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Child Protection Policy Training Module St Stephen Lutheran Church November 2010 Instructions: To move through the slide show, use either the enter key or the arrow keys to move from slide to slide. . Prepared by: Doug Cummings. Child Protection Policy Training Module
Child Protection Policy Training Module St Stephen Lutheran Church November 2010 Instructions: To move through the slide show, use either the enter key or the arrow keys to move from slide to slide. Prepared by: Doug Cummings
Child Protection Policy Training Module Objective: To provide every person with a safe, caring, appropriate and secure environment for children and adults in all aspects of Church life. Overview: This policy is about protecting both children and adults from abuse and accusations of abuse. While they will not “guarantee” that nothing will happen, these policies, when followed, will mitigate the risks that are present during church activities.
Child Protection Policy Training Module Definitions: The following terms need some clarification: Church Personnel: Any clergy, paid personnel or volunteer who is engaged in ministry or service in the church that come in contact with children in the course of their ministry. Children: A child is defined as anyone under the age of 12. Youth: A youth is defined as anyone who is at least 12 years old, but not yet 18 years old. A youth may also be an individual who is 18 years old, but still in high school.
Child Protection Policy Training Module Code of Conduct: 1) Church Personnel are prohibited from the use, possession, distribution, or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or the misuse of legal drugs while participating in or assisting with programs or activities specifically for children or youth. 2) Church Personnel will respond to children and youth with respect, consideration and equal treatment, regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, culture or socio-economic status. Church Personnel will portray a positive role model for children and youth by maintaining an attitude of respect, patience, and maturity. They will avoid even the appearance of favoritism. This can be difficult. What are some of the strategies you can use to ensure you are respectful to all of God’s Children? http://depts.washington.edu/cidrweb/inclusive/convey.html
Child Protection Policy Training Module Code of Conduct: 3) Church Personnel are prohibited from dating or becoming romantically involved with a child or youth. 4) Church Personnel are prohibited from having sexual contact with a child or youth. 5) Church Personnel are prohibited from possessing any sexually oriented materials on church property or in the presence of children or youth except as expressly permitted as part of a pre-authorized educational program. This includes use of the Internet for any sexually oriented materials.
Child Protection Policy Training Module Code of Conduct: 6) Church Personnel are prohibited from discussing their own sexual activities, including dreams and fantasies, or discussing their use of sexually oriented or explicit materials with children or youth. 7) Church Personnel are prohibited from dressing, undressing, bathing, or showering in the presence of children or youth. 8) Church Personnel are prohibited from using physical punishment in any way for behavior management of children or youth. No form of physical discipline is acceptable. Physical force may only be used to stop a behavior that may cause immediate harm to the individual or to a child, youth or others.
Child Protection Policy Training Module Code of Conduct: 9) Church Personnel are prohibited from using harsh language, degrading punishment, or mechanical restraint such as rope or tape for behavior management. 10) Church Personnel are prohibited from participating in or allowing other to conduct any hazing activities related to children’s or youth ministry or camp activities. These are not always obvious. What are some examples of hazing? http://www.stophazing.org/definition.html
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Screening Church Personnel: • Why Screen people? • Church is a place of trust. How many people are more trusting of people playing with their children at Church? • There are people who abuse that trust by deliberately targeting churches. • In order to protect our children, we must screen everyone who wishes to minister to them. These rules apply to everyone, even if their own children are involved.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Screening Church Personnel: • How will people be screened? • The Parish Administrator will conduct a criminal background check and sex offender screening for anyone wishing to work with children or youth. • All paid staff must submit three references that can verify their previous work with children. • There will be a six month waiting period before anyone who is joining the church will be allowed to minister to children or youth. • All Church Personnel will be interviewed by the Pastor and Ministry Associate to gain information about their background and suitability to work with children or youth. This will be repeated every 5 years to ensure no violations have occurred during the ensuing time period.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Training Church Personnel: • What kind of training will be needed? • This module of training will be required for all Church Personnel when they begin their ministry. • Retraining will be required every three years to maintain current knowledge of the policies. • Want more information about the Lutheran Church’s policies? • ELCA Policies • Virginia Synod Policies (.pdf file)
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Supervision of Youth and Children: • The Gold Standard of Supervision, which is our goal. • 2 non-related adults (1 male and 1 female) at all events involving youth and children. • Why? • Protects children and adults • Prevents abuse from happening by having the adults watching each other • If accusations are made of abuse, the two adults can testify for each other offering legal protection for each other (this can’t happen if they are related)
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Supervision of Youth and Children: • How to supervise? • All adult supervisors need to actively monitor events to keep track of all children/youth. • Try to limit any one-on-one interactions between a child/youth and an adult. If possible, try to have at least two adults present for all conversations. • In supervising youth, use common sense. No list of instructions could cover all the circumstances you might face.
Child Protection Policy Training Module Adult Child Ratios: These are from the State of Virginia for Day Care Centers: These ratios must be maintained for all church events that include children or youth.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • One-on-One time: • Given that we as a church encourage building relationships between people, as an adult you will likely spend time one-on-one with a child or youth. • Be cautious every time you have one of these conversations: • Ideally, conversations take place in a public place • If not, keep the door open, or make sure that everyone can see into the room you are using. You will notice that every room in the church has either a window in the door or on the wall next to the door for exactly that purpose. DO NOT block the windows.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Consent Forms: • For every event that takes place away from the church, consent forms need to travel with the leader of the group. • Why? • In the event that medical treatment is needed for a child/youth, they must have a consent form (signed) by their parent or guardian. Otherwise the medical treatment facility might not treat any non-life threatening injuries. • If you are traveling in multiple vehicles, one adult in each vehicle must have the forms for the people in that vehicle. • For more information
Child Protection Policy Training Module Nursery Policies: A nursery is available for children from six (6) weeks old to seven (7) years old during church services and at other church events when appropriate. Procedures: - At least two non-related adults must be present at all times in the Nursery. - A ratio of one adult to 4 children (1:4) is the minimum supervision level (as per the State Mandated Ratio’s for infants). - There will be a sign in-sign out roster each week. Parents or Guardians will sign their children into and out of the Nursery when they drop them off and pick them up. - Nursery services are offered on a first-come, first-served basis in order to maintain ratio requirements.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Nursery Policies: (continued) • - Children cannot use the Nursery if they have signs of possible contagious illness including but not limited to the following: • Colds • Fever • Vomiting with the previous 24 hours • Other significant symptoms such as coughing, ear or nasal discharge, etc. • - Parents are responsible for the following when children are being dropped off for Nursery: • Signing their children in and out • Changing diapers (Nursery personnel will inform parents if needed) • Picking up their children promptly • Communicating with Nursery personnel regarding their children’s activities and behavior while in Nursery care.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Overnight trips: • During Travel: • Each trip needs two non-related adults in total, preferably of opposite sexes (useful during restroom stops). • The leader of each vehicle needs the consent forms for the people in the vehicle • Each vehicle needs a First Aid kit and a list of all the medications each child uses.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Overnight trips: • Sleeping arrangements: • Church Personnel are prohibited from sleeping in the same beds, sleeping bags, tents, hotel rooms or other rooms with children or youth unless the adult is an immediate family member of all the children in the bed, sleeping bag, tent or hotel room. • If there is a large, open room where everyone is sleeping, it is acceptable for several adults to sleep there.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Overnight trips: • Hygiene arrangements: • Church Personnel are prohibited from dressing, undressing, bathing, or showering in the presence of children or youth. • Maintain accountability of the children/youth at all times! Losing them is bad for everyone involved. Is this familiar? Where have you seen this before? Why is this prohibited?
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Signs of Abuse: • The following signs may signal the presence of a child who is abused or neglected: • Shows sudden changes in behavior • Has not received help for physical or medical problems brought to the parents' attention • Has learning problems (or difficulty concentrating) that cannot be attributed to specific physical or psychological causes • Is always watchful, as though preparing for something bad to happen • Is overly compliant, passive, or withdrawn • Comes to school or other activities early, stays late, and does not want to go home • Video • Read the Child Protective Services Booklet.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Signs of Abuse: From the parents • Shows little concern for the child • Denies the existence of—or blames the child for—the child's problems • Asks caregivers to use harsh physical discipline if the child misbehaves • Sees the child as entirely bad, worthless, or burdensome • Demands a level of physical or academic performance the child cannot achieve • Looks primarily to the child for care, attention, and satisfaction of emotional needs • The Parent and Child: • Rarely touch or look at each other • Consider their relationship entirely negative • State that they do not like each other
Child Protection Policy Training Module 4 Types of Abuse: Physical Abuse: Injuries where there usually aren’t with children (repeated injuries to head and abdomen). Child may also retreat when an adult comes close to them. Neglect: Children who are routinely hungry, unwashed, improperly clothed, or lacks proper medical care. Sexual Abuse: Has difficulty sitting or standing properly, knows an unusual amount about sex Emotional Abuse: Extremes of behavior, age inappropriate behavior (acting adult, infantile)
Child Protection Policy Training Module Reporting abuse: Mandated Reporting: All paid staff are mandated to report any suspected abuse of a child/youth to the VA Department of Social Services within 72 hours. If you are a Mandated Reporter, you must take the following online class (link) and print out the end of class report for church records. While volunteers are not mandated to report suspected abuse, they are encouraged to do so. When making a report, you may do so anonymously, however, you are encouraged to provide your name and contact information to assist CPS investigators.
Child Protection Policy Training Module How to report abuse: Phone number: 1-800-552-7096 (24/7 hotline) When reporting, you must disclose everything you know, including any documentation of abuse. If you think it can’t happen here, this link is the report for the counties in Virginia. There were 447 CPS referrals from James City County in 2009.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • What happens after reporting: • Child Protective Services will investigate the situation, interviewing those involved in the child’s care. • CPS will investigate the safety of the child. • CPS goal: to strengthen and support families in preventing the (re)occurrence of child maltreatment through community-based services.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Clergy Abuse: • Clergy abuse is when a member of the clergy abuses or exploits a member of the congregation. • If you suspect abuse by a member of the Clergy, you are obligated to report it to both Civil (Child Protective Services) and the Synod. • After notifying Child Protective Services, report any suspected abuse to the Synod or through the ELCA website. • Synod contacts: 1-540-389-1000 • P.O. Box 70 • Salem, VA 24153
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Synod Follow through: • The primary responsibility for investigating clergy abuse lies with the Bishop. • The Bishop will begin an investigation and provide pastoral care to the complainant or victim. • Any actions the Bishop takes will occur only after the investigation takes place. • For the full procedure, follow this link.
Child Protection Policy Training Module • Congratulations! • You have completed the Child Protection Policy Training Module. In order to receive credit for this training, you must do the following: • Download the Child Protection Policy Verification Form from the website. • Answer the questions on the form (also on the next slide • Bring the from to the Parish Administrator for your file • Thank you for your ministry towards the children and youth of St. Stephen!
Child Protection Policy Training Module Assessment • Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________ • You are programing an event for the Youth. You expect 30 youth to attend. How many adults will you need to supervise them? _________________________ • It’s time for the church picnic! You will be running the nursery. Will you need help, and if so, what kind of help? _______________________________________________________________________________ • You are taking the Youth on a retreat. What kind of paperwork will you need with you in your car if you are leading the group? _________________________________________________________________ • You have noticed in Faith Formation that the two children of one family have cuts on their knees and elbows for the past two weeks. Does this constitute abuse? ______________ • You suspect that one of the children in the Preschool is being neglected due to her lack of appropriate winter clothing. How would you go about reporting this abuse? ________________________________ • Who has primary responsibility for investigating a clergy member accused of abuse? _______________ • What are some of the signs that show it might be inappropriate to have your child in the Nursery between the services? _________________________________________________________________ • You are on a Youth Service Trip to a small town in Western Virginia. The only sleeping area available is a large, open room. Is it appropriate for the adults and youth to sleep in the same room? _____________ • One of the children in the Preschool is refusing to sit down, won’t let any teachers get close to them and has to frequently go to the bathroom where you hear them moaning in pain. What kind of abuse might they have been subject to and should you report it?__________________________________________ • What is the proper adult: child ratio if you are supervising infants? ______________________________ • By signing below you indicate that you have read through all the material provided by this training module, and agree to abide by the policies and procedures put forth in it. • Signature:____________________________________________________