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From Gene to Protein

Explore how genetic information flows from DNA to proteins, the process of transcription and translation, the roles of different types of RNA, and the intricacies of protein synthesis. Learn about the genetic code, gene expression regulation, and the fascinating world of alternative splicing in eukaryotic genes.

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From Gene to Protein

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  1. From Gene to Protein Chapter 17 - Campbell

  2. What do genes code for? • How does DNA code for cells & bodies? • how are cells and bodies made from the instructions in DNA All the traits of the body DNA proteins

  3. The “Central Dogma” • Flow of genetic information in a cell • How do we move information from DNA to proteins? transcription translation RNA DNA protein trait replication

  4. RNA • Monomers = nucleotides • Phosphate • Ribosesugar • Nitrogen Bases • uracil instead of thymine • U bonds with A • C bonds with G • single stranded transcription DNA RNA

  5. Compare DNA and RNA

  6. Types of RNA • Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) • Major component of ribosomes • Transfer RNA (tRNA) • Folded upon itself • Carries the amino acids to the mRNA • Messenger RNA (mRNA) • Sequence of nucleotides that determines the primary sequence of the polypeptide • Made in the nucleus from the DNA: transcription • snRNA (small-nuclear “snurps”) • Forms the “spliceosomes” which are used to cut out introns from pre-mRNA • siRNA (small-interfering) • targets specific mRNA and prohibits it from being expressed

  7. Protein Synthesis: From gene to protein a a a a a ribosome aa aa aa aa a aa nucleus cytoplasm transcription translation DNA mRNA protein trait

  8. Which gene is read on the DNA? • Promoter region • binding site before beginning of gene • Generally referred to as a TATA boxbecause it is a repeating sequence of T and A • binding site for RNA polymerase & transcription factors • Enhancer region • binding site far upstream of gene • Speeds up process

  9. Transcription Factors • transcription factors bind to promoter region of DNA • proteins • can be activated by hormones (cell signaling) • turn on or off transcription • triggers the binding of RNA polymerase to DNA

  10. Transcription: DNA to mRNA • Takes place in the nucleus • A section of DNA is unzipped • RNA polymerase lays down nucleotides 5’ to 3’ direction. • The mRNA then leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores and enters the cytoplasm

  11. Coding strand = this is the protein needed or “sense strand” Template strand = this is the “anti-sense strand”

  12. Eukaryotic genes have untranscribed regions! intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence exon = coding (expressed) sequence • mRNA must be modified before it leaves the nucleus • exons = the real gene • expressed / coding DNA • introns = non-coded section • in-between sequence • Spliceosomescut out introns with ribozyme intronscome out! eukaryotic DNA

  13. Alternative splicing • Same piece of DNA can be read many different • Not all the exons may make it to the final product • Intron presence can determine which exons stay or go • Increases efficiency and flexibility of cell • snRNA’s have big role in alternative splicing Starting to gethard to define a gene!

  14. Final mRNA processing… 3' poly-A tail 3' A A A A A mRNA 50-250 A’s 5' cap P P P 5' G • Need to protect mRNA on its trip from nucleus to cytoplasm(enzymes in cytoplasm attack mRNA) • protect the ends of the molecule • add 5 GTP cap • add poly-A tail • longer tail, mRNA lasts longer

  15. The Transcriptional unit enhancer translation start translation stop exons 1000+b 20-30b RNA polymerase DNA introns promoter transcription start transcription stop pre-mRNA 5' 3' 5' 3' mature mRNA transcriptional unit (gene) 3' 5' TAC ACT TATA DNA GTP AAAAAAAA

  16. Genetic Code • Genetic code is based on sets of 3 nucleotides …called CODONS! • Read from the mRNA • 64 different possible combinations exist • Only 20amino acids commonly exist in the human body • Some codons code for the same amino acids (degenerate or redundant) • Sequence of codons determines the sequence of the polypeptide • Code is “almost” universal…same for all organisms (evolutionary heritage)

  17. The Code • You don’t need to memorize the codons (except for AUG) • Start codon • AUG • methionine • Stop codons • UGA, UAA, UAG

  18. mRNA codes for proteins in triplets TACGCACATTTACGTACGCGG DNA codon MetArgValAsnAlaCysAla protein ? AUGCGUGUAAAUGCAUGCGCC mRNA

  19. How is the code “translated?” Process of reading mRNA and creating a protein chain from the code.

  20. Ribosomes: Site of Protein Synthesis • Facilitate coupling of tRNA anticodon to mRNA codon • Structure • ribosomal RNA (rRNA) & proteins • 2 subunits • large • small E P A

  21. Ribosomes: 3 binding sites • A site (aminoacyl-tRNA site) • holds tRNA carrying next amino acid to be added to chain • P site (peptidyl-tRNA site) • holds tRNA carrying growing polypeptide chain • E site (exit site) • EmptytRNAleaves ribosome from exit site Met C A U 5' G U A

  22. Transfer RNA • Found in cytoplasm • Carries amino acids to ribosome • Contains an “anticodon” of nitrogen bases • Anticodons use complementary bond with codons • Less tRNA’s than codons, so one tRNA may bind with more than one codon. • Supports the degenerate code • “Wobble” hypothesis: anticodon with U in third position can bind to A or G

  23. Translation: mRNA to Protein • In the cytoplasm ribosomes attach to the mRNA • Ribosome covers 3 codons at a time • Initiation- The tRNA carrying an amino acid comes into P-site and bonds by base pairing its anti-codon with the mRNA start codon (what is the start codon?) • Elongation – The second tRNA then comes into A-site and bonds to codon of mRNA • The two amino acids joined with peptide bond • Termination – ribosome continues reading mRNA until a STOP codon is reached (doesn’t code for anything) McGraw Hill Animations

  24. Building a polypeptide 3 2 1 • Initiation • mRNA, ribosome subunits, initiator tRNA come together • Elongation • adding amino acids based on codons • Termination • STOP codon = Release factor Good Overview animation release factor Leu Val Ser Met Met Ala Leu Met Met Leu Leu Trp tRNA C A G C G A C C C A A G A G C U A C C A U A U U A U G A A 5' 5' A A 5' C U U 5' A A G G A G U U G U C U U U G C A C U 3' G G U A A U A A C C mRNA 3' 3' 3' U G G U A A 3' E P A

  25. RNA polymerase DNA Can you tell the story? aminoacids exon intron tRNA pre-mRNA 5' GTP cap mature mRNA poly-A tail 3' large ribosomal subunit polypeptide 5' tRNA small ribosomal subunit E P A ribosome

  26. Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Differences • Prokaryotes • DNA in cytoplasm • circular chromosome • naked DNA • no introns • No splicing • Promoter & terminator sequence • Smaller ribosomes • Eukaryotes • DNA in nucleus • linear chromosomes • DNA wound on histone proteins • introns and exons • TATA box promoter • Transcription factors present

  27. Protein Synthesis in Prokaryotes • Transcription & translation are simultaneous in bacteria • Both occur incytoplasm • no mRNA editing • ribosomesread mRNA as it is being transcribed

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