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C urrent status of judicial interpretation and translation in Slovakia and steps to be taken concerning the transposition of the EU Directive on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. Barbora Kovacikova Division of Experts , Interpreters and Translators ,
Current status of judicial interpretation and translation in Slovakia and steps to be taken concerning the transposition of the EU Directive on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings Barbora Kovacikova DivisionofExperts, Interpreters and Translators, MinistryofJusticeofthe Slovak Republic TRAFUT TrainingfortheFutureWorkshop - Antwerp, 19.10.2012
Keypoints conformity of Act No. 382/2004 Coll. with the EU Directive on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings Register of Experts, Translators, and Interpreters legal preconditions for registration in the Register amendment to Act No. 382/2004 Coll. and de lege ferenda point of view
TranspositionoftheEU Directive on theright to interpretation and translation in criminalproceedings GovernmentResolution No. 182/2011, 9th March 2011 – trasposition to bemade by May 2013 (e.g. amendment to theCodeofCriminalProcedureetc.) transposition to becompleted in thenationallevel by 15th July 2013
Conformityaccording to Qualityoftheinterpretation and translation stipulated in article 2 para. 8 and article 3 para. 9 Article 5 para. 1 concrete measures – legal preconditions for being registered in the Register para. 2 establishment of the Register or registers of independent translators and interpreters – since 2004 para. 3 – confidentiality – para. 13 of Act No. 382/2004 Coll.
Cost of interpretation and translation disbursed by the Slovak Republic Total amount: 2 539 444 EUR* *according to the statistics of the Ministry of the Interior
Concept of interpreter and translator natural(or legal) person empowered by the state to performactivities in accordancewithAct No. 382/2004 Coll. whois: registered in the Register ofExperts, Translators, and Interpreters notregistered in the Register, whenappointed in accordancewith par. 15 ofAct No. 382/2004 Coll., theso-called„ad hoc“ interpreter and translator
Register of Experts, Translators, and Interpreters since 2004 administrated by the Ministry of Justice in the electronic form available on the web site (jaspi.justice.gov.sk) search by - registered persons, fields of expertise or languages; deleted persons also available data registered in the Register are publicly available free of charge
51 domainsofexpertisewithaproximately 270 specialisations and 49 languages Experts: 2789 Interpreters: 244 Translators: 829 formerly administered by 8 regional courts
Legal preconditions for registration in the Register natural or legal person fulfiling legaly defined preconditions has a legal right to be registered in the Register the Ministry of Justice registers a natural person within 60 days from receiving a written application, if:
full cappability of legal action • integrity – the one who has not been convicted • erudition in the field – education acquired in the domain to be registered in the Register • completion of the basic legal competence of interpreter or/and translator connected with the performance of (legal) interpreting and/or translating,
practice in the field – the domain to be registered in the Register at least 5 years (experts - 7 years) • exam in the field/domain to be registered in the Register proving the interpreter´s or the translator´s competence, • material equipment sufficient for the performance of the interpreter and/or translator • swear an oath of the interpreter and translator
Amendment to Act No. 382/2004 Coll. – Interpreters and Translators whoshouldbe a legal interpreter or translator (education, practise, skills) in order to maintainhighqualityofperformance considerationofobligatoryeducation in thefieldoflegalinterpreting and translatingto acquiredspecializedskillsas a precondition to registration interpreter and translatorasan expert in thefieldofinterpreting and translating
verification of the interpreter´s and translator´s erudition in the field (on the basis of written traslations etc.) every 5 years/after legitimate complaint
Thankyouforyourattention. barbora.kovacikova@justice.sk