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Chapter 5 Perceiving the World. Some Key Terms. Perception: How we assemble sensations into meaningful patterns Bottom-up processing: Analyzing information starting at the bottom (small units) and going upward to form a complete perception
Some Key Terms • Perception: How we assemble sensations into meaningful patterns • Bottom-up processing: Analyzing information starting at the bottom (small units) and going upward to form a complete perception • Top-down processing: Pre-existing knowledge that is used to rapidly organize features into a meaningful whole
Selective Attention • Giving priority to a particular incoming message.
Selective Attention Exercise • Reading Aloud.
Discuss • How has perceptual learning affected your ability to safely drive a car? For example, what do you pay attention to at intersections? Where do you habitually look as you are driving?
Divided Attention • Allotting mental space or effort to various tasks or parts of a task
Perceptual Expectancies • Perceptual expectancy (set): Past experiences, motives, contexts, or suggestions that prepare us to perceive in a certain way
Attention and Perception • Inattentional blindness: Failure to perceive a stimulus that is in plain view, but not the focus of attention (hair dryer) • Orientation response: Bodily changes that prepare an organism to receive information from a particular stimulus
Perceptual Grouping • Figure–ground organization: Inborn; part of a stimulus stands out as an object (figure) against a plainer background (ground) • Reversible figure: Figure and ground that can be reversed
Gestalt Principles of Organization • Nearness: Stimuli that are near each other tend to be grouped together • Similarity: Stimuli that are similar in size, shape, color, or form tend to be grouped together • Continuation, or continuity: Perceptions tend toward simplicity and continuity
Gestalt Principles of Organization (cont) • Closure: Tendency to complete a figure so that it has a consistent overall form • Contiguity: Nearness in time and space; perception that one thing has caused another • Common region: Stimuli that are found within a common area tend to be seen as a group
Some More Key Terms • Empirical perception: A perception strongly influenced by prior experience • Shape constancy: The perceived shape of an object is unaffected by changes in its retinal image • Brightness constancy: Apparent brightness of an object stays the same under changing lighting conditions
Depth Perception • Definition: Ability to see three-dimensional space and to accurately judge distances • Visual cliff: Apparatus that looks like the edge of an elevated platform or cliff on one side and a tabletop on the other
Depth • Depth cues: Features of the environment, and messages from the body, that supply information about distance and space • Binocular depth cue: Depth cue that can be sensed with two eyes • Monocular depth cue: Depth cue that can be sensed with one eye
Muscular Cues for Depth Perception • Retinal disparity: Discrepancy in the images that reach the right and left eyes • Stereotopic vision: Three-dimensional sight; perception of space and depth caused by the fact that the eye receives different images
Pictorial Cues for Depth • Features found in paintings, drawings, and photographs that supply information about space, depth, and distance; monocular depth cues
Linear Perspective • Based on apparent convergence of parallel lines in environment
Overlap • When one object partially blocks another
Texture Gradients • Texture changes can contribute to depth perception; coarse texture implies closeness, fine texture implies distance
Relative Motion (Motion Parallax) • Nearby objects move a lot as your head moves; distant objects move slightly
Some Illusions • Moon illusion: Apparent change in size that occurs as the moon moves from the horizon (large moon) to overhead (small moon) • Apparent-distance hypothesis: Horizon seems more distant than the night sky
Perceptual Learning • Change in the brain that alters how we construct sensory information into precepts
Perceptual Habits • Ingrained patterns of organization and attention • Other-race effect: Tendency to be better at recognizing faces from one’s own racial group than faces from other racial or ethnic groups • Active movement: Self-generated action; accelerates perceptual adaptation
Context • Context: Information surrounding a stimulus; affects perception • Frames of reference: Internal standards for judging stimuli
Illusions: Is What You See What You Get? • Illusion: Length, position, motion, curvature, or direction is constantly misjudged • Hallucination: When people perceive objects or events that have no basis in external reality • Stroboscopic movement: Illusory motion perceived when objects are shown in rapidly changing positions (cartoon flipbook)
Müller-Lyer Illusion • Two equal-length lines tipped with inward or outward pointing V’s appear to be of different length; based on experience with edges and corners of rooms and buildings
Size-Distance Invariance • Strict relationship between the distance an object lies from the eyes and the size of its image