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Careers Guidance for LAC

Offering tailored assistance to help young people explore career options, create CVs, develop job search skills, and overcome barriers to education, training, and employment.

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Careers Guidance for LAC

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  1. Careers Guidance for LAC Andrea Johnson and Jo Robson

  2. What is Careers Guidance? • Information: i.e. entry requirements for courses, specific requirements for particular jobs. Easy to access, available online, can be provided by anyone with the knowledge/ ability to access resources. • Advice: how to complete an application form well, how to complete a CV, where to look for apprenticeships or jobs. Can be delivered by schools, other professionals, often carers. • Guidance: a specific process requiring a qualified practitioner. • A careers interview is usually a mix of all 3, certainly info and guidance.

  3. Guidance: • Is independent and impartial • Is 1:1 unless specific circumstances. • Is non-directive. • Is based on guidance and counselling models and theories. • Uses specific guidance and counselling techniques • Explores skills, strengths, interests and values and how they relate to careers.

  4. Guidance cont. • Supports people to identify barriers to their goals and ways to overcome them. • Requires honesty and engagement from the young person. • Is about finding the right, best match career area for each individual where they can reach their potential and enjoy job satisfaction. • Includes LMI. Good quality guidance given to a receptive young person can raise aspirations, increase academic performance, broaden horizons, motivate and excite. As a side effect, it should reduce NEET.

  5. Careers Guidance for LAC • Specific training • Relationship building key: repetition • Full written action plan • Motivational interviewing • Buzz personality test

  6. Who we work with • Year 10 and 11 LAC, post-16 LAC and CLs up to 25. Currently around 200 young people in this group. • We can see year 10s and 11s (all must have careers interview and written action plan as part of PEP and pathway planning process), any NEET young people 16-25, any young person 16-25 in ETE either at risk of disengaging or wanting to explore next steps, young people getting ready for release from custody, young people who want help with UCAS applications and others.

  7. What we do • We offer a personalised service based on the needs of the young person and agreed with them. • May include • applications and referrals to training/education providers, • a series of guidance interviews, • providing information on careers and ETE opportunities, • CV creation, jobsearch skills development, jobsearch support, • supporting young people to interviews, • addressing barriers to ETE, • taking young people to visit providers. • Complex NEET includes LAC reviews, CTMs and weekly meetings.

  8. Work with Learning and Skills Service (NALS) • Funded apprenticeships for LAC/ care leavers. • Currently working with the Learning and Skills Service to plan joint input into year 9-11.

  9. Contact details Andrea Johnson andrea.johnson@northumberland.gov.uk Jo Robson jo.robson@northumberland.gov.uk ESLAC 01670 622779.

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