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A research team with technological solutions. Introduction. These netwok have college center for technology transfert. I am from Québec, a province of Canada Québec population : 8M majority of french speaking people Canada population : 35M m ajority of english speaking people.
Introduction These netwok have college center for technology transfert. I amfrom Québec, a province of Canada Québec population : 8M majority of french speaking people Canada population : 35M majority of englishspeaking people
Introduction In Quebec there is a network of learning institutions called CEGEP and College. These institutions have the mandate to dispense general pre-university teaching and also train superior technologists for industry. This network is really similar to the SENAI network in Brasil. There is 48 CEGEP located in every region of the province. These institutions are also known for their contribution to the economical development. The Cegephave 46 collegiate centers for technology transfert called CCTT.
Introduction • Shawinigan College is a regional college with 1200 students and dispense general pre-university teaching programs and technical programs, among them : • Laboratory superior technologists (biotechnology, biomedical, and chemistry) • Water and wastewater operators • It is also a College well known for it’s research programs. • The National Center in Electrochemistry and Environmental Technology (CNETE) is the CCTT of the Shawinigan College
Introduction • CNETE exists since 1993. It was founded by the Research Institute of Hydro-Quebec (laboratory of energy) and the Shawinigan College. • CNETE is recognized and financially supported by : • Quebec ministry of education • Quebec ministry of economy • Quebec research funds on Nature and technologies • Natural sciences and engineering research council of Canada
Introduction • Our mandate is to assist companies in innovation processes, by providing the following services: • contracts of technological development and applied research; • technical support for industry; • promotion of scientific and technical • information; • scientific and technical training.
Developing profitable environmental solutions for industriesSolutions developed along four main research areas: • The development and optimization of Industrial Bio-processes • Development of bioprocesses • Development and optimization of bioproduct’s formulation • The development and optimization of membrane processes • MF, UF, NF and reverse osmosis • Biomolecule isolation and purification processes • Development of gas treatment and gas filtration processes • Development of electrochemical processes • Electrodialysis, electro-electrodialysis, electrolysis.
Facilities College Location : Shawinigan (QC) Canada Laboratory surface of 800 m2 Our research equipment totalizing 6 000 000$ (cd) Access to expertise and equipment from both departments of analytical chemistry and biotechnology (Shawinigan College)
Facilities College Location : Trois-Rivières (QC) Canada Laboratory surface of 700 m2 Our research equipment Totalizing 1 500 000$ (cd)
Facilities Laboratory of bioprocesses and genetic engineering Microbiology and cellular biology Industrial bioprocessesNatural or recombinant cells, enzymes, biomolecules of interest.FermentationDevelopment and optimization of culture media. Development of fermentation models : batch, fed batch and continuous
Facilities • BioprocessLaboratoryBioreactor’scapacityfrom • 1 to 750 L (aerobic and anaerobic)
Facilities • BioprocessLaboratory • Biodigestor (anaerobic)
Facilities • Extraction and purification technologies lab, membrane separation • Microfiltration to reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, electro-electrodialysis • Allow the separation,concentration andpurification of moleculeswhile reducing production • costs.
Facilities Membranesseparationtechnology Laboratory to pilot scale
Facilities Complete analyticalchemistry and microbiologylaboratoriesMolecularbiologyPCR and Real Time PCRElisa plate readerElectroporatorElectrophoresisGC-MSICP (PKI)HPLC UV-VisHPLC-ICTOCFluorescencePhysico-chemistry
Our team Our major skill !Multidisciplinary team composed of 50 people aware of the industrial realities Scientists:Ph.D, masters, engineers, reasearch assistants, techniciansDisciplines:Biotechnology, chemistry, bioprocesses, microbiology, environment, filtration, electrochemistry.
Electrochemicaldepartment • Weprovide : • Technology performance evaluation: testing and verification for ETV Canada • Appliedresearchcontracts : processdevelopement, adaptation and upscale in Electrolysis, ED and EED.
Technology Performance Testing and Verification Achievements: Hayward Pool Canada
Processdevelopment Project : Applied research 2008-2010 Object : Development to recycle amine compound used in process for capturing green house gas for petrochemical industry by ED Specific object : separate the salts from the amine compound Company : Electrosep Grant : government of Québec 60,000$ Commercialization of innovation : licensing
Processdevelopment Project : Applied research 2010-2011 Object : Development ED to recycle sulfuric acid used in biofuel production process. Specific object : separate the salts and recover the acid Company : Société de développement LSQ Grant : government of Québec 60,000$ Next step : search company to sponsor for the pilot scale testing
Processdevelopment Project : Applied research 2011-2015 Object : Development of ED to recycle acid used in contaminated soil treatment. Specific object : separate the metals and recover the acid Company : Northex Environment Grant : gov. of Québec 60,000$, gov. of Canada 150,000$ Next step : pilot scale testing and develop a new cell configuration allows easy removal of sludge
Processdevelopment Project : Applied research 2013-2014 Object : Development of ED to recycle acid used in periodic cleaning treatment of cooling towers. Specific object : separate the metals and recover the acid Company : Produitschimiques Magnus Grant : government of Canada 75,000$ Next step : pilot scale testing
Processdevelopment Project : Applied research 2013-2016 Object : Development of green process for lithium production in batteries by membrane electrolysis Specific object : Determine the best operating conditions and the long term effects Company : Nemaska Grant : government of Canada 150,000$
Benefits • Customized and solution-oriented approach • Respect of delays and budget : we complete projects very quickly • We have done 250 projects with 150 clients during the last 5 years • Technology transfer achieved in 85% of our projects • We proposed solutions objectively • We do not publish results : Confidentiality is assured! • Management of I.P. is flexible • Grants for Canadian customers (rise-up to 85% of costs) • Access to 1050 experts in the Trans-Tech network
In the future In the 5 next year We will increase our expertise in the scale up testing in membrane electrolysis, ED and EED with our new pilot equipment. We plan to develop expertise in energy production by Reversed electrodialysis with Hydro-Quebec for facilities of 5MW. We plan to study the effect of the nanotechnology in electrochemical process.
Successfactors • Success factors for achieving technology transfer : • Talk the same level of language with the entrepreneur • Getting to know each other to develop relationship based on trust • Be there and see the facilities of the company • Listen! And find the real problem, the real need • Understand, consider and explain the risks for the company • Try to find the best solution for this company • Begin by laboratory scale to minimize the costs • Execute the testing at pilot scale in plant facilities
Recognition award Winner of NSERC-Celebrate the partnership in 2012 and 2013 Winner of ADRIQ award in 2012 Nominated for Innovative Company of the Year 2009Winner of Technological research prize of the ARC (Association for Research in College) in 2009CNETE is the only center of technology transfer which have received the technology award of the ARC five times.