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Understanding Mining Hazards: Subsidence and Acid Drainage

Learn about hazards in mining, including subsidence and acid mine drainage, their causes, consequences, and prevention methods by Toby White from the University of Leeds. Mining-related risks explained and solutions proposed.

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Understanding Mining Hazards: Subsidence and Acid Drainage

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  1. Hazards Associated with Mining Covering material required for WJEC AS-Level Geology: GL3: Key Idea 3(c) Mining. Prepared by Toby White, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT

  2. Hazards Associated with MiningIntroduction • Most of the hazards associated with mining are well known and are associated with the following: • the strength or weakness of the rock being dug, • the nature of the rock on which structures are built or material placed, • the influence of water at the surface or underground, • or a combination of these. • Many potential problems can be “designed out” at the planning stage, provided that sufficient information is gathered. • Putting it very crudely, a scientist can tell you what the problem is, while an engineer can tell you how to fix it, or how to avoid the problem in the first place!

  3. Geology can do funny things!The effect on mining varies in significance.

  4. Subsidence

  5. SubsidenceIntroduction • Subsidence only occurs where the ground material can be displaced into some sort of underground void. Only occur in certain types of rocks. • Collapse of material overlying the void where the roof is cannot support the mass of material above. • The voids can be of two types: • Macrovoids • Large cavities such as solution caves in limestones and occasionally salt, or mined cavities in rocks of economic value (coal, salt, metal mines, etc.) • Microvoids • In very porous deformable rocks (clay, peat, silts & sands) • We will only cover subsidence due to mining.

  6. SubsidenceRoom & Pillar (Pillar& Stall) workings in coal

  7. SubsidenceRoom & Pillar (Pillar& Stall) workings in coal

  8. Roof supports Coal shearer Coal Roof collapses (goaf) behind supports. Coal carried away on conveyor SubsidenceUnderground Longwall Mining - Shearing

  9. SubsidenceLongwall – two different methods in plan Main intake road Main return road Advance Face Retreat Face What is the operational advantage of the retreat face method? The roads driven out will reveal the geology to be worked back through.

  10. Subsidence

  11. Subsidence • Coal Mining • This pub in the Black Country has been severely affected by mining subsidence.

  12. SubsidenceCoal Mining • Further examples of subsidence.

  13. SubsidenceDuration of Subsidence after Coal Mining • Long-wall • Subsidence occurs mostly within a few days of working with small amounts of residual subsidence over a few months but occasionally 5 years. • Room & Pillar • Little subsidence at time of working but significant subsidence can occur slowly over time or suddenly after many years (50+) if pillars collapse. With near surface old workings, it is not unusual to find that roof collapse and floor heave has resulted in no surface subsidence. (Broken rock takes up more space than solid rock.)

  14. Acid Mine Drainage

  15. Acid Mine DrainageIntroduction • Acid mine drainage (AMD) is polluted water that normally contains high levels of iron, aluminum and sulphuric acid. • The contaminated water is often an orange or yellow-orange colour, indicating high levels of iron and has the smell of rotten eggs (sulphate smell). • AMD comes from pyrite (iron sulfide, fools gold, FeS2), a mineral associated with coal and metal mining. When pyrite is disturbed, as it is during mining or highway construction, it weathers and reacts with oxygen and water to cause high levels of iron, aluminum, and sulphate in run-off water.

  16. Acid Mine DrainageConsequences of AMD • The acid lowers the pH of the water. Difficult to support aquatic life and treat for drinking water. • The iron oxide forms an orange/red coating on the river/stream bed. Difficult to support aquatic life. • AMD is becoming a big problem with abandoned metaliferous mines. • The Environment Agency deal with AMD from abandoned mines. They attempt to get the former operator to deal with the consequences of abandoning the mine. Where this cannot be achieved the EA step in to protect the environment. • The EA are heavily involved with the clean-up of Cornish tin mines where the owners can’t be traced.

  17. Acid Mine DrainageWheal Jane • AMD disaster (1991/92) • Wheal Jane mine (Cornwall) principally produced cassiterite, the main ore mineral for tin, but older interconnecting workings also produced pyrite and arsenopyrite. • Similar problems occur with coal where pyrite content is high.

  18. Acid Mine DrainageTypical red deposits

  19. Acid Mine DrainagePreventing AMD • The best practice for preventing AMD is to concentrate on the source. • The cheapest and most common method of preventing AMD is to flood the tailings, dump or source of pyrite with water. • Some other options available are: • Sulphide removal from dump • Alkalinity enhancement of groundwater • Control of water infiltration • Control of oxygen to dump • Reduction of bacterial populations

  20. Methane

  21. Methane • Methane in mines: • is the naturally occurring gas that most commonly appears in mines, • has the formula CH4 and is associated with carbonaceous material, so is a particular problem in coal mines, • has been the cause of more explosions and related loss of life than any other cause throughout the recorded history of mining, • forms a highly explosive mixture with air (fire-damp), • 0.55 times the weight of air and rises, • can provide a fuel source in its own right through drainage technology.

  22. MethaneHow is methane held? • Coal is not a single material, but a complex mix of fossilised organic compounds and minerals. Its form varies depending on its history. • There are a large number of microscopic pores, not all interconnected, and a lot of small discontinuities (fractures). • Methane can exist in the pore space in a: • “free state” - able to move within the pores, or in an • “adsorbed state” – adhering to the coal surface.

  23. MethaneHow is methane released? • When the coal is disturbed by mining, a pressure gradient is created which will result in flow through natural or stress-induced fractures. • The reduced gas pressure will promote “desorption”, which will release more methane into the system. • As coal is removed, methane will be released quickly at the face, as well as the roof and floor. • This means there will be most methane where there is greatest risk of sparks. • But methane will continue to escape; • into collapsed (gob) areas behind longwall face, • into coal mass being transported. • Sudden gas outbursts can also occur and can be very destructive.

  24. MethaneControl of methane • The best way of controlling methane is by extracting it from the carbonaceous strata in an organised way. • There is no single preferred method, but the choice depends on: • The permeability of the source seams, • The reason for drainage (as a fuel, or simply to protect mine) • The method of mining. • One example is given here. • Longwall mining • Two-entry retreat face • Horizontal boreholes • Some methane drained from seam • Will not remove all. Ventilation circuit Horiz. boreholes Clean air Methane from coal Methane carried away

  25. Instability

  26. InstabilityIntroduction • Failures of the rock mass can take place in a number of different ways, all of which are potentially dangerous. • Rockbursts in an underground mine • Collapse of a roof in an underground mine • Collapse of a face on a quarry • Rockfall and toppling • Collapse of a slope • Original ground, overburden dump, spoil heaps, mine tailings (waste) dams.

  27. InstabilityRockbursts • Rockbursts • These are the sudden and violent detachment of rock mass from the sides of an excavation, sometimes as much as hundreds of tonnes. • This is a particular problem in very deep mines in hard, brittle and very strong rock, e.g. some gold and zinc mines. • They are cause by the sudden release of excessive rock stress that has built up over time.

  28. InstabilityCollapse of mine roof • Roof failure • The problem of roof collapse varies depending on the type of mine. A common solution is the use of wire netting fixed with rook bolts (lower left – note the unusually well defined band of copper) • However, they don’t always work (lower right). This is a particularly severe fall.

  29. Translational Rotational/ circular Toppling Rockfall InstabilityCollapse of a face on a quarry • Slope & Face Failure

  30. InstabilityCollapse of a face on a quarry • Rockfall • There is a very real danger of rockfall from the material at the top of this face. • Faces are now generally kept to less than 15m high. • The face could be “cleaned” by an excavator • A buffer zone could be built a safe distance around the bas of the face.

  31. InstabilityCollapse of a face on a quarry • Toppling Failure • This differs to rockfall, in that a part of the face collapses rather than a few stones or boulders. Note the “cleanness” of the new face in the lower right, suggesting a weak plane (joint or small fault).

  32. InstabilityCollapse of a slope • There are a number of different ways in which a slope can fail. Click on the buttons below.

  33. InstabilityCollapse of a slope • Planar/Slab failure • Planar instability along bedding with loss of quarry crest and access to lower benches.

  34. InstabilityCollapse of a slope • Wedge failure • Wedge failure in a magnesian limestone quarry along two well defined joint planes.

  35. InstabilityCollapse of a slope • Rotational failure • This rotational failure took place in the tailings dam of the Crixas gold mine in South Africa.

  36. InstabilityCollapse of a slope • Bi/Multi-planar failure • This failure took place at St Aidans OCCS on at least two planes; the back plane (fault zone) and at least one basal plane (weak seatearths below the coal seams).

  37. Tailings Dam Failures

  38. Tailings Dam FailuresIntroduction • Tailings • Tailings are waste material from the mining industry. • Valuable mineral is surrounded by gangue (uneconomic material), which needs to be separated in a concentrating process. • Crushing and grinding methods are used to reduce the mined ore to sand and silt sizes, before concentration. • The most common technique used today is 'flotation' which has been used to separate minerals since the early 1920's. • The process treats the ground ore in a bubbling mixture of water and chemicals which the metallic minerals stick to and rise to the surface of the flotation tank. • This is the concentrate which is scraped or poured off for either further processing or drying. The remaining ground ore is the waste, known as tailings.

  39. Tailings Dam FailuresIntroduction • Tailings • Tailings settling pond at Lisheen mine in Ireland (below left) • Lead froth flotation at Lisheen mine in Ireland (below right)

  40. Tailings Dam FailuresDams • Tailings material is usually highly toxic. • Dam types: • Centreline • Upstream • Downstream

  41. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures • The diagram below shows the different ways in which tailings dams can fail. Slope Failure Overtopping Failure Of Decant Tower (Widespread) Water or Fines Slip Circle Liquefaction Wedge Washaways Piping Erosion (Common) (Widespread) (Common) Wind And Rain Coarse Wall Toe Erosion

  42. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Overtopping & erosion • Gold mine, Merriespruit, South Africa • Water overtopped the during a storm, causing rapid erosion. • 17 people died and toxic waste did widespread damage.

  43. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Rotational failure • This rotational failure took place in the tailings dam of the Crixas gold mine in South Africa.

  44. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Rotational failure • Crixas after rehabilitation.

  45. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Piping failure • Omai gold mine, Guyana. • No-one was killed, but 18 people needed treatment for the effects of cyanide poisoning.

  46. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Piping failure • Omai gold mine, Guyana. • On August 19th 1995, the tailings dam at Guyana's Omai Gold Mine cracked allowing 3.2 billion litres of cyanide-laced (28ppm) sludge to flow into the heart of the rainforest. • The current judgement is that the failure of the dam was caused by massive loss of core integrity resulting from internal erosion of the dam fill (piping).

  47. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Decant failure • The decant pipework collapsed and tailings escaped through the outflow.

  48. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Erosion • The slumping at the toe of the dam has been caused by the water table intersecting the dam on the slope, rather than intersecting the solid ground behind the toe.

  49. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Erosion • The photo shows repairs made at the Crown Mine tailings dam by buttressing the toe with concrete.

  50. Tailings Dam FailuresTypes of Failures - Collapse • Collapse - Weakened Foundations? • Los Frailes lead-zinc mine in southern Spain

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