organized work area • Personal pictures • Anything that you look forward to… for me it’s a nautical clock from the virgin islands
Mindmap Your Week • What are the 3 crucial goals for this week? • What are the 3 most important accomplishments this past week? • Set up each day as a node and then input 2-3 things you want to achieve that day • Brain Dump Exercise once a qtr. personal, business
“TRAF” it... • Toss • Refer • Act • File • All Email and Paper - Tuesday Follow Up Folder
YOU or YOUR Business will NEVER be Perfect so deal with it Dan Kennedy says... “Oftentimes good is good enough”
Extra Credit Always be working on Something Big • Gets your juices Flowing • Your Business FIRST then • A book • A charity • Project • Commercial investing • An IDEA