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Learning Safety in the Chemical Laboratory. . Nathan Waddle EDTC 3332.01 March 9, 2014 Instructional Technology Practicum. Design Plan Layout. Item 1. Needs Assessment. Assessment of Learning Outcomes. Learner Characteristics. Instructional Goal. Performance Objectives. Item 2.
Learning Safety in the Chemical Laboratory. Nathan Waddle EDTC 3332.01 March 9, 2014 Instructional Technology Practicum
Design Plan Layout Item 1 Needs Assessment Assessment of Learning Outcomes Learner Characteristics Instructional Goal Performance Objectives Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
Design Plan Layout Item 6 Learning Context Training Module Blueprint Formative Evaluation Instructional Strategies Instructional Resources Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10
Needs Assessment • The number one priority in a chemistry laboratory is safety. In fact, safety is important in every facet of science. • This online laboratory safety tutorial will provide students with opportunity to learn about necessary laboratory safety prior to entering a chemical laboratory and performing experiments. • Personal injury or even death are the primary reasons of ensuring safety in the lab, but there are also many other issues that unsafe labs can cause. Having unsafe labs can result in fines, damaging equipment, school property damage, environmental damage, and more
Needs Assessment • The main focus the Chemical Technology department has, is ensuring safety for the students and staff who interact in some way with our chemistry laboratories. • Every semester both new and returning students will come in and use our labs. Having an extensive training that both students and faculty can learn from will help continue to ensure safety in the laboratory.
Needs Assessment • The purpose of this project is to create a collective online training program that would allow both teachers and students to have the ability to learn, or revisit safety procedures, policies, and guidelines for safety in a chemistry laboratory.
Instructional Goal The knowledge acquired through this training will provide learners with the ability to be able to clearly identify and understand safety responsibilities as well and have the ability to carry out those responsibilities.
Performance Objectives !) Prior to performing a laboratory experiment (CN) the learner will be able to determine the proper personal protective equipment and attire needed (B) without assistance from an instructor or another learner. (CR) 2) Prior to entering a laboratory (CN) learners will be familiar with conduct rules (B) without instructor assistance. (CR) 3) Before, during, and a laboratory experiments (CN), learners will be able to identify and evaluate potential health & safety hazards (B) on their own. (CR)
Assessment of Learning Outcomes Performance objective 1 Assessment True/False Quiz • Wear safety glasses or goggles at all times while in the laboratory • Wear open-toed shoes at all times • Your basic protective equipment to work in the lab consists of, but is not limited to, safety glasses, lab coat, and protective gloves • Discuss with your instructor any other type of personal protective equipment to be used in each experiment. • It is better to wear long, loose sleeve clothing • Wear shorts or skirts in addition to your lab coat or apron. • Tie up loose, long hair to avoid it catching fire. • Wearing contact lenses is okay as long as safety glasses are worn. Prior to performing a laboratory experiment (CN) the learner will be able to determine the proper personal protective equipment and attire needed (B) without assistance from an instructor or another learner. (CR)
Assessment of Learning Outcomes Performance objective 2 Assessment Quiz T/F Multiple Choice Horseplay or practical jokes in the laboratory are A. always against the rules. B. okay. C. not dangerous. D. okay if you are working alone. • You have been injured in the laboratory (cut, burn, etc.). First you should A. visit the school nurse after class. B. see a doctor after school. C. tell the science instructor at once. D. apply first aid yourself. • Makeup can be applied in the lab during downtime. • Drinking in the lab is permissible with approved containers. • If you do not understand a direction or part of a lab procedure, you should A. figure it out as you do the lab. B. try several methods until something works. C. ask the instructor before proceeding. D. skip it and go on to the next part. Prior to entering a laboratory (CN) learners will be familiar with conduct rules (B) without instructor assistance. (CR)
Assessment of Learning Outcomes Performance objective 3 Assessment Quiz T/F Multiple Choice Quiz will consist of comprehensive questions related to material covered throughout the training. Below is a link to the to questions: http://orange.utb.edu/nwaddle1/safety lab quiz.pdf Before, during, and a laboratory experiments (CN), learners will be able to identify and evaluate potential health & safety hazards (B) on their own. (CR)
Learner Characteristics • In this instance of providing safety training for a college chemistry laboratory setting, the audience would be composed of college level students. • Their age ranges from 18-60 years old and would include both male and female students. • Learners need basic computer skills to navigate through each tutorial.
Learner Characteristics • In this instance of providing safety training for a college chemistry laboratory setting, the audience would be composed of college level students. • Their age ranges from 18-60 years old and would include both male and female students. • Learners need basic computer skills to navigate through each tutorial.
Learning Context • The instructional training will be online which can be accessed from any computer with internet access. • The students will be able to access the training on their own time from their computer. • The students also have the option to complete the training in the departments computer lab. • This training would be created by soft chalk lesson builder. The students would also be required to complete the training before they could be cleared for any type of laboratory access.
Training Module Outline • 1) Learner Outcome:a) Prior to performing a laboratory experiment the learner will be able to determine the proper personal protective equipment and attire needed, without assistance from an instructor or another learner.b) Prior to entering a laboratory learners will be familiar with conduct rules without instructor assistance.c) Before, during, and a laboratory experiments, learners will be able to identify and evaluate potential health & safety hazards on their own.
Training Module Outline Introduction: Hello, my name is Nathan Waddle and I am the Teaching Lab Assistant for the Chemical Environmental Technology department at Texas State Technical College. It may be scary to think that you could be injured in different ways working in a Chemical Laboratory. From working with fire, hazardous chemicals, and different instruments, there are many safety concerns you may have. The good thing is that all these injuries can be avoided with proper safety training. During this safety training, you will learn all the essential safety practices and guidelines so that you can enter a laboratory with the proper skills and knowledge to remain safe throughout each experience you will have in the laboratory
Training Module Outline • Objective: During this training you will use a wide variety of resources such as videos, audio, links, and assessments in order to be able to clearly identify and understand safety responsibilities as well and have the ability to carry out those responsibilities. The objectives of this training are:A. Prior to performing a laboratory experiment the learner will be able to determine the proper personal protective equipment and attire needed, without assistance from an instructor or another learner.B. Prior to entering a laboratory learners will be familiar with conduct rules without instructor assistance.C. Before, during, and a laboratory experiments, learners will be able to identify and evaluate potential health & safety hazards on their own.
Training Module Outline Course Requirements • In order to successful pass this course, you will need computer access and basic computer skills, as this is an online instruction.
Training Module Outline Course Description • The course is going to be broken down into individual topics starting with the basics of laboratory safety. Each topic is essential to safety in the laboratory. a) Stimulate recall of prior learning: Most learners will have a general idea of safety and how to stay safe and this training will build upon that prior safety knowledge.
Training Module Outline Instructional Outlinea) First learning Point: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) i) Linguistic-verbal will learn best by reading about the personal protective equipment and why they need it in the laboratory. ii) Logical-mathematical learners can learn about PPE and which is needed by learning the symbols of the NFPA diamonds. These symbols represent the safety precautions needed when handling these chemicals. iii) Visual-spatial learners will benefit from the visual pictures of the PPE.
Training Module Outline iv) Bodily-Kinesthetic learners will be able to get hands on experience in the laboratory which they can apply the learn concepts in this training. v) Interpersonal learners can benefit by going through the training as a group so that they can learn collaboratively vi) Intrapersonal learners will benefit from assessments and strategy questions throughout the training
Training Module Outline • a) Second Learning Point: Conduct Rulesi) Learners will learn the essential rules to safe conduct through readings, videos, and assessments.ii) The training will consist of learning applications that provide visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. • Time: 10 mina) Review: Prior to entering the laboratory, the learners will be provided a review sheet of the basic conduct rules in order to re-familiarize themselves with the safety rules.
Training Module Outline Evaluation: Throughout the process, they will be provided with assessments in order to determine if the learners will have a clear understanding.3) Retention and Transfer: Learners will be supervised in the laboratory to ensure they are implementing the safety skills and procedures they learned in the training.
Instructional Resources In order to successfully complete this training, Learners need the following: • Access to a working computer • Internet Access • Have direct access to training tutorial
The training module will be presented to the faculty in the Chemical Technology department for a peer review. Experienced laboratory students will also serve as test subjects who will provide feedback after reviewing the online training. Formative Evaluation
This training will focus on the introduction to essential safety guidelines and practices in order to ensure safety in the laboratory. . A wide variety of resources such as videos, audio, links, and assessments will be utilized in order to be able to clearly identify and understand safety responsibilities as well and have the ability to carry out those responsibilities Summary