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独家. 一对一. 提分. 高分的秘笈在于独家 独家教材 3 个月升级一次, 独家小马机经中标全国最高,独家全日制模式学练合一,独家分析模式找到重点问题。. 业内独家真正的一对一 为你量身定做的全天学习计划,老师和督导全天学习服务体验,知识、能力甚至是习惯的重塑,定期的模考,分析学习漏洞。. 时间短 提分明显 整体提分率 100% , 1 个月提分辅导最高 50 分, 90% 学生 1 个月提分超过 20% , 100 分以上学员占比 15% 。. 6.8 机情一夜之听力篇. By 周思羽 zhousiyu@xiaoma.com. Contact Us
独家 一对一 提分 高分的秘笈在于独家独家教材3个月升级一次,独家小马机经中标全国最高,独家全日制模式学练合一,独家分析模式找到重点问题。 业内独家真正的一对一 为你量身定做的全天学习计划,老师和督导全天学习服务体验,知识、能力甚至是习惯的重塑,定期的模考,分析学习漏洞。 时间短 提分明显整体提分率100%,1个月提分辅导最高50分,90%学生1个月提分超过20%,100分以上学员占比15%。 6.8机情一夜之听力篇 By 周思羽 zhousiyu@xiaoma.com Contact Us 小马过河官方网站:http://www.xiaoma.com
5 11托福考试新旧题情况 乱拼+新题 听力: 其中一篇讲座 重复2009.1.23NA 其余为新题 口语: Task1 重复2010年2月13日NA Task 2和Task 3 重复2011年8月20 NA Task 4和Task 5 重复2009年10月17日NA Task 6 重复2011年12月2日NA 写作: 综合写作: 重复 2010.7.23NA 独立写作: 重复 2009.11.22ML
5-11新题走向 conversation: 1)Research + on-campus job 2)Literature club Lecture: 1)Biology fishTPO18 L4 2)Art materials 3)government + solar energy TPO12 +TPO25L1
5 18托福听力考试机经回忆 Conversation 1 考古学教授答应帮学生的Graduate School Application写推荐信,但是学生查邮箱没有收到,下周立马有一所学校申请截止,所以焦急的找assistant问详情。这位教授期末有书稿截止、并且安排去澳大利亚沙漠实地研究,虽然她一贯行事缜密(on top of everything),但这件事确实疏忽了。Assistant答应给教授邮件联系,确保推荐信不耽误之后的学校,且建议学生另找其他教授,以防万一。 Conversation 2 学生过来跟教授讨论关于short paper和long paper两个的内容把握,关Benjamin Franklin这个多才多艺的人物,到底细节添加把握到什么程度。教授建议,小论文,可以注重到富兰克林和Post Office的渊源;大论文可以扩宽内容,比如电力等其他方面的贡献。
Lecture 1 Astronomy 讲Saturn的一个planet,重点讲述其可能有有机生命体存在,证据如下: Unlike other planets with craters all over its surface, the surface of this planet is crater free, which indicates internal activities. Its southern polar has those cracks referred to by scientists as the “tiger stripes”. This region lets out vents of vapor and is high in temperature. There are several explanations for the high temperature. The first being radioactive elements emitting the heat causing it to remain warm, but considering the size of this planet, it could not have contained enough radioactive materials within to sustain the high temperature. The second being the gravitational pull and the force from the planet creates the friction, but according to calculation, it is still not quite enough, still 5% off. 符合天文学高频场景规律
Lecture 2 Art History Andy Warhol—— The artist that challenges the authenticity of art. Unlike other artists who work in studios, he creates painting in factories mainly using silk-screening to mass produce many pages of the same paintings. The argument lies in, if his factory workers make the paintings, and Warhol only signed them as the last procedure, is it really him that created the painting? Student 1: Like teachers leave painting assignments in class, every students hand in pieces of flowers, the teachers cannot sign the copy can call it his own. Student 2: Like Renaissance workshop, apprentices do part of the work according to the artists instruction, the artist signed the painting. It is still legitimate for Warhol to be the owner of those art, because he contributes the notion. Professor: It is worth discussion, and remains to be seen 符合艺术家高频场景规律
Lecture 3 Female Mule Deer respond to fawn’s cry even though the fawn is not her own, for its cause there are several explanations: Recognizable error, the mule deer cannot tell the difference between the cry of her own fawn and other fawn. Not likely. Experiment: when a female mule deer’s fawn is right in from her, when she hears the cry in the microphone, she will also rush there immediately; Bedded Fawn Theory, because their fawn is lying in the burrow, so they are concerned when they hear the cry.Nottrue.The deer with bedded fawn and the deer with active fawn (fawn standing outside) reacted the same when hearing cry, no difference in intensity. Reciprocal altruism, expecting other mule deer would do the same for their fawn. TPO24 L1 crocodiles Lecture 4 Impulse Buying economics 新宠
5-26听力考试回忆 Conversation1 男生找老师,老师问他今天上课听懂没?男生说他报communication的时候没想到会讨论古罗马演讲家,并且说不同意此演讲家的观点“要做好人才能当演讲家”。老师说对的,这是我们下节课要讲的内容。古希腊有学校培养演讲家,不讲moral内容,只教怎么去persuade别人,有时候自己都不知道自己讲的是什么。然后男生说今天来其实是想请你帮我的internship写推荐信,老师说好啊,但是我才教了你半个学期,不太了解你。学生说我写了个personal essay,老师说好吧那我帮你看看,可以了解你顺便帮你改改essay。 Conversation 2 女生希望director能同意让她妹妹来住宿舍,因为想让妹妹感受下大学的气氛,来决定是否要申请本校。Director本来不同意,但是听说要申请本校就改口同意了,并问女生是否要参加一个介绍学校的program。
Lecture 2 生物学讲座,老师说蝙蝠都会冬眠,一般每一两周就会有自然醒现象出现。但是最近美国的一些蝙蝠醒来的会更频繁,这非常不好因为蝙蝠容易饿死。原因可能是蝙蝠染上了一种白色的真菌fungus,但是欧洲也有长这种真菌的蝙蝠却没被饿死,所以怀疑可能是美国的真菌变异了。还有种看法是有可能真菌并不是直接致死原因,有可能是因为有东西影响到了他们的免疫系统。本来蝙蝠有种物质chitin,应该是夏天不能消化,冬天胃里产生酶来消化,但是在冬天死去的蝙蝠体内还有很多chitin,证明消化这里出了问题,影响了energy,导致蝙蝠冬天的死亡。 最后说人类可以帮助他们,比如在洞里放取暖设备,但是本来蝙蝠也是可以自救的。TPO16海狸 Lecture 3 艺术史讲座,拉斯科洞穴画,说怎么样定义画的时间,一个是absolutely 时间还有就是relative时间。人们可以根据洞内的化石以及当时作画的颜料进行科学测量分析,计算出画存在的时间。还有就是可以根据洞穴里的画,有些画是重叠在另一幅画之上的,意味着下面那幅画相对来说时间更早一些,成为relative time。但是随着拉斯科动画旅游业的开放,旅客参观践踏了洞里面的土地给后期的研究带了很大障碍,也许拉斯科画有很神秘的宗教意义,但是一切都已无从考证了。 TPO17 L1
Lecture 4 考古学讲座,白垩纪时期很多动物灭绝了,最有名的是恐龙。当时的气候是地球最热的时期因为CO2很多,。但是有人提出当时可能也有冷的时候,通过贝壳发现氧18当时含量很高,所以推断当时冰覆盖到了赤道附近(可能),还有个人是因为某个断定当时有冷的时期。最后教授说现在的气候和过去的气候不一样,所以不能简单地下结论。 灭绝类: TPO22L3 mass extinction TPO23 L3 Explanations for the disappearance of large animals
回顾过去: 2013年托福听力考试比例 Art 10次 Biology 9次 Astronomy 2次 Business 2次
艺术类获得新宠地位 经济类文章崛起 天文话题相对减少(相对不是绝对) TPO的实用性变的更强 新规律慢慢浮出水面
Society: relevant to this time • Rite time • nationalism popular/dominant style not a fan of change this How? Go to different places Artist: unusual style(pioneer of a new style) Comparison: emphasize “The artist” • Life story: • Background • encourage/ inspire e.g. importance/uniqueness/significance
Economics/business/City Planning TPO6 L1 boom and bust TPO11 L4How to use advertising successfully TPO12 L2 A method for business to learn about the needs of their customers TPO13L1 Pedestrian mall
听力机经使用方法以及解读 Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
1.重点看话题,了解相关背景知识 2.了解文章结构走向,预测性逻辑 3.重点记忆细节信息,牢记考生回忆的考点,到考场上重点听。 4.补充相关话题高频词汇,看中文查英文!可参考维基里德 Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
平时喜欢当舍管Resident assistant RA 暑假偶尔去实习internship 为了前途啥都干 volunteer/resume/major/job “农民工讨薪”很捉急 payroll system 图书馆借书分”三步” put on reserve? Printed version? Electronic version? 延期还书”不同意” policy 宿舍总是坏东西Maintenance 音乐主题最给力 music theme
没事打打911 emergency call 吃饭不选最便宜 Meal plan 论文永远要精简Narrow down your research 教授时常得鼓励Expert earn extra credit 毕业需填毕业表 grad form “公平”至上都满意 requirement change/career fair/newspaper 学生跪求推荐信 Recommendation letter 死皮赖脸上“高级” advanced course 搞钱也得做教研Program funding/financial aid officer 学校生活真不易academic
STU PROF 三种:195, 95和另外一种。 Cheapest! NO! for 3rd yr, 4th yr student only! 咨询Meal plan有哪些价位。 (目的主旨: Why does the student go to see the employee?) Why? 高年级不住校 Suggestion:利用学校的facility 为什么父母选择195? 宁愿吃不完也不要不够吃 还剩下很多钱怎么办? 请客! No! Policy! 大家都有很多钱吃不完。 能不能把钱退出来,或者挪到下学期用。 恼火!为什么啊? 同情,可以去找our boss? Not now, maybe next term!
Isadora Duncan推荐听写TPO24 L2 、 Now, a pioneerof modern dance was Isadora Duncan, who was born in 1878. Isadora Duncan did study ballet briefly as a child, but she quickly developed her own unique style, which she called free dance.
Golden ratio The golden ratio is also called the golden section or golden mean. Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
Painting Architecture Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
建筑艺术 黄金分割被认为是建筑和艺术中最理想的比例。建筑师们对数字0.618特别偏爱,无论是古埃及的金字塔,还是巴黎的圣母院,或者是近世纪的法国埃菲尔铁塔,都有与0.618有关的数据。黄金分割与大多数门窗的宽长之比也是0.618;还有,在古希腊神庙的设计中就用到了黄金分割。 艺术创作 黄金矩形(Golden Rectangle)的长宽之比为黄金分割率,换言之,矩形的长边为短边 1.618倍。黄金分割率和黄金矩形能够给画面带来美感,令人愉悦。在很多艺术品以及大自然中都能找到它。希腊雅典的巴特农神庙就是一个很好的例子,达·芬奇的《维特鲁威人》符合黄金矩形。《蒙娜丽莎》中蒙娜丽莎的脸也符合黄金矩形,《最后的晚餐》同样也应用了该比例布局。 Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
牛顿真是一个伟大的哥们(包含所有和光有关系的话题)牛顿真是一个伟大的哥们(包含所有和光有关系的话题) 1)牛顿对文学的影响 James Thomson—“four seasons” 机经解读:光的色散理论(Dispersion of light ) 光的粒子 2)宇宙中难观测的星体 机经解读:某种星体,类似planet但又具备不同的nature讲解构成:dust,gas(推荐做陨石听写TPO13-L4) 如何观测研究:optical radiation-spectrum(推荐听写光谱TPO3-L4)
Brown dwarf 褐矮星 Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
褐矮星brown dwarf,褐矮星是构成类似恒星,但质量不够大,不足以在核心点燃聚变反应的气态天体。其质量在恒星与行星之间。褐矮星是处于最小恒星与最大行星之间大小的天体,由于这一原因褐矮星非常暗淡,要发现它们十分复杂,因此要确定它们的大小就更加复杂。 褐矮星被称为“失败的恒星”,它由于质量不足无法成为燃烧的恒星,但其质量仍远大于太阳系最大的行星木星。尽管褐矮星的光谱存在着复杂性,但是化学组成仍然是可以被识别出来的,而且也可以用来对褐矮星进行分类。 star(恒星) / planet(行星) / dwarf(矮行星) / mass(质量) spectrum(光谱) / hydrogen fusion(氢聚变) Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
Carbonado[ˌkɑrbəˈnedo] 黑钻石/黑金刚石产地以及来源争议 Black Diamond Natural polycrystalline diamond found in alluvial deposits in the Central African Republic 中非共和国and Brazil巴西. Its natural colour is black or dark grey, and it is more porous than other diamonds. Mineral grains included within diamonds have been studied extensively for clues to diamond origin. Some typical diamonds contain inclusions of common mantle minerals地幔矿物 such as pyrope and forsterite, but such mantle minerals have not been observed in carbonado. In contrast, some carbonados do contain inclusions of minerals characteristic of the Earth’s crust: these inclusions do not necessarily establish formation of the diamonds in the crust, however, because these obvious crustal inclusions occur in the pores that are common in carbonados. These inclusions within pores may have been introduced after carbonado formation. Inclusions of other minerals, rare or nearly absent in the Earth’s crust, are found at least partly incorporated in diamond, not just in pores: among such other minerals are those with compositions of Si, SiC, and Fe‑Ni. No distinctive high-pressure minerals, including the hexagonal carbon polymorph, lonsdaleite, have been found as inclusions in carbonados, although such inclusions might be expected if carbonados formed by meteorite impact.
黑钻石形成假说(hypothesis) The origin of carbonados is controversial. Some proposed hypotheses are as follows: 1.Direct conversion of organic carbon under high-pressure conditions in the Earth‘s interior, the most common hypothesis for diamond formation地球内部高压 2.Shock metamorphism induced by meteoritic impact at the Earth‘s surface陨石震动变质 3.Radiation-induced diamond formation by spontaneous fission of uranium and thorium铀元素钍元素辐射 4. Formation inside an earlier-generation giant star in our area, that long ago exploded in a supernova. 超新星爆炸 5.An origin in interstellar space, due to the impact of an asteroid, rather than being thrown from within an exploding star.小行星 None of these hypotheses for carbonados formation had come into wide acceptance in the scientific literature by 2008
微生物:bacteria 河狸:beaver 鲸鱼:whale • extinction:恐龙dinosaur • 猛犸象 Mammoth • 年代感 living fossils
细菌(bacteria) 机经解读:细菌看似简单,但是却很牛叉。 survive in extreme conditions Bacteria can convert hydrogen sulfide美 ['sʌlfaɪd]硫化氢to nutrition 正常生长所需要的营养物质包括氮,硫,磷,维生素和金属元素,例如钠,钾,钙,镁,铁,锌和钴。 俄勒冈州的熔岩管。科学家在高海拔山脉的冰冷熔岩管内发现细菌。这种细菌生活在冰冷且含氧量较低的环境下,以铁为食,而不是正常食物 推荐听写TPO15 L4!!
真菌,霉菌(fungus美 ['fʌŋɡəs]) a member of a large group of eukaryotic美[uːkeəri‘ːɒtɪk] organisms真核生物that includes microorganisms 美 [mɪk’rɔːɡənɪzəmz]微生物such as yeasts and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms. 真菌铀污染 Uranium美 [ju‘reɪniəm]铀元素pollution from high-tech armor and munitions is one of the dangerous legacies of the wars in the Balkans and Iraq. But a naturally occurring fungus might help combat the spread of that pollution into local ecosystems. The fungus transforms the uranium into a stable form that shouldn't work its way into the food chain, a new study shows. The findings potentially could help engineers isolate the toxic metal until better ways of cleaning up all but the most heavily contaminated sites can be developed. anti penicillin抗青霉素--fungus act like a filter
Keystone species 推荐听写TPO13L2 a species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance. Such species play a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological community, affecting many other organisms in an ecosystem and helping to determine the types and numbers of various other species in the community.Interrelationship相互关系Interdependent互相依赖的,互相依存的 Beaver: 1)Live in streams and lakes Rely on trees 2) living fossils 3)Build dams 4) keystone species
Eg. Beavers build dams to slow down the flow of the stream form wetland 1)support a lot more variety of life Eg. fish or insects species rely on those species Eg. bird or mammals 2)ground water
灭绝类: TPO22L3 mass extinction TPO23 L3 Explanations for the disappearance of large animals
Gecko壁虎[ˈɡekəu] Geckos are lizards belonging to the infraorderGekkota, found in warm climates throughout the world. Most geckos cannot blink. They have a fixed lens within each iris that enlarges in darkness. 介绍壁虎如何能爬墙? The toes of the gecko have a special adaptation that allows them to adhere to most surfaces without the use of liquids or surface tension. 疑似always wrong考点: 曾经错误想法:A recent discovery shows that geckos have a special secretial gland that allows them to absorb and excrete liquid分泌液体to allow for maximum adherence to surfaces. One study suggested that capillary adhesion毛细粘附might play a role, but that hypothesis has been rejected by more recent research. 现在正确想法: van der Waals interaction分子引力no fluids木有液体!
What actually is true。。。 Use of small van der Waals attraction force requires very large surface areas: every square millimeter of a gecko's footpad contains about 14,000 hair-like setae. Each seta has a diameter of 5 micrometers. Human hair varies from 18 to 180 micrometers, so a human hair could hold between 3 and 36 setae. Each seta is in turn tipped with between 100 and 1,000 spatulae. Each spatula is 0.2 micrometer long (one five-millionth of a meter), or just below the wavelength of visible light.
壁虎仿生学application/应用举例子 蜘蛛侠手套”通过塑料聚丙烯纤维制成,能够模拟壁虎的脚。每一根纤维只有15至20微米长,直径小至0.6微米
Nepenthes[neˈpenθi:z] 猪笼草 Contact Us www.xiaoma.com /400-0123-268 或 400-0123267
The trap contains a fluid of the plant's own production, which may be watery or syrupy, and is used to drown the prey. Research has shown this fluid contains viscoelastic biopolymers that may be crucial to the retention of insects within the traps of many species. The trapping efficiency of this fluid remains high, even when significantly diluted by water, as inevitably happens in wet conditions.The trap contains a fluid of the plant's own production, which may be watery or syrupy, and is used to drown the prey. Research has shown this fluid contains viscoelastic biopolymers that may be crucial to the retention of insects within the traps of many species. The trapping efficiency of this fluid remains high, even when significantly diluted by water, as inevitably happens in wet conditions.
心理学—infant美[ˌpriː‘vɜːbl] [’ɪnfənt] ) 婴儿:一个完美的白痴 Stages of Cognitive Development认知发展过程 疑似文章架构:认知发展概念+定义+发明者 4阶段概念描述分层 举例子/多为实验 结尾态度(也许包括这个概念的弊端和不适应性或者教授对这个概念 的态度)
Jean Piaget 皮亚杰 Stages of Cognitive Development The Sensorimotor Stage感知运动阶段: A period of time between birth and age two during which an infant's knowledge of the world is limited to his or her sensory perceptions and motor activities. Behaviors are limited to simple motor responses caused by sensory stimuli. 例子:球滚下床看不见的就是不存在的The Preoperational Stage前运算: A period between ages two and six during which a child learns to use language. During this stage, children do not yet understand concrete logic, cannot mentally manipulate information and are unable to take the point of view of other people. 例子:cup水杯实验/coins实验蒙上眼睛一切就不存在The Concrete Operational Stage具体运算阶段: A period between ages seven and eleven during which children gain a better understanding of mental operations. Children begin thinking logically about concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts. 概念:conservationThe Formal Operational Stage形式运算阶段: A period between age twelve to adulthood when people develop the ability to think about abstract concepts. Skills such as logical thought, deductive reasoning and systematic planning also emerge during this stage.