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Presented by University of Southern Indiana Extended Service Sue Ellspermann, PhD. Essential Teaming Skills. Quality Results = Content (people, perspectives, data, facts) Process (a method of working together) Process skills (know how to use the method)
Presented by University of Southern Indiana Extended Service Sue Ellspermann, PhD Essential Teaming Skills
Quality Results = • Content (people, perspectives, data, facts) • Process (a method of working together) • Process skills (know how to use the method) • Teaming skills (know how to work together) So, you want to get good results?
Roles in well run Meetings Facilitator Coach Process Manages the process of the meeting Engaged in the content and outcomes of the meeting Content “Owner(s)” Participants
HTC Roles in Meetings: Phase 1 Site Coach “Facilitator” Process Community Coordinator Content Pillar Team Leader Pillar Team Members
Many communities will want to develop a “tagline” to go with their HTC effort. • You have 5 minutes to develop one. • A tagline is a “branding slogan” that describes your product, service or initiative. Typically a short phrase or sentence. • Ex. Nike’s “Just do it!” Lay’s “No one can eat just one.” Thinking skills Exercise
How many options did you create? How many team members participated? Who led the meeting? What was your process? Did you get a good option? Do you have consensus around it? How good was your process? Tagline exercise debrief
PSA 590 Winter 2008 Week 4 Exercise 1: What do you see?
PSA 590 Winter 2008 Week 4 Killer Phrases
Generating options without prematurely judging. Do not kill others’ ideas and options. Focus on quantity, not quality. Build on others’ points of view and ideas. Push for novel and unusual thoughts, ideas and challenges. Divergent thinking
Selecting the best option(s) to move forward. Consider criteria for choosing (what’s important). Refine potentially good options into stronger, more polished options. In a team, strive for consensus. CONVERGENT Thinking
PSA 590 Winter 2009 Week 4 Process Skills
Consensus is general agreement of the team on an option. This does not mean all like the option equally, but all have agreed “they can live with it”. Identify those options which the team feels are most promising. Discuss these for looking for common ground. Speak up for promising options. Listen for understanding as team members share their concerns. Try to bridge differences. Once the decision is made, all will agree to support its implementation. Consensus
Diverge possible taglines (3 minutes). Converge on those which are most promising. (2 minutes). Reach consensus on the best tagline (1 min). TAGline exercise 2
Effective meeting model Plan Meet Debrief
This is the planning step. Typically developed by the facilitator and “owner” (site coach and pillar team leader). Consider what the objectives of the meeting are. Identify prework to be completed prior to the meeting. Build a behavioral agenda with time and process expectations. End all agendas with a debrief and action plan. Agenda development
6:30 p.m. Welcome and purpose of the meeting (Pillar Team Leader) Review the agenda (Site coach) 6:40 p.m. Review possible assessment tools available through HTC (Site coach) Q&A 7:00 p.m. Diverge additional methods and data available to assess 7:30 p.m. Converge on assessment tools to pursue 8:00 p.m. Develop action plan to refine the tools 8:25 p.m. Debrief and next meeting time/date. 8:30 p.m. Adjourn Example: behavioral agenda Excerpt
Diverge objectives of the meeting. • Identify prework that needs to be completed prior to the meeting. • Develop an behavioral agenda. • Be realistic with times. • You can always end early. • People don’t appreciate being held late. Exercise: your first HTC steering committee meeting
In facilitated meetings, the facilitator manages the meeting allowing the “owner” to focus on the content of the meeting. If there is no facilitator, it is typically the owner’s responsibility to manage the meeting. Notes are important to capture decisions and action steps. Other items are optional. A flipchart is helpful to capture divergence and convergence, as well as the action plan. It also demonstrates that all points of view and ideas are valued. Dotting is a useful method to quickly converge and helpful in reaching consensus. Frequently reference the agenda to keep team members on task. Before changing the agenda, ask permission of the group to do so. Debrief at the end of all meetings to allow for continuous improvement. Meeting management
“What are we saying and doing that is helping us make progress?” “What are we saying and doing that is hindering our progress?” “What are we learning about our pillar, the team and the HTC process?” Debrief questions
USI at Innovation Pointe (Evansville) Simplex: Solving Complex Problems Workshop Feb 3-4 or Feb 3, 10, 17, and 24 (half days) USI at Innovation Pointe (Evansville) Simplex Facilitator Training Summer 2009 (date to be announced) Contact: Gene Recker grecker@usi.edu Training opportunities