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Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives. Explore the life of Edward Thomas (AO4). Understand the motivations for Thomas’s writing (AO4). Why? In preparation for your Summer AS Exam, Section A: Poetry 1800-1945 (AO1, AO2, AO4). Learning Check.

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Learning Objectives

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  1. Learning Objectives • Explore the life of Edward Thomas (AO4). • Understand the motivations for Thomas’s writing (AO4). Why? In preparation for your Summer AS Exam, Section A: Poetry 1800-1945 (AO1, AO2, AO4).

  2. Learning Check • On the post-it note, write down anything you know about Edward Thomas.

  3. Mystery Question What was Thomas’s motivation for writing?

  4. Secret Mission • Around the room are hidden some secret papers containing information about Thomas’s life. • It is your mission to find all 5 papers and take down biographical notes. • Good luck! Explore the life of Edward Thomas (AO4).

  5. Born: 3rd March 1878 in Lambeth, London. Welsh parents. Eldest of 6. Spent time in Wiltshire & Wales. Explored the landscape of Richard Jefferies, his first literary hero. Early Life

  6. Attended Battersea Grammar School & St. Paul’s in London. Attended Lincoln College, Oxford. Married Helen Berenice Noble 1999 whilst still an undergraduate; she was pregnant with their son. Worked as a book reviewer. Education & Love

  7. Published first book ‘The Woodland Life’ 1896 a collection of stories about his long walks. Wrote novel ‘The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans’, 1913. Worked as literary critic for Daily Chronicle in London. Befriended Welsh tramp poet W.H. Davies. Became a poet in 1914. Originally published under the name ‘Edward Eastaway’. Work

  8. Enlisted 1915 in part after reading Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’. Promoted to Colonel 1916. Killed in action soon after he arrived in France at Arras on Easter Monday, 9 April 1917. Although he survived the actual battle, he was killed by the concussive blast wave of one of the last shells fired as he stood to light his pipe.  War Service

  9. Thomas's poems are noted for their attention to the English countryside They are colloquial in style.  Thomas is commemorated in Westminster Abbey's Poet's Corner. The inscription, written by fellow Great War poet Wilfred Owen, reads: "My subject is War, and the pity of War. The Poetry is in the pity." Remembrance

  10. Learning Check • On your whiteboards, write down 2 / 4 / 6 things you have learnt about Thomas’ life.

  11. Read • Read and highlight the Guardian article about Thomas & Frost. • What light does this article shed on the mystery question? • Understand the motivations for Thomas’s writing (AO4).

  12. Mystery Question What was Thomas’s motivation for writing?

  13. Meditation • Listen to the music. • When you’re ready, on your white boards, write down everything you’ve learnt today about Edward Thomas.

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