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Związek Banków Polskich Polish Bank Association. Polish banking sector 2010. Some facts about Poland. Area: 312,685 sq. km 5 th largest country in EU (after F, E,S,D). Population: 38,1 3 m 6th place in EU (after D, F,UK, I, E).
Związek Banków Polskich Polish Bank Association Polish banking sector 2010
Some facts about Poland Area:312,685 sq. km 5th largest country in EU (after F, E,S,D). Population:38,13m6th place in EU (after D, F,UK, I, E). GDP total 2009: ca. 1 271 bn PLN = ca. 409 .5 bn USD GDP: +1,1% (2Q’2010) 8th Economy in the EU GDP p.c.(PPP) -ca.61% EU 27 Average ) Unemployment: 9,4%(07’10) Inflation: 2,5% (07’10)
Inflation in the years 1991-2007 Yearly price indices of consumer goods and services (%) Source: Central Statistical Office
Inflation 2004 - 2009 Source: Central Statistical Office
Real GDP growth rate (%) Source: Eurostat
Banks in Poland 2010 (I) State owned bank: 1 Bank operating as joint stock company (including 3 regional co-operative banks) 51 Branches of credit institutions: 20 Co-operative banks 576 Number of service outlets (branches and sub-branches) 14424 Number of employees: 175 000 - 88 % with university degree - average age 37
Banks in Poland 2010 (II) • own funds over PLN 97 bn (06’2010) • over 33m of banking accounts, • over 15m of customers with electronic access to accounts, • over 33 m of cards, over 742 m transactions for the amount of 172 bn PLN(07-12 2009), • over 15 800 ATMs, • over 215 000 POS
Ownership structure in Polish banking sector (06/2010) Source KNF
Share of foreign ownership in Polish banking sector by country (2008)
Banks own funds (PLNbn) Source: National Bank of Poland, KNF
Banks own funds (PLNbn) Source: National Bank of Poland, KNF
Polish banking sector assets(PLN bn ) Source National Bank of Poland
Financial results (bn PLN) Source: National Bank of Poland, KNF
ROA and ROE Source National Bank of Poland, KNF
ROA 2005-2007 Source:NBP
ROE 2005-2007 Source: NBP
Customers with internet account access Source: ZBP
Number of cards in circulation(in millions ) Source National Bank of Poland
Biuro Informacji Kredytowej SACredit InformationBureau Bad debts % Credit reports and BIKSco Source: Credit Information Bureau Source National Bank of Poland
Bank Assets to GDP Ratio 2007-2008 Source National Bank of Poland
Poland and the world crisis • No toxic foreign assets in the portofolios of Polish banks. • Large capital inflows for infrastructure projects; • Broad domestic market; • Balanced economy, moderate budget deficit
Poland and the world crisisCapital Adequacy Ratio in Polish banks %
Deposits of non-financial sectors in PLN bln Source: NBP
Unemployment 2001-2010 Source: Central Statistical Office,Eurostat
EUR/PLN exchange rate Source National Bank of Poland
Poland and the world crisisPolish export in bn EUR Polish export is responsible for ca 30% of GDP Source: Ministy of Economy,
Polish banking sector: • Modern; • Efficient; • Financially Sound; • With good perspectives for growth.
Polish Bank Association Polish Bank Association (PBA) is a self-governmentorganization of banks founded in1991. Membership in the ZBP is voluntary and open forall banks created under the Polish law as well asfor foreign credit institutionsbranches operating in the Republic of Poland. 103 Members- all of the commercial banks and largest co-operative banks.
Statutory Tasks of PBA The statutory tasks of the Association include: • Representation of members’ interest in contacts with government, parliament and general public; • HR development for the banking sector; • Support and co-ordination of the inter-bank infrastructure development including: • Payment system; • Customer scoring databases; • Absorbtion of EU structural funds.
External Co-operation • National & Local Government • Parliament • Ministries- of Finance, Economy, Interior and Administration • National Bank of Poland • Execution of governmental programmes and strategies.
Infrastructure institutions established on the PBAs` initiative • National Clearing House, • Banking Telecom Company “Telbank SA”, • Credit Information Bureau, • CERA Central European Rating Agency, currently Fitch Polska, • the Polish Financial Exchange currently included in MTS CeTO /electronic trading platform of gov and corporate bonds, • the Mediabank Publishing and Marketing Agency, • the Centre of Banking Law and Information, • the Warsaw Banking Institute Foundation
Polish Bank Association-main departments I • Economic & Regulatory Department • Legal Department • Financial Markets & Consumer Protection Department • Payment Systems& E-banking Department
Polish Bank Association-main departments II • PR Department • Banking HR Development Section • Banking Security Section (Physical Security and Frauds) • Foreign Section (inc. ICC Poland Secretariat)
Common features of all of the bodies • Substantial level of autonomy • Seperate Boards and Secretaries • Seperate budgets • Seperate liabilities • Fora of cooperation, sharing experiences, internal trainings • Think Tanks • Selfregulation
SEPA Poland • Coordinating the process of SEPA implementation and migration in Poland • Members: Banks + other stakeholders (banking technology providers, public administration, end users) • Working Groups: SEPA Credit Transfer WG, SEPA Direct Debit WG, SEPA Cards WG, SEPA Cash WG, SEPA Infrastructure WG • Forum of SEPA Managers • SEPA Forum Poland
Poland in SEPA • 25 Polish Banks in SCT Scheme • App. 60% of Eur transactions in SCT formats • Leading in the non- euro countries group
MSP MSP Program Ramowy Konkurencyjność i Innowacje 2007-2013Instrumenty finansowe dla MSP Europejski Fundusz Inwestycyjny Komisja Europejska zapewnia fundusze gwarantuje gwarantuje inwestuje Narodowy punkt kontaktowy dla rynków finansowych: Fundusz Gwaranctyjny Fundusz kapitałowy i siec Aniołów biznesu gwarantuje Bank / Fundusz pożyczkowy/ Spółka Leasingowa inwestuje kredytuje promocja, informacja, konsultacje
Future challenges • Development of country infrastructure • Improvement of banking sector image • Expansion abroad