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St. Joan of Arc Catholic School. Parent Information Evening Community Vote on School Uniforms. Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the school gym . Our Purpose Tonight……. To review recent changes to the Board’s Policy II-41, School Uniform Dress Code/School Dress Code.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic School Parent Information EveningCommunity Vote on School Uniforms Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the school gym
Our Purpose Tonight…… • To review recent changes to the Board’s Policy II-41, School Uniform Dress Code/School Dress Code. • To offer an overview of the benefits of a school uniform. • To provide you with information related to the community voting process. • To answer any questions you may have with respect to the school uniform.
Background • School Uniform Pilot • Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School, Milton;and St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary School, Burlington • Policy II-41, School Uniform Dress Code/ School Dress Code • Approved by the Board of Trustees in April, 2009 • Subsequently, 4 elementary schools adopted a school uniform. • School Uniform Ad Hoc Committee • Established by the Board of Trustees in February, 2012 • Amendment to Policy II-41 • Approved by the Board of Trustees on February 19, 2013
Basic Principles of the Amended School Uniform Policy • The Board is committed to providing a learning and working environment that is safeand respectful of the needs and well-being of all individuals, and believes that a school uniform dress code supports such environments. • The Board endorses and encourages the adoption of a school uniform dress code in our elementary schools, consistent with the values, traditions and distinctiveness of Catholic schools as an effective strategy to build inclusive Catholic communities and encourage a sense of belonging for all students. • The Board affirms a role for parents to determine, through democratic vote conducted in accordance with this policy, whether or not to adopt and implement a school uniform dress code for elementary school communities.
Procedural Requirements to Comply with the Policy • A simple majority vote (50% + 1) is required for a community to adopt a school uniform. • Community votes are scheduled later in the school year.Every family with children confirmed as pre-registered for the next school year is eligible to vote. • If the youngest child in the family is in grade 7 or 8, a family would not be eligible to participate in the vote. • In the first year of implementation, grade 8 students will not be required to wear the uniform. • Each school community must vote on school uniforms at least once. The uniform vote may be revisited on a three year cycle. Schools that have never held a school uniform vote, must hold a vote this year.
Why a School Uniform? • Safe Schools • Equitable & Inclusive Learning Environments • Distinctive Identity as Catholic Schools
Safe Schools • Students wearing a school uniform are easily identified as belonging in the school; conversely, those not in a uniform are more easily noticed or detected. • A school uniform creates an environment conducive to a safer school. • Anecdotally, schools that have implemented a uniform report a positive impact on the overall tone and climate of the school.
Equitable & Inclusive Learning Environments • A school uniform encourages a sense of pride and belonging for all students. • A school uniform fosters equality, minimizes peer pressure, and has a leveling effect on socio-economic status within school communities. • A school uniform simplifies the morning routine and alleviates child/parent conflicts or differences of opinion around dress.
Distinctive Identity as Catholic Schools • A school uniform conveys a distinctiveness that is often associated with Catholic schools around the world. • A school uniform would distinguish our students from students in the public school system. • The implementation of a school uniform dress code in elementary schools is consistent with the school uniform dress code already in place in each of the Board’s secondary schools, and would offer a sense of identity across all schools in the Board.
Required to Vote • Each school community must vote on school uniforms at least once. • Schools that have never held a school uniform vote, are expected to hold a vote this year. • Our school is eligible to revisit the vote due to three year cycle.
School Dress Code Committee • Our Catholic School Council met on November 12, 2014, and established a School Dress Code Committee. • The St. Joan of Arc School Dress Code Committee consists of: • Wendy Carter • Cynthia Gizcey • Domenica Heatherington • Carla Horst • John Susi • Cathy Choma
School Uniform Action Plan • In accordance with the policy, our School Uniform Dress Code Committee developed a School Uniform Action Plan, which outlines the following: • A Parent Information Evening (tonight’s meeting) – to provide parents with the details related to the amended policy, and the community vote. • Notice of Voting Period – ballots will be sent home on February 19, and are due back March 5, 2014. • Results of the Vote – will be communicated to parents on March 6, 2014 via email.
Voting Eligibility • In accordance with the policy, • Every registered family with children in JK-6 of the current school year is eligible to vote, and receives one (1) ballot. • Every family with children confirmed as pre-registered for the next school year in the JKor SK programs, is eligible to vote, and receives one (1) ballot. • Families whose youngest child is in Grade 7 or 8 in the current year are not eligible to vote.
School Uniform Voting Ballot • On February 19 each family will receive one (1) paper ballot, in accordance with the eligibility requirements noted earlier. It will be sent home in an envelop labelled with the family name. • Each ballot will be numbered. • The parent/guardian must indicate their choice on the ballot by marking the appropriate box with an “X”. • The ballot must be signed, and returned to your child’s teacher by March 5.
What does the uniform look like? • All elementary school uniforms must consist of a combination of navy blue and white. • Individual schools may choose to add one additional colour to reflect the school’s colour/logo. • Individual schools may wish to add their school logo. • While the advice would be to keep it simple, especially during the first year of implementation, individual schools may supplement the base uniform with additional items of apparel (e.g. sweater, vest, etc.)
Who is the uniform provider? • The selection of the uniform provider is determined through an RFP Process, on the basis of a number of factors, including: • affordability • quality • manufactured in accordance with Board Policy I-31, Apparel Purchases and Fair Labour Practices • accessible and convenient for families • The Board’s current provider is: • R. J. McCarthy School Uniforms • Carlos Rios, Senior Account Executive • 531 North Service Rd E. • Oakville, ON L6H 1A5 • 416-593-6900 • 1-800-668-8261 • www.rjmccarthy.com
Uniform Assistance Program • No student will be denied access to school as a result of financial limitations that may inhibit a family’s ability to purchase the uniform. • As a component of the school’s arrangement with McCarthy’s, we will fully subsidize the cost of a uniform for families where the cost of the school uniform would put a financial strain on the family household. • Arrangements for assistance are made through the Principal, and are kept confidential and discreet.
Next Steps • February - March 2014 • The vote will take place between February 19 and March 5. • You will be advised of the outcome of the vote by March 6, 2014 • Should the decision of your school community be to adopt a uniform for next year: • By May 31, 2014 the Uniform Committee will: • Determine items for the uniform and communicate options to the school community • Determine a logo • By August 1, 2014 • Uniforms will be available for ordering (online ordering, in store, mobile store optional)