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Methods and apparatus for introducing and analyse volcanic, geothermal and low enthalpy gas samples in gas chromatographers at checked, low and variable pressures for best quality of analyses. Fit for any kind of gases . Antonio Caprai.
Methods and apparatus for introducing and analyse volcanic, geothermal and low enthalpy gas samples in gas chromatographers at checked, low and variable pressures for best quality of analyses. Fit for any kind of gases. Antonio Caprai Using Giggenbach system for sampling volcanic fumaroles and geothermal wells, usually get samples at very low pressure, in certain cases even less than one hundred mBar. The system we registered (International Application PCT/IB2005/001568 – Method and Apparatus for Feeding Samples of Gases at Controlled Pressure into Gas Chromatograph) fit for one ore more gas chromatographers working at the same or different time, and it is useful for using only one or two points for calibration curve of a standard of pure gases (no preparation of particular external standard is necessary). • The problems we get in analysing this kind of samples are various: • To minimize analytical error • If we need more than one run must collect several times the gas from flask and so the internal pressure decrease. • We have to know the internal pressure of flasks. • We need to have the nearest conditions between standards and samples. • We need to simplify the standardization. • We need more pressure for introducing more absolute quantity of low level amount of a certain component. • Solve the problem with a particular apparatus fit for working at very low and variable pressure, even under 30 mbar. • With this introduction system we can: • Minimize analytical error because of full control of pressure. • With only a single amount of sample can analyze it several times in various Gas Chromatographers. • Can read the pressure inside the flasks. • Can introduce sample and standard at the same pressure. • Can have excellent standardization with one or (maximum) two calibration points. • Avoid errors in preparation of standards. • Can increase pressure of low pressure samples. Applicant: CNR – National Research Council of Italy D.A.S.T.-Servizio IV Rapporti con l'Industria ed i ServiziVia dei Taurini 19 - 00185 - ROMA Italy