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Neglect. Cantagallo A, Sala SD. 1998. Preserved insight in an artist with extrapersonal spatial neglect. Cortex 34: 163-89.
Cantagallo A, Sala SD. 1998. Preserved insight in an artist with extrapersonal spatial neglect. Cortex 34: 163-89 • At the age of 73 Federico Fellini, the famous Italian filmmaker known for his richly symbolic films (e.g., La dolce vita (the sweet life), La Strada (the Road), The Clowns, 81/2) often characterized by juxtapositions of fantasy and reality, suffered a right hemisphere stroke in the region of his temporal and parietal lobes. • A CT scan of Federico Fellini one week after his right hemisphere stroke which damaged brain tissue in a region overlapping both the temporal and parietal lobes. CT scans are “reversed” so that the dark area on the left side of the scan is actually on the right side of the brain.
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Object versus Spatial Neglect • And Left of What? Perhaps they shifted their own center, moving “left” • Halligan, E.M. and J.C. Marshall, When two is one: A case study of spatial parsing in visual neglect. Perception, 1993. 22: p. 309-312. • Present “flowers” integrated into a single flower pot, or separated
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Adapted from Bisiach, E., and Luzzatti, C., Unilateral neglect of representational space, Cortex 14 (1978): 129–133.
Posner, M. and M.E. Raichle, Images of Mind. 1994, New York: W. H. Freeman. • In this figure you can see that the neglect patients were most effects by contralesional invalid cues. In other words, they were impaired in detecting unexpected targets in the portion of space contralateral to the brain damage.