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Water SBA Session Summary

Water SBA Session Summary. Contents: WaterSBA contributions Scenario Development Vision: World Water Catalogue Work Plan Development Unanswered Questions Attendees List of presentations Summary of 5 presentations. GEOSS AIP Water SBA Contributions. Scenario Development.

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Water SBA Session Summary

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  1. Water SBA Session Summary Contents: • WaterSBA contributions • Scenario Development • Vision: World Water Catalogue • Work Plan Development • Unanswered Questions • Attendees • List of presentations • Summary of 5 presentations Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  2. GEOSS AIP Water SBA Contributions Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  3. Scenario Development • Discussion of scenario ideas, but not enough time to actually elaborate a complete scenario • Show ability to integrate in situ & remote data • E.g., Precipitation -> stream gauge, soil moisture • Show ability to create detailed spatial catalog of observation locations (points & bounding polygons) • Potential Use Case types to address: • Flooding • Agricultural drought: WMS/WCS • Hydrology data: SOS & WaterML • Data & policy Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  4. Water SBA – key discussion points • Understanding components of the water cycle, in particular in low monitored areas (=> IAHS PUB is working on that). • For that we need at minimum observations or models of: Precipitation, Evaporation, Soil moisture, discharge. • Typically in-situ sensor obs are used. RS becomes more important. • RS can assist in-situ observations (vice-versa)? Research required!! => bring together in-situ with RS is a goal. • Standards for Geospatial / RS exchange ok (WxS). • Standards for timeseries / sensor exchange under development through OGC HydroDWG (SOS/WaterML2). • GEO GCI should endorse and recommend OGC HydroDWG standards as domain standards. • Bringing together in-situ obs and RS into a world water catalogue (water community portal) will: • Help RS science as validation • Help science to find data • Help catchment managers (cross-national, cross-domain) to find data.

  5. Vision: “World Water Catalogue”Where are all in-situ sensors in the world (water cycle)?And related RS products? Users: Find all stations. Many Providers: World Water Catalogue Stations: Variables: Precipitation Evaporation Soil Flow “GEO Global Sensor Directory Infrastructure” “GEO sensor Standard” • Filter: • per station type • per variable • Per time period OGC HydroDWG: SOS2.0 WaterML2 ….

  6. (Political and Provider) Partners • BoM • NIWA / WRC • CUAHSI • USGS • GRDC • Europe: INSPIRE, GEOWOW • South America??? • Asia??? • Africa??? • Industry Partners • Kisters • ESRI

  7. Federated Infrastructure NIWA EIBrowser GEO Portal CUASHI HydroSeek Portals Clients “GEO Global Sensor Directory Infrastructure” Implementations: KISTERS 52North Mapserver …. OGC HydroDWG: SOS2.0 WaterML2 …. Inter-operability layer CUASHI Station Catalogue Providers GRDC Station Catalogue NIWA Station Catalogue NOAA BOM Station Catalogue

  8. Work Plan Development • Decide whether to establish Water WG Yes. Chair: Matt Austin (NOAA). No co-chair: Stefan Fuest (KISTERS). • Engage w/GEO users stakeholders regarding requirements & problems the envisaged Catalogue will assist: RS community, IAHS PUB , science community. • Engage with information providers: NIWA, CUAHSI, BOM, USGS, GRDC, NOAA • Some possible Water SBA-specific milestones: • GRDC data will be provided to Data-CORE through GeoWOW • UNEP-Live ability to publish & find using GEO broker • Using SOS & WaterML2. Adoption of SOS hydrology profile from OGC Hydrology DWG and GEOWOW. • Documentation/tutorials to help people use these services; Best-practice paper • Cross collaboration ideas: • Standardized approach/profiles to SOS, WCS, WaterML2, vocabularies. • Show ability to integrate in situ & remote data • Precipitation -> stream gauge, soil moisture • How to unite in a scenario these projects that have different coverage area, time scale and spatial scales • Gap analysis – missing hydrological stations (e.g., in Namibia) • Partner w/Envirogrid on water flow & quality in Black Sea catchment area. • http://www.grid.unep.ch/ Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  9. Proposed Actions / Gantt Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  10. Unanswered Questions • How to unite in a scenario these projects that have different coverage area, time scale and spatial scales? • Can AIP tell GEO that some standards should be more recommended than others in particular areas? • What is relation (if any) between GEOSS AIP Water SBA and OGC Hydrologic Information Sharing Pilot? • How does this initiative fits with World Water Online? Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  11. Water SBA Breakout Session Attendees • Jeff de La Beaujardière, NOAA • Stuart Frye, SGT/NASA • Meixia Deng, GMU • Jochen Schmidt, NIWA • Gregory Giuliani, UNEP • Stefan Fuest, Kisters • Sneha Rao • Hervé Caumont • Masahiko Nagai • Angel Palomares • Robert Thomas • Tien-Yin Chou • Liping Di • Lucia Lovinson Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  12. Presentations by participants • Speakers: • Stuart Frye, SGT/NASA: Water & Flooding • Meixia Deng, GMU: Global Drought Mon. Syst. • Jochen Schmidt, NZ NIWA: Station Info. Mgmt. Syst. • Greg Giuliani, UNEP: UNEP-Live • Stefan Fuest, KISTERS: GeoWOW Hydrology Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  13. NIWA Briefing • Much data in New Zealand, cannot always find, access or understand it • Heterogeneous methods & standards • Need: Catalog service, incl location info (Feature Svc) • Now have Geonetwork data catalog dc.niwa.co.nz • Station Info Mgmt Syst sims-wfs.niwa.co.nz • Info about the stations, but not the data? Only stations, data next • Do they know about CUAHSI work in this area? yes • Client: Env Info Browser ei.niwa.co.nz • Will offer use SOS & THREDDS for data access. • Will use WaterML2 for SOS • Do they know about NOAA NODC CF/NetCDF templates? • May use GBIF (for biodata) but work on SOS profile for biodata • Portal agnostic Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  14. WaterPedia – Stuart Frye • Working on baseline water-level mask • Want to use crowd-sourcing approach to get info. • Will use OpenStreetMap approach • Include expert supervision • Show excursions from normal during flood and drought • Start w/Landsat or other satellite data @ ~10m resolution • Regional pilots in southern Africa & Caribbean • Want to produce “WaterPedia” Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  15. Global Drought Mon. Syst. – Meixia Deng • Need timely & accurate data on demand. • Most existing drought info systems not based on open stds or compatible w/GEOSS. Coarse res, regional, maps only/no data. • GMU wants to dev OWS system for drought monitoring: GADMFS = Global Agriculture Drought Monitoring & Forecasting System • Include data access, processing services, workflow services • Data sources: WCS, processing: WPS, result display: WMS • Will use services registered in GEOSS CSR. Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  16. UNEP Live • UNEP: review & report on state of the environment. • UNEP-Live will be used to support this activity. • At interface between science and policy • GET THIS SLIDE for plenary • Information-to-policy idea: ambitious scope, perhaps • Assemble data, collaborate on reports, publish results. • Will discover and access content • Link to treaties and multilateral agreements • Prototype: http://www.uneplive.org • Can feed into EuroGEOSS broker, but not yet to discover new content—will enhance in AIP-5 • Targeting water security Use Case Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

  17. GeoWOW Hydrology - Kisters • GEOWOW = GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean & Water. • Kisters has software to collect data from sensors and make available via OGC services. • Contrib s/w to Global Data Runoff Center. • Some work packages already underway will be relevant to AIP-5 Water SBA. • Working on improved discovery, access, processing & visualization services. • What do they mean by “improved” • Heterogeneous sensors, software, formats. Much less standardized than weather data. • Participating in OGC Hydrology DWG • GTN-R : near-real-time information • GRDC data will be provided to Data-CORE through GeoWOW • Using SOS & WaterML2. Establish hydrology profile for SOS. Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere@noaa.gov

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