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Alexander Gnusin

Introduction to DFT. Alexander Gnusin. Internal Scan Concept. Used to get access to all internal chip registers:. Scan inputs. Func outputs. Func inputs. Scan outputs. MuxScan: use one clock for Func and Test mode TE signal selects mode

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Alexander Gnusin

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  1. Introduction to DFT Alexander Gnusin

  2. Internal Scan Concept • Used to get access to all internal chip registers: Scan inputs Func outputs Func inputs Scan outputs

  3. MuxScan: use one clock for Func and Test mode TE signal selects mode In test mode reg-to-reg combinatorial logic is bypassed MuxScan Design TE D D TE TE D TI TI Q TI CK CK

  4. Boundary Scan Principles • Intent: Include board-level test functionality into chip-level devices • Solution: Use serial shift register wrapped around the boundary of chip • Operation Modes: • Serial Shift mode • Parallel Capture / Update mode

  5. Instruct. Reg Bypass Reg Tap Controller Misc Regs Boundary Scan Architecture Boundary registers Mode Control SOUT OUT IN TDI SIN TMS TCK TRST ClockDR UpdateDR TDO ShiftDR

  6. Tap Tap Tap Tap PCB with IEEE 1149.1 test bus TDI TMS TCK TRST TMS, TCK and TRST connected in parallel TDI , TDO - sequentially TDO

  7. Test Bus Signals • TCK – Test clock, the master clock during the boundary-scan process • TDI – Test Data Input, used to shift in Data or Instructions • TDO – Test Data Output, used to shift out Data • TMS – Test Mode Selector, used to control FSM in TAP Controller • TRST – Optional TAP Controller asynchronous reset

  8. Board and Chip Test Modes • External Test Mode – to test board interconnect: Mode Control Mode Control SOUT SOUT OUT OUT IN IN Application Logic Application Logic SIN SIN ClockDR UpdateDR ClockDR UpdateDR ShiftDR ShiftDR

  9. Board and Chip Test Modes (Cont) • Sample Test Mode: Sampling Data during normal chip operation: Mode Control Mode Control SOUT SOUT OUT OUT IN IN Application Logic SIN SIN ClockDR UpdateDR ClockDR UpdateDR ShiftDR ShiftDR

  10. Board and Chip Test Modes (Cont) • Internal Test Mode: drive chip inputs and capture chip outputs using boundary registers (Functional Isolation) Mode Control Mode Control SOUT SOUT OUT OUT IN IN Application Logic SIN SIN ClockDR UpdateDR ClockDR UpdateDR ShiftDR ShiftDR

  11. Tap Controller • FSM of Tap Controller is controlled by only one signal, TMS: Test-Logic-Reset 1 0 1 1 1 Run Test/Idle Select DR-Scan Select IR-Scan 1 0 0 Capture-DR Capture-IR 0 0 Shift-DR Shift-IR 0 0 1 1 0 0 Exit-DR Exit-IR 1 1 Update-DR Update-IR 1 1 0 0

  12. Tap Controller States • Test-Logic-Reset: Boundary Scan disabled, normal functional mode • Run Test/Idle : Internal BIST test runs • Capture-DR : Data loaded in parallel into TDR (Test Data Register) selected by current instruction (ClockDR pulse, ShiftDR = 0) • Shift-DR : Shift Data in TDR, selected by current instruction (ClockDR pulse, ShiftDR = 1) • Update-DR : Update data on the output of TDR, selected by current instruction (UpdateDR pulse) Mode Control SOUT OUT IN SIN ClockDR UpdateDR ShiftDR

  13. TAP Controller Instructions • Bypass: to bypass current chip, when targeting the other one • Highz: turns all device output off and inserts the bypass register between TDI and TDO. • Clamp: the contents of the boundary register control the state of output pins while the bypass register is connected between TDI and TDO • Extest : to test circuitry external to the chip (board interconnect) • Sample: sample data on IO Pads into the boundary register • Intest: To apply a test vector to the chip via boundary-scan path and capture logic response • RunBIST: Allows self-test execution on the chip

  14. Built-in Self-Test (BIST) BIST - Capability of a circuit to test itself Test Pattern Generation Types: • Exhaustive Testing (for n inputs, 2n tests) • Pseudorandom Testing (weighted Test Generation) • Pseudoexhaustive Testing (divide by logic cones and test them in parallel, but each one exhaustively) • Pseudo Random Pattern Generator (PRPG)– multioutput device that generates pseudorandom output patterns (based on LFSR, Linear Feedback Shift Register) • Multiple-Input Signature Register (MISR) – multi-input device that compresses a series of input patterns into unique signature

  15. Weighted PRPG • PRPG: produces pseudorandom data without replacement (all vectors are unique). • Constant-Weight PRPG: probability to get “1” for each output is constant (Example : equal number of “1” and “0” in each word => weight = 0.5) • PRPG can adjust weights adding combinatorial logic to the outputs: 0.25 0.75 0.5 Clk Clk

  16. Generic LBIST Architecture • First, PRPG issues N pseudorandom tests, where N – maximal internal scan chain length. • Second, series of Functional Clock pulses is issued • for DC test, the same test clock as for PRPG is used • For AC test, functional clock must be provided with real frequency • Third, changed data is shifted to MISR and compressed signature is created (using the same N number of test clocks) LBIST Controller PRPG Clk Te Func outputs Func inputs Test (N clocks) Func Test (N clocks) Signature MISR

  17. LBIST Design Issues • In order to produce constant signature, we need to remove all X – sources from design: • Assign constant logic value to all Primary Inputs • Isolate memories (or all elements without scan chains) • Isolate PLLs • LBIST can be initiated and signature can be read out using user-defined instructions of TAP controller • Long simulation times to produce signature – use of cycle-based simulator

  18. TPI – Test Points Insertion Two type of test points : • Control Points (CP) are Primary Inputs or Scannable Register Outputs to enhance controlability • Observation Points (OP) are Primary Outputs or Scannable Register Inputs to enhance observability Problem: G not controlable G G’ C1 C1 C1 C1 G cp1 cp2 Problem: G not observable C1 G G C1 C1 C1 D

  19. Scannable Register Insertion Observation Point: Control Point: To TI of next register only TE TE OP CP D=0 D TI TI CK CK

  20. Memory BIST • Embedded Memories use non-scannable registers – how to test them? • Getting access to all memory pins from PI and PO is expensive… • Better solution – add Memory BIST Controller to generate Test Patterns and to observe Test Responses from memory • Two ways to add controller : • Separate for each memory array (encapsulation) - less wires, more area • Shared for the number of memory arrays - less area, but much more wires • Memory Test is initiated using TAP Controller Test In … RAM … Din RAM … Dout MBIST Test Out

  21. Logic Vision Memory BIST • Logic Vision solution: reducing the number of SRAM test vectors to one: Parallel Test Vectors: Sequential Test Vectors:

  22. Pin Sharing • More internal scan chains for faster testing – more test Iopads • Internal Test Scan Input/Output pads are disconnected on the board • The pads number in the chip is limited. • Solution: Share Functional and Test pins Mode Control Mode Control SOUT SOUT OUT OUT IN IN SIN SIN ClockDR UpdateDR ClockDR UpdateDR Test Mode ShiftDR ShiftDR Scan Out

  23. JTAG for functional debugging Allscan: • “Freeze” the chip and get access to ALL registers data • Modify Some registers data and and continue in functional mode Implementation: • Serial connection of all Internal Scan chains between TDI and TDO • Test Clock is produces from JTAG clock (TCK) • Clocks Control – no clock glitches when “freezing” the chip SI Core Logic SO Func Clock JTAG Clock Allscan Result Clock TDI TDO Glitch, can destroy data in registers

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