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Habitat Loss

Habitat Loss. Rubio Rodriguez Mike Vimke Chamaine Washington. Anthropogenic Impact. Flow of Energy. Flow of Water. Levees. Hurricane Katrina. Dams . Groundwater. Flow of Nutrients. Focus on the Coast of Louisiana to Characterize Global Issue. www.npr.org. Natural Events.

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Habitat Loss

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Habitat Loss Rubio Rodriguez Mike Vimke Chamaine Washington

  2. Anthropogenic Impact

  3. Flow of Energy

  4. Flow of Water

  5. Levees

  6. Hurricane Katrina

  7. Dams

  8. Groundwater

  9. Flow of Nutrients

  10. Focus on the Coast of Louisiana to Characterize Global Issue www.npr.org

  11. Natural Events -Tsunami and hurricanes Excess of salt water to fresh water and salt water marshes (short trees, grass-like plants and water) -Sea level rise Due to glaciers advancing and retreating -Deltaic life/Compaction Increased soil density: reduced porosity due to movement of sediments containing water -Subsidence Natural sinking of coastal land into the ocean due to the progressive loss of loosely deposited sediments to the see Greenfieldgeography.wikispaces.com Wordpress.com

  12. What is causing habitat loss? Habitat loss is the main cause of biodiversity loss Agriculture Forestry Urban development Water projects

  13. Deforestation

  14. What are possible ways to address and improve habitat loss? Set priorities Find biodiversity hotspots The 8 hottest hotspots in terms of 5 factors: # of plants # of vertebrates Plant/area ratio Vertebrate/area ratio % of remaining primary vegetation compared to original A map of the 25 hotspots, which comprise 3-30% of the red areas.

  15. Improving Habitat Loss continued… The major threat to terrestrial systems and ocean fisheries are not the same Marine protected areas (or MPAs) can be utilized to address habitat loss in marine systems Three approaches: 1. Terrestrial park legislation can be extended to cover marine areas 2. Fisheries legislation can be extended to include protection of their habitat 3. Create a new governing agency to oversee designated areas

  16. Works Cited • http://www.epa.gov/owow/estuaries/pivot/images/Andy-Serrell-montego1.jpg • http://www.mongabay.com/images/rainforests/per_for_loss_1990.gif • http://test.classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/401/flashcards/450401/jpg/picture2.jpg • http://www.sciencemag.org/content/315/5819/1679/F1.small.gif • http://weekly.blog.gustavus.edu/files/2008/03/threegorgesdam.jpg • http://www.csmonitor.com/var/archive/storage/images/media/images/2008/0620/p01s03-usgn.html/alevees_g1_l.gif/6124170-1-eng-US/ALEVEES_G1_L.gif_full_600.gif • http://www.chesapeakebay.net/images/issues/Groundwater_page_image.jpg • https://confluence.furman.edu:8443/download/attachments/10978342/wiki1.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1288975992000

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