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SAFARI 2000 Data: Next Steps

SAFARI 2000 Data: Next Steps. SAFARI 2000 Data Group Jaime Nickeson, Dave Landis, Jeff Morisette, and Jeff Privette, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Dusan Sakulski and Richard Weinmann South African Disaster Management Center Carroll Curtis and Bob Cook

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SAFARI 2000 Data: Next Steps

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  1. SAFARI 2000 Data: Next Steps SAFARI 2000 Data Group Jaime Nickeson, Dave Landis, Jeff Morisette, and Jeff Privette,Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Dusan Sakulski and Richard Weinmann South African Disaster Management Center Carroll Curtis and Bob Cook Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center

  2. You can’t keep running in here and demanding data every two years Source: American Scientist,Vol 886 p 525.

  3. Next steps (1) • SAFARI 2000 Investigators need to provide data files and documentation and assist in registering their data sets in Mercury • For list of data sets compiled this week • Regional investigators who initiated their registration at Siavonga • Contributors to the four special issues (Global Change Biology, JGR-Atmos, IJRS, Boundary Layer Met) • Contributors to this SAFARI 2000 Synthesis Workshop • Data sets have to be thoroughly documented (understandable 20 years from now) • Be responsive to the requests for information from the Data Team

  4. Next Steps (2) • Let the data team know of any new data sets that will be completed by April 2003 • What are the remaining data needs? What can the data team provide? • Regional rainfall anomalies (past 5 to 10 years; vector) • Extend Daily Meteorology data 2000-2002 (NCDC Station Data) • Soil texture data for southern Africa (SOTER) • PDF copies of papers for S2K use • What else? • By June 30, 2003, all S2K investigators need to make their data available to the public

  5. Proposal:CD for the Synthesis Book • Summary information • Synthesis level: Intermediate between tables in chapters and data files in the archive • Site information, ecophysiology of shrubs, trees, and grasses • Appended and in the CD • Selected Aerial photographs, digital video clips, etc. • Maps and Graphs (static and dynamic) • Soils, MODIS Products (atmosphere and land products), functional landscape map

  6. SAFARI 2000 Legacy

  7. SAFARI 2000 LegacyYour Legacy in SAFARI 2000

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