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This web-based programme in N.E. Lincolnshire provides comprehensive career guidance for learners aged 11-19, focusing on vocational paths while also addressing personal and educational aspects. Structured sessions cater to different key stages, aiding students in making informed decisions about their future career pathways. The programme emphasizes career exploration, self-development, and effective decision-making to empower students in their educational journey.
Introduction • This programme is a resource for all learners aged 11-19 in North East Lincolnshire and those who guide and support them • It is web based and can be freely accessed anywhere • Making informed choices about learning pathways and selecting ‘best chance of success routes’ is of great benefit to learners and the communities they live in
GUIDANCE:definition and terminology ..those processes by whicha person is empowered to become self and socially aware, conversant with opportunities that life presents and skilled to take and manage decisions and transitions.
Aspects of Guidance • Guiding learners is the responsibility of all who lead and support their learning • Learners needs for guidance can be categorised as personal, educational and vocational • This programme has its focus on ‘vocational /career guidance’ however it is important to see the linkage with other aspects
ASPECTS OF GUIDANCE 1: Personal For example:Health issues, Relationships in families, Relationships with other learners and other adults, and other groups, Emotional and behavioural difficulties, Questioning of beliefs and values, ...those issues of a personal, individual, family and social nature
ASPECTS OF GUIDANCE 2: Vocational For example:What are my skills and talents? What jobs/careers are linked to my skills and talents? What job/career opportunities are there locally, regionally..? What pathway is best at 13/14, 16/17 and 19+ to develop my skills and talents to get where I want to be? What else will I need to succeed at each stage? …those issues arising in seeking a career/vocational role
ASPECTS OF GUIDANCE 3: Educational For example: How am I progressing in my learning? Do I have any learning difficulties of disabilities? Do I know what I need to be doing to improve my performance? What support should I be asking for to help me in my learning? Have I got an individual learning plan linked to my future career hopes? ...those issues arising from involvement in the education process (learning)
GUIDANCE OVERLAPS All three aspects are linked. When considering best next steps in learning, personal life and job/career . . . having the correct information and honest conversations with others really helps. PERSONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL
The Core Role of Guidance • Making sense of the subjects I study • Seeing the relevance of the skills, knowledge and attitudes I gain through schooling is important • Developing a clear picture of myself as I see me and other see me is important in all personal and career decision making • This is the core role of guidance in any learning place
GUIDANCE 14-19 A CORE ROLE Subjects/Programmes Age 19 For Employment For Higher Education Guidance Programme Arts English Languages Maths Diplomas Humanities Science Age 13 Technology
Guidance Relationships and Contexts • Learners turn to those whom they trust for guidance and support • The views and understanding of ‘helpers’ regarding the issues presented and their own world view will influence the advice and guidance given • The differences can lead to confusion • With regards to Vocational/Career IAG there is a need for accurate up to date information and structured opportunities for parties involved to meet, share and discuss
GUIDANCE RELATIONSHIPS AND CONTEXTS –where guidance conversations take place ‘real world’ ‘real world’ PARENT/ CARER 1 STUDENT 4 2 3 Areas 1,2,3,4 represent situations where ‘guidance’ is talked through TEACHING & GUIDANCE STAFF ‘real world’
THE 14-19 PROGRAMME • Has a focus on careers education and guidance • It has structured sessions for: • Key Stage 3 (before choices for key stage 4) • Key Stage 4 (before choices for post 16) • Post 16 (before moving to FE, Training or HE) • Will work with other aspects of guidance in school / college or work based training
CAREER GUIDANCE ELEMENTS CAREER EXPLORATION (search for opportunities) SELF DEVELOPMENT (my characteristics and attainment) CAREER MANAGEMENT (making decisions and managing change)
STANDARDS • This programme provides structured sessions for teaching/tutoring • If fully implemented it will give students the opportunity to make effective guided choices at key stage 3, 4 and post 16 • It will give evidence for Schools and Colleges to use in their assessment against the IAG Gold Standard developed by NE Lincs. guidance practitioners'