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Bell Ringer 09/05/2012

Bell Ringer 09/05/2012. Look at the display in front of the room… Describe, in complete sentences, what you see in each box. . Vocabulary. Choose 1: How to do Vocabulary: Write word and definition. Underline and highlight vocabulary word.

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Bell Ringer 09/05/2012

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  1. Bell Ringer09/05/2012 • Look at the display in front of the room… • Describe, in complete sentences, what you see in each box.

  2. Vocabulary • Choose 1: How to do Vocabulary: • Write word and definition. Underline and highlight vocabulary word. • Write word on front and definition on back of index cards. • Create a poem or rap of vocabulary words and definitions. • Create foldable with words and definitions. • Solid • Liquid • Gas • Matter • Change of State • Law of Conservation of Mass

  3. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Read pg. 8 (beginning with 1st full paragraph), pg. 329-332, 333-336, 337-341 • Write at least 4 important facts, in complete sentences, about each state of matter that would help you answer the lesson essential question. • Number each fact! • Write at least 3 Questions that you still have over the reading.

  4. Unit 1: Matter Concept: Composition of Matter

  5. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • What are the 3 assumptions to kinetic theory? • All matter composed of small particles (atoms, molecules, ions) • Particles are in constant random motion • Particles are colliding with each other and the walls of their containers • Overall, kinetic energy is how fast the molecules are moving and will do so at all temperatures.

  6. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? Bell Ringer 09/06/2012 Write question and answer. Explain the difference between an amorphous solid and a crystalline solid.

  7. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Solids • Holds shape! Why? • Definite shape (non-fluid)and Definite volume because packed tightly • Not compressible(naturally) because packed tightly • Usually most dense phase of a substance because packed tightly • Exception: water • Definite melting points. Least amount of energy. Movement of particles is slow and around fixed points; but, increases with increase in temperature. • Low rate of diffusion b/c low mobility of particles

  8. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Two types of Solids • Crystalline solid • Particles are in an orderly, geometric repeating pattern • Have definite melting points • Amorphous solid (plastics and glass) • Particles are arranged randomly; but, still have a definite shape • No definite melting points

  9. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Liquids • Definite volume but indefinite shape • Take shape of container • Particles free to move/slide past one another; but, still held together by intermolecular forces (attraction between particles) • Cannot be compressed under common pressure • Can transmit pressure equally in all directions • Usually less dense than solids; but, more dense than gases • Diffuses at average speed

  10. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Surface Tension • Drawing molecules together to decrease surface area • Predict: How many drops of water can you fit on a penny? Was your prediction correct? • Capillary Action • When surface of a liquid and solid meet, surface of liquid molecules are pulled upward, against the pull of gravity, along surface of solid • Meniscus • Observation: What is the reading of the graduated cylinder?

  11. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Gases • Indefinite shape, indefinite volume • Too much energy to remain attached. Particles at high speeds. • Gas takes shape of container by expanding • Less dense than solids and liquids • Still considered a fluid • Can be compressed easily with very little pressure. However, once it is contained, it want to escape the container.

  12. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Diffusion • Spontaneous mixing of particles of two substances caused by random motion

  13. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • KE = ½ mv² • KE = Kinetic Energy • m = mass of particle • v = speed of particle

  14. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Exit Ticket: • 1. Which state of matter has definite shape and definite volume? • 2. Which state of matter has an indefinite shape and indefinite volume? • 3. Which state of matter has an indefinite shape and a definite volume?

  15. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Bell Ringer: 09/07/2012 • Describe and illustrate the physical differences among solids, liquids, and gases in terms of their mass, volume, density, shape, and particle arrangement.

  16. UEQ: In dealing with matter, how are composition, structure, properties and energy related? LEQ: How do the particle arrangement and energy differ between the states of matter? • Classwork: • Write question and answer in complete sentences • Solids • Pg. 341 #1-3 • Pg. 353 #10 • Liquids • Pg. 336 #1-5 • Pg. 353 #7-9 • Gases • Pg. 14 #3 • Pg. 22 #12-13 • Pg. 332 #1, 4-6

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