Davy crockertt Jahsaun.a
Political career • On September 17, 1821, Crockett was elected to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances. He lost his first run for Congress in 1824, but ran again in the next election. In 1826 he was elected to the as aJacksonian. As a Cunited states House of Representativesongressman, Crockett supported the rights of squatters, who were barred from buying land in the West without already owning property. He also joined the Anti-Jacksonians in opposing President Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act, and his opposition to Jackson caused his defeat when he ran for re-election in 1830; however, he won when he ran again in 1832. As he explained, "I bark at no man's bid. I will never come and go, and fetch and carry, at the whistle of the great man in the White House no matter who he is.
About davy crockett • AKA David Crockett • Born:17-Aug-1786Birthplace:Greene County, TNDied:6-Mar-1836Location of death:San Antonio, TXCause of death:ExecutionRemains: Buried, San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, TX • Gender: MaleRace or Ethnicity: WhiteSexual orientation: StraightOccupation:Military
About davy crockett • Father:John CrockettMother:Rebecca Hawkins CrockettGirlfriend:Margaret Elder (licensed to marry in 1805, but did not marry)Wife:Polly Finlay (m. 1806, d. 1815)Son: John Wesley CrockettSon: William CrockettWife: Elizabeth Patton (widow, m. 1815) 1786-1836
In his autobiography, Crockett told that his early years were filled with adventure, hardship, and travel. When he was 8 years old, he told his father he wanted to hunt with a rifle. Crockett promised to make every shot count, and began hunting with his older brothers. After being sent to school, he dropped out to run away from home to avoid a beating at the hands of his father when he was 13. Crockett said he had "whupped the tar" out of a school bully who had embarrassed him on his fourth day in school. Crockett decided not to return to school for the next few days, fearing the bully would return with some friends backing him up, as well as the teacher's punishments. The teacher eventually wrote to Crockett's father to ask why his son did not attend class. Crockett told his father the truth. Angry that family trade goods exchanged for his son's education had gone to waste, he refused to listen. Crockett ran away from home and spent three years roaming from town to town. He claimed he visited most of the towns and villages in Tennessee and learned his skills as a backwoodsman, hunter and trapper. Davy crocket childhood • Crockett was born July 10, 1807 Near his 16th birthday, David Crockett returned home. Before Crockett had left, his father had opened a tavern on the road between Knoxville, Tennessee and Abingdon, Virginia. Crockett stopped in for a meal unannounced. The first to finally recognize him, his older sister, Betsy, cried, "Here is my lost brother! Look! He is home!" The family was delighted and he was welcomed back. His father was in debt, so he hired Davy out to Abraham Wilson to settle a debt of $36. Later, Crockett generously worked off a $40 debt to John Kennedy. In return, John Crockett told his son he was free to leave. Davy went to work again for Kennedy, this time working for himself.