WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT Haiku-poems can describe almost anything, but you seldom find themes which are too complicated for normal PEOPLE's recognition and understanding. Some of the most thrilling Haiku-poems describe daily situations in a way that gives the reader a brand new experience of a well-known situation.
The pattern of Haiku Haiku-poems consist of respectively 5, 7 and 5 syllables in three units. In Japanese, this convention is a must, but in English, which has variation in the length of syllables, this can sometimes be difficult.
cutting The cutting divides the Haiku into two parts, with a certain imaginative distance between the two sections, but the two sections must remain, to a degree, independent of each other. Both sections must enrich the understanding of the other. To make this cutting in English, either the first or the second line ends normally with a colon, long dash or ellipsis.
SEASONAL THEME Each Haiku must contain a kigo, a season word, which indicate in which season the Haiku is set. For example, cherry blossoms indicate spring, snow indicate winter, and mosquitoes indicate summer, but the season word isn't always that obvious.
Winter usually makes us think of burden, cold, sadness, hunger, tranquility or peace. Ideas about winter can be invited with words like "snow," "ice," "dead tree," "leafless," etc. Summer brings about feelings of warmth, vibrancy, love, anger, and many others. General summer phrases include references to the sky, beaches, heat, and romance. Autumn brings to mind a very wide range of ideas: decay, belief in the supernatural, jealousy, saying goodbye, loss, regret, and mystery to name a few. Falling leaves, shadows, and autumn colors are common implementations. Spring, like summer, can make one think of love, but it is usually more a sense of infatuation. Also common are themes like innocence, youth, passion, and fickleness. Blossoms, new plants, or warm rains can imply spring. For more information on seasons, go to the link listed below.Seasonal references can also include human activities. Be aware that some references to human activities, such as Christmas, are effective season words.
Examples haikus are easybut sometimes they don't make senserefrigeratorYellow flowers spin.The slimy, nosy ears trip.Blue hedgehogs quiver.A bouncy boot laughs.Smashing slime flips but bums hoot.Nosy Grumpy slips.A banana burps.Goofy farts and piggy's pop.The flowers chortle.
More examples You must scratch me there! Yes, above my tail! Behold, "Elevator butt." In deep sleep hear sound cat vomit hairball somewhere will find in morning I want to be close to you. Can I fit my head inside your armpit?