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COM 285 Final Exam Solution Graded A

COM 285 Final Exam Solution Graded A

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COM 285 Final Exam Solution Graded A

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  1. COM 285 Final Exam Solution Follow the link below to purchase the Exam   http://www.homeworkarena.com/com-285-final-exam Visit Website: http://www.homeworkarena.com/ Please contact us for more Tutorial & Help (climaxbegin@gmail.com) COM 285 Final Exam 1. Which of the following groups would be considered an internal audience for a company?   2. Which of the following statements does NOT show evidence of active listening in response to a co- worker who says “Dave has to be kidding if he thinks we can finish this project by Friday.”?   3. Which is an effective response when a co-worker tells you about a problem she is experiencing?   4. Your subordinates tell you that a project will not be completed on time because they are behind schedule. Which of the following is the best response?   5. Business communication practices in the United States place importance on the written word, and this indicates that our culture:   6. Which of the following would be the MOST useful strategy for learning to communicate effectively with international employees working in your overseas divisions?   7. Which of the following is NOT related to global business?  

  2. 8. The interpersonal dimension of group interaction focuses on:   9. Positive roles and actions of individuals that help the group build loyalty, resolve conflicts, and function smoothly include:   10. The success of which phase determines how well the group’s decision will be implemented?   11. When would using technical jargon related to the computer industry NOT be appropriate?   12. Which of the following is NOT a consideration when choosing words to communicate an idea?   13. Which of the following sentences that begin a letter is appropriate for contemporary business communication?   14. Halfway through the process of drafting a memo, Jacob stops to think about how to word his next paragraph. What part of the writing process does this activity represent?   15. Which of the following would be an example of editing a written document?   16. Which of the following would be considered a planning activity when writing a report?   17. Which of the following would be the BEST place to put your most important visual in a newsletter?  

  3. 18. A sales brochure includes photos and clipart that is strategically placed within the marketing piece. This is an example of which of Communications Professor Charles Kostelnick’s levels of communication design?   19. Which of the following would NOT be considered a violation of a convention?   20. Crystal agreed to serve on a company’s advisory board and now has to contact them to say she cannot attend a scheduled meeting where she was to be one of several key speakers. What should she do?   21. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for conveying positive emphasis in a negative message?   22. Is the following sentence an appropriate ending for a credit rejection? "If we can assist you in the future, please contact us."       23. When you are writing subject lines for negative messages to peers and subordinates,   24. In a bad-news memo to subordinates, you should open with:   25. Is the subject line "Improving Customer Service" appropriate in a message to superiors?   26. In a bad-news message to subordinates, why is it a good idea to ask readers to suggest solutions to the problem?   27. Which is an appropriate way for a subordinate to begin a message to her supervisor letting him know that the company has been fined due to safety violations in their department?

  4. 28. In a bad-news message to a superior, you should describe what led to the problem:   29. You must explain to a group of employees the different pension funds they can now choose. You expect the group to have many questions because many of them will be retiring within ten years and want to maximize their retirement income. You should probably:   30. A presentation designed to entertain and validate the audience is a(n):   31. Which of the following purposes of an oral presentation is specific in its purpose?   32. Which of the following patterns of organization is characterized by a movement from the problem as it affects the organization to a discussion of the parts of the problem and solutions to each of these parts?   33. You are writing a report that recommends renovation projects in several buildings on your campus. The most appropriate organizational pattern would be:   34. If after completing your research you cannot prove the claim you originally hoped to make, which of the following is NOT an acceptable way to deal with the results?   35. Which of the following would NOT be related to a discourse community in a factory?   36. Which audience has political, social, or economic power; pays close attention to the transaction between you and the primary audience; and may base future actions on its evaluation of your message?  

  5. 37. For which of the following business messages would it be appropriate to approach the subject indirectly by leading up to the main point rather than presenting it first?   38. Which of the following is NOT a communication strategy that should be used to improve customer satisfaction?   39. A subordinate comes to you because he is upset with the way he is treated by co-workers. A good first response would be to:   40. Your roommate is always complaining about how much work she has to do and how far behind she is. This is really starting to bother you. You secretly think that things would be a lot better for her if she spent more time studying and less time complaining. Which of the following would be the BEST response when she next tells you how much work she has to do?   41. Successful intercultural communicators are all of the following EXCEPT   42. It can be helpful for managers working overseas to have a basic understanding of the religion observed by workers in that company because:   43. Which of the following people would be MOST likely be considered a leader by the members of the group?   44. Susan Rojas is applying for a position in the marketing department of a local corporation. Although Greg Ellis is the director of this department, she has been instructed to send her resume and other documents to Jeff Cohen, manager of the human resources department. Jeff screens all applications before sending those of qualified candidates on to appropriate department heads. Jeff is:  

  6. 45. Tara Houser e-mails a colleague Dan Brothers to suggest that he be the lead writer in preparing a comprehensive business plan for the company. The task will be rather time-consuming. Tara tells Dan that “the president will certainly be impressed with whoever heads up this project”, which is persuasive because   46. Which of the following is NOT a gatekeeper?   47. A written message is preferable to an oral one for all of the following EXCEPT   48. If a document will be a detailed guide or if it contains instructions, you must do all of the following EXCEPT   49. Trevor Collins works in the collections department, and he is very successful at writing professional, effective letters to customers whose accounts are overdue. The human resources department asks to use copies of some of his letters in a training course for new employees to show good practices for written documents. These trainees are:   50. Strong writing skills help you do all of the following EXCEPT   51. Good writing costs companies money, and those costs increase significantly if the communication is ineffective. Which of the following pairs would NOT be two additional costs to the company if written communication is poor?   52. Which of the following is an ethically sound practice when communicating a business message?   53. Which of the following audiences would receive an internal document?

  7. 54. So that readers best understand your writing, do NOT use words that are:   55. Ben chooses a pattern of organization before he begins a letter. What part of the writing process does this activity represent?   56. Which of the following would NOT be considered a planning activity when writing a report?   57. Which is a sound recommendation for creating a professional business document?   58. Which would NOT be a consideration when choosing a medium for a superior delivering bad news to subordinates?   59. Is "I am sure that you will agree with our decision" appropriate in a letter to a client in which you refuse a request?   60. When you are writing subject lines for negative messages to a superior, use a subject line that:     61. Which of the following should NOT be included in a bad-news memo to your superior?   62. An oral message is preferable to a written one when one of the goals is to:   63. In a comparison-contrast report, it is best to:

  8. 64. You are a technical writer in a large company who is working on a training manual to help new users learn the company's computer system. Employees will use your manual in training seminars taught by your company's trainers. The manual will also serve as an on-the-job reference later. Both of the system analysts who designed the computer system and the trainers will comment on your draft. The trainers would be classified as what kind of audience for your manual?   65. A written business request is answered positively and promptly on the first try. This is an example of a high level of:   66. Which of the following is NOT a reason to use e-mail?   67. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate practice when analyzing the audience prior to delivering a message?   68. The informational dimension of group interaction looks at:   69. Which of the following sentences would be appropriate toward the beginning of a professional business report?   70. Which sentence is written in a style that would make it difficult to read?   71. Which of the following is a negative subject line?   72. Which of the following is NOT a purpose in a negative message?

  9. 73. A written message is preferable to an oral one when one of the goals is to:   74. Which type of data is MOST appropriate for the appendix of a report rather than the body?                                                                                               75. Which one of the following is NOT an internal audience of an organization? 76. Which is NOT a true statement about diversity?                                                               77. Which of the following will help make your business writing easy to read? 78. Lauren has confirmed flight information, printed directions from the Internet, and spoken with the Human Resources Department to clarify specific details. She will include this information in a letter to a job candidate she is inviting for an interview. What part of the writing process does this activity represent? 79. Which of the following would be the BEST way to refuse a customer's request?                               80. Which of the following is an informative presentation? 81. You are writing a report that explains the current duties of each person in your department. The most appropriate organizational pattern would be:

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