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This guide aims to support individuals in effectively clarifying vague ideas and promoting authentic interactions. It provides strategies to relieve confusion and foster clear understandings in conversations. Use this resource to enhance communication skills and create genuine connections with others.
1. Absolve (v.) To Declare innocent
2. Abstract (adj.) Not Concrete
3. Accessible (adj.) Easily approached
4. Accommodate (v.) To assist
5. Acknowledge (v.) To recognize
6. Affluence (n.) Riches/wealth
7. Alleviate (v.) To relieve
8. Ambiguous (adj.) Open -Ended/vague
9. Ample (adj.) More than enough
10. Apathy (n.) Lack of emotion
11. Arrogance (n.) • Offensive pride
12. Assumption (n.) • Idea without evidence / guess
13. Authentic (adj.) • Genuine / real
14. Autonomous (adj.) • independent; self-ruling
15. Benign (adj.) • Gentle / kind
16. Captivate (v.) • to completely hold the attention of
17. Chronicle (noun) • Events written in order
18. Cite (v.) • To give credit
19. Component (n.) • A necessary element or part
20. Condone (v.) • To excuse or allow
21. Convention An assembly/group of people
22. Conformity The act of following/becoming like others
23. Console To comfort
24. Degenerate To decline/to worsen in state or condition
25. Denounce To announce publicly in a negative manner
26. Depict To represent/describe
27. Deplete To use completely
28. Derision To ridicule/Scorn
29. Digression The act of changing topics in writing or speaking
30. Disclaimer To deny any responsibility
31. Discord Lack of agreement
32. Disperse To spread out evenly
33. Distinction To stand out with striking differences
34. Divulge To make known
35. Elusive Difficult to grasp
36. Erode To destroy slowly
37. Excerpt A selected passage
38. Exploit (v) To take advantage of
39. Facilitate To guide or oversee; to make easier
40. Forthright Direct / straightforward
41. Futile Ineffective / useless;
42. Gratify To satisfy or indulge;
43. Hamper To interfere or hinder;
44. Hostility Hatred or animosity;
45. Impede To obstruct, hinder, or slow down;
46. Implement To fulfill or carry out;
47. Implication Something implied or understood; the result or consequence of;
48. Inconsistency Contradictory; not predictable;
49. Incorporate To unite or combine;
50. Indict To charge with an offense or crime;