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The one business card to rule them all. Simply touch with a smartphone and share anything you like . As easy as handing out Traditional business cards . Taking less than a second to share . NFC. QR. SMS. E-mail. New ones coming every week ….
The one business card to rulethem all. Simply touch with a smartphone and shareanythingyoulike.
As easy as handing out Traditional business cards. Takinglessthan a second to share. NFC QR SMS E-mail
New onescomingeveryweek… Sales and marketing platform. Gatheryour digital presenceinto a completepresentation of yourself and your business.
One physical business card, multiple digital profiles. Present yourself the bestwaypossible. Every time.
Never losetrack of potential business partners again. Knowexactlywho has your business cards.
Statistics and analytics. Gaininsightintowho has an interest in yourbusiness and contactthemeasily!
Freeapp for Android and iOS. ManageyourFlextown business card from yoursmartphone.
Lessexpensivethantraditional business cards. Wefound out whatpeoplearenormally paying for business cards. Thenwehalved the price. Go to the Flextownhomepage and calculatehowmuchyourcompanycould save! Example of 50 employees.
Save the environment. While 27 million business cardsareprintedeachday, 88% of themarethrown out in lessthan a week. This means an unreasonableeradication of 31.586 pine treeseachyear. And, did wementionthatthesenumbers go for the US alone?
Your business carddoesn't have to look like a business card. Integration in anyproductpossible.