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200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

with our 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training program. Immerse yourself in an intensive training that combines ancient yogic wisdom, practical teaching techniques, and transformative experiences. Deepen your understanding of asanas, pranayama, meditation, and yoga philosophy under the guidance of experienced instructors. Whether you aspire to become a certified yoga teacher or simply wish to deepen your practice,

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200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

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  1. 7:00AM-8:00PM MondaytoSaturday WhatsApp +917983277934 DhyanMandirAshram Rishikesh,249204   HomeAboutUsYogaTeacherTrainingDetoxificationRetreatBlogsContactUs  APPLYNOW 200HoursYogaTeacherTrainingInRishikesh HOME200HOURSYOGATEACHERTRAININGINRISHIKESH BecomeaCertifiedYogaTeacher 200HoursYogaTeacherTraining Join us on an intensive and inspiring 25 days journey inour ashram inRishikesh!Restoreyourinnerbalanceanddropinto the ‘comfortable’ self in a like-minded community with this certification yogateachertraining. Let'sTalk

  2. HathaYoga,AshtangaYoga&VinyasaYoga YogaAlliance®AccreditedCourse In the 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India students actively understand how to enable self-transformation through the various tools provided by the traditions of Yoga. By completing this intensive 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, trainees can enjoy an improvedsenseofwork-lifebalance andstarttosharetheteachingsintheiruniquewaywithothers. Join our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, and let yourself be amazed by your own potential to grow, teach, improve your life and expandyourconsciousness! 200HoursYogaTrainingCertification The 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is an empowering learning adventure in the Yoga tradition. Students will be guided and supportedby our experiencedteachers withlifelong practice in Yoga and meditation. Through their guidance the student can move with ease towards the end goal of becoming a confident and professional teacher. It is guaranteed for students to return home excited to share artful sequences that include asana, pranayama, mantra,andmeditationlinkedtoyogicwisdom. Theteacher training student will also learn to lead breathing workshops and body/emotiondetoxificationtechniques. 200HoursYogaTeacherTrainingInRishikesh Yogahasgainedalotofprominenceglobally,andit isoneofthebest waystomaintainyourphysicalandmentalwell-being. Hereyoucanget optimumguidanceandinstructionfromourexperiencedteachersandlearnin-depthaboutthehistoryandphilosophyofyoga.Youcanalsoget hands-onexperience withyogawhen youchooseus. WhychooseTrigunaYogaIndia

  3. Weofferthebest200hoursofyogateachertraininginRishikeshandcomprehensiveprograms thatareperfectforyou. Sonomatter whetheryouareabeginneroranadvancedpractitioner,youcanchooseus. haveateamofexpertinstructors whocanprovidecustomizedattentionandguidancetohelpyoudevelopagreat foundationinyogapractice. Youcanalsolearnabout theteachingmethodology.Youwilllearnaboutdifferent yogastyles,anatomy,andpranayamabesides meditation. Soifyouarekeen onlearning yogaindetail,thenyoushouldchoose our200hoursofyogateachertraininginRishikesh;youcan becomeacertifiedyogateacher orjustdevelopyourpractice. Connectwithustodayandlearn more aboutourprograms. ChooseTheBestYogaTrainingSchoolinRishikesh The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training works on theprinciplethat once a teacher is transformedthrough yoga then he/sheis more inspired to bring about a transformation in their students. In this training a yogic background, body flexibility, or even the desire to be a teacher are not necessary requirements. We welcome students ‘new’ in yoga as well as students who have practiced for a long time. According to the student’s needs and capabilities, our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program has proven to evoke understanding and transformationineachstudentinaveryuniqueway. The various classes equip the students with tools to build a healthy body, peaceful state of mind and enable a happy and easy way of living. Becoming a Yoga Teacher is a wonderful way to help others deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and all kinds of imbalances. Welcometojoinuson this wonderfulinner journeytogetherwithuniqueteachersandfriendsfromallaroundtheworld. OurLocation TrigunaYogaSchool islocatedoutsideofRishikeshtowninnature,awayfromthecitysoundsanddistractions.Ourashramissetinabiggarden sothatyoucanlearn,practice, andcontemplateinapeacefulenvironmentfullofrenewedairtobreathe.The hallsandaccommodationbuildings areallinthesamegardenandsurroundedby trees, flowers, andbutterflies.OnfreedaysoffyoucanenjoyRishikeshtown,onlyatuk-tukride away.

  4. WhatMakesusUniquein200HourYogaTeacherTraininginRishikesh? Programofthe200HourYogaTeacherTraining

  5. 200HourYogaTeacherTrainingDailySchedule

  6. WhatisIncluded? 24nightsaccommodation 3dailyhealthyvegetarianmeals Filteredwater,teaandsnacks 200hYTTCertificateofcompletion 1yogamat 2books 1notebookandapen 1netipotand1bastipot Mountainsunrisetriponafreeday Wifi PickupfromDehradunairport Foods During this 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course, you will be served three daily vegetarian yogic meals. A happy life depends on a healthy routine and a balanced diet. The food is supervised and is prepared in a yogic manner while promoting the use of seasonal vegetables and fruits and avoiding all the artificially prepared edibles. Also, in case of food allergies like dairy or gluten allergy or anything else, the cooking team willprovidedeliciousfoodsaccordingtoyourneeds.

  7. AccommodationatTrigunaYogaIndia Theaccommodationbuilding,eatingspaces(inside andoutside)andYogahallsareallsetinthebeautifulgardensoftheashram.Youwill findyourselfsurrounded bythemountainsandRiver Gangafromallsides, theperfectsetting foraYogaTeacherTraining.Bybeingin a naturalandsafeenvironmentyouhaveallthespacetoconnect to yourinner selfandlettheinner journey unfold… Dhyan MandirAshram has inside andoutside spacestopracticeYoga,eat andchillout.Thereis anoutside netcoveredYogaHall,abig whiteDom,an inside Yogaspaceandarooftop topracticeYogaAsanaduringsunrise.The buildingsare surroundedbyseveral biggarden spaceswithflowers,birds andmanytrees.ThereisfreeWifiaccess.Awashing machineisavailabletouseatanytimeforfree.Every weekyouwillgetfreshwashed bedsheets. Wehaveprivaterooms,double sharedroomsandtriplesharedrooms. Some roomshaveAC(atanextrafeeandupon request).Therooms areclean,haveawardrobe,chairsandasmalltable.Everyroomhasanattachedbathroomwith aWesterntoilet, sinkandahotshower. Bedsheets,blanketsandpillowsareprovidedforyou.Thereisahotwaterkettleintheaccommodationspacethat you canuse24/7. Upcoming 200HourYogaTeacherTraininginRishikeshDates

  8. Feelingexcitedtojoinus? ContactusformoreInformation. Welookforwardtowelcomingyou. QuickContact trigunayoga1@gmail.com&+917983277934 APPLICATIONFORM

  9. ClassesDemo QuickLinks GetInTouch LocateUs AboutUs Address DhyanMandirAshram Rishikesh,249204  OurTeachers Testimonials VideoTestimonials MailUs  trigunayoga1@gmail.com TermsandConditions PrivacyPolicy Phone  PaymentTerms +917983277934 WellnessBlogs ApplicationForm ©2023TrigunaYogaIndia.AllRights Reserved. PDFmyURL.com- convert URLs, webpages or even fullwebsites to PDF online.Easy API for developers!

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