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Investigation of using the crystalline target in channeling mode for beam collimation in the LHC

Investigation of using the crystalline target in channeling mode for beam collimation in the LHC. Igor Yazynin Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia). Acknowledgements: AB-ABP Collimation working group, collaboration UA9.

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Investigation of using the crystalline target in channeling mode for beam collimation in the LHC

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  1. Investigation of using the crystalline target in channeling mode for beam collimation in the LHC Igor Yazynin Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia) Acknowledgements: AB-ABP Collimation working group, collaboration UA9.

  2. The use of crystal (channeling effect) with optimal collimator gaps. The estimation inefficiency of beam cleaning system from any factors was considered. The possible variants of application the crystalline targets for beam cleaning in LHC were investigated. Outline

  3. Principal sketch of beam cleaning system Main collimation systems in LHC: • Betatron cleaning (IR7), (Momentum cleaning (IR3)). • 6 main radiation sources at 4 systems ( R,Z, and 2 skew). In the Pic. of angular beam distribution we can see 6 sources. With using crystalline target the distribution of scattering beam changes -> efficiency changes and defined how particles put on collimators. For decreasing losses may optimize size of gaps. The channeling fraction must be put only one absorber(collimator).

  4. Beam sizes and traces protons from crystal for two energies.

  5. Calculation inefficiency of system Collision energy E=7000 GeV, R0’=-0.023 mrad, Impact parameters dR=0.3 um • 0 - absolutely secondary collimators • 1- carbon secondary collimators (phase 1) • 2 - secondary + tertiary (W) collimators (phase 2) • First coefficient defined losses only from primary collimators • Losses from secondary collimators • Part losses catch by tertiary collimators • From table we can see that main losses at E=7T defined by particles escaping from PC.

  6. Using channeling effect at LHCin case of phase 1 1 2 Fig.1: Angular beam distribution with any orientation of crystal 1-3: 4-images of collimator edges (V=1mm/turn, E= 7TeV, R=80m) Bend angle of crystal = 50 urad for case of phase 1 (sizes of collimator gaps). Crystal stand in place of primary collimator and deflect in radial plane. Fig2.: Inefficiency versus alignment(orientation) of crystal. (E=7 TeV) • Increase efficiency of system in ~10 times • Range of good efficiency -20.5:-23.5 urad.

  7. Using channeling effect at LHCin case of some changing gaps • Beam distribution on the collimator TCSGb5 and orientation curve for channeling fraction. • Bend angle of crystal (Si110) = 30 urad, gap of collimator=2mm • Beam size at crystal Rb=1.64mm, Zb=1.23mm

  8. Choice of curve radius • 1 2 • 1 - Channeling fraction from curve radius. • 2 – Losses on the crystal, Bend angle of crystal = 30 urad. • Optimum curve radius R~ 70-90 m, length = 2.1-2.7 mm • For energy 7TeV critical radius Rcrit =11.7m, critical ang. =2.47urad

  9. Phase plane of beam on the collimator TSCb5 • 1 2 • 1 – Optimal orientation (Angle = -22 urad) (R~ 70m, length = 2.1mm). • 2 – Bad orientation (Angle = 0 urad). • Density of beam on the edge of collimator decrease in ~1000 times • Losses on the crystal = 0.25% (losses on primary collim. ~50%) • Efficiency of collimation system increase in 50-100 times

  10. Global inefficiency of system P=7TeV • Orientation curve of full proton losses in accelerator for some curve radiuses of crystal. Bend angle = 30 urad. • Minimum losses is in case R=70m, Ig=0.002%, That in ~ 50 times smaller than usual collimation.

  11. Efficiency of system P=450GeV 1 2 • 1 - Orientation curves for channeling fraction I_ch an for losses on collimator TSGb5 (R = 10m, length = 1.4 mm). • 2 - Orientation curves of global losses and losses on the crystal. • Minimum losses is in case Angle=-95urad, Ig=0.0004%, That in 100 times smaller than usual collimation.

  12. Investigation influence of crystal none perfection on the efficiency of system. • Thickness of amorphous layer, • Skew parameter (torsion) • Miscut parameter, • Twist parameter(for strip crystal), • Surface parameter, • Offset and optimal position of elements.

  13. Efficiency of ideal crystal system • Collimat. Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • Real 99.1615 0.1510 0.2580 0.00225 98.71 • Absol. 99.3768 0.0868 0.2553 0.00100 98.92 • Extraction efficiency defined Iout = Isc –I1mm will consist 99%. • At collimation system with crystal • Losses defined 2 sources: crystal and collimators. • At optimal orientation, losses from crystal consist > 40% ! • All losses definedby nuclear process: elastic and diffraction. •  ------------------------------------------------ • E=7TeV, without crystal, gaps of primary collimator = 6 sigma. Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia% I_global% 9.9533 0.4233 0.0000 0.28667 0.13000 • At collimation system with crystal losses decreased in 50 times.

  14. Influence of amorphous layer • S_amor(um) Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • 0 99.1615 0.1510 0.2580 0.00225 98.71 • 2 98.8984 0.1539 0.4671 0.003 98.41 • 10 97.5932 0.1554 1.5750 0.00625 96.91 • Losses at Sam=10um increase in ~3 times, and channeling efficiency decrease on ~2%. • By orientation curve -> may only estimate collimation efficiency. • Influence of torsion (skew) parameter • Torsion Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • 0 98.7845 0.2278 0.4208 0.00375 98.17 • 0.02 95.1690 0.5708 2.9247 0.01475 92.34 • Losses at torsion=0.02mrad/mm increase in 4 times, and channeling efficiency decrease on 6%. • orientation (Angle= - 21 urad)

  15. Influence of miscut parameter miscut(mrad) Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • 0 99.1615 0.1510 0.2580 0.0022598.71 • 1 95.1298 2.0448 0.5186 0.02088 91.89 • -1 99.1456 0.1510 0.2489 0.002 98.68 • Negative miscut angle practically don’t change efficiency of system, • Positive miscut angle = 1mrad in 9 times increase losses. !!! • That explained increasing proton density at edge of collimator • Channeling efficiency will decrease only on 7 % at badly situation of positive miscut, • At negative miscut channeling efficiency don’t change. !!! • We will use such orientation of crystal.

  16. Influence of crystal thickness • S(mm) Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • 1 99.1615 0.1510 0.2580 0.0022598.71 • 0.1 99.1525 0.1958 0.2446 0.00263 98.63 • For such big energy how in LHC may use very thin crystals 0.2-0.5 mm. • Then more energy, then smaller scattering particles on crystal.

  17. Influence of collimator’s offset (from gap of collimator TCSGb5) • Gap(mm) Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • 2.0 99.1615 0.1510 0.2580 0.0022598.71 • 1.8 97.5829 1.9366 0.4025 0.0131292.59 • Decreasing gap of collimator to 6.35 sigma -> in 6 times increase losses. !!! • It defined by particles scattering and put with small impact parameter on the collimator.

  18. Influence of PC gap size on the efficiency Gap_PC Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% 6.12 96.8994 0.1371 0.2114 0.00350 96.56 6.3 98.0480 0.1340 0.2170 0.00263 97.8 6.6 98.3978 0.1365 0.2176 0.00200 98.1 7.2 98.7761 0.1346 0.2241 0.00200 98.41 9.0 99.1615 0.1510 0.2580 0.00225 98.71 When size of gap PC > 6.4 then losses don’t change and for stable work system size of gap stand at level 6.3 – 6.5 sigma. Such if crystal destroy the usual collimation system will work.

  19. Using crystal with decreasing curvature • Optimal orientation (Angle= - 22 urad) • C Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • 0 99.1615 0.1510 0.2580 0.0022598.71 • 1 99.4557 0.0035 0.2787 0.0007597.7 • Losses decrease in 3 time, channeling efficiency decrease at 1%.

  20. Source of losses only crystal ! • Collimat. Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • carbon 99.4557 0.0035 0.2787 0.00075 97.7 • absol. 99.6804 0.0015 0.2585 0.00090 97.7 • carbon* 99.5100 0.0020 0.2679 0.00000 97.7 • All losses defined by protons go out from crystal ! • That protons created in nuclear process; elastic and diffraction. • Carbon* - case when processes nuclear elastic and diffraction in crystal off, I_glob = 0 !!! • When will use added cold collimators losses = 0.

  21. Influence of amorphous layer • S_amor(um) Iscr,% I1mm,% Icr% Ia_glob% Ich% • 0 99.4557 0.0035 0.2787 0.0007597.7 • 2 99.2055 0.0061 0.4844 0.00125 97.0 • 10 97.8460 0.0151 1.6140 0.0048795.7 • Losses at Sam=10um increase in ~5 times, and channeling efficiency decrease on ~2%. • Amorphous layer must be <= 2um

  22. Conclusion and proposals: • Using crystals in channeling mode has advantages for beam cleaning system LHC: • Efficiency increase in ~100-50 times at E = 450-7000GeV. • All none ideality of crystal treatment (amorphous layer <=2um, torsion <=0.01,miscut, twist) may increase losses in two time. • Using crystal with decreasing curvature increase collimation efficiency in 3 time. • In collimation system may use only two crystals in horizontal and vertical planes.

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