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When patients have been harmed This is how we would like you to respond

When patients have been harmed This is how we would like you to respond. Patient ambassadors in Denmark. Take good care of us as patients. Show patients and families respect Talk to us Meet us as we are Look us straight in the eye Listen to us and hear what we are saying

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When patients have been harmed This is how we would like you to respond

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  1. When patients have been harmedThis is how we would like you to respond Patient ambassadors in Denmark

  2. Take good care of us as patients • Show patients and families respect • Talk to us • Meet us as we are • Look us straight in the eye • Listen to us and hear what we are saying • Respect our perspective – our experience is real • Involve us • See us as real partners • Take our knowledge and experience into consideration • Collaborate with us www.patientsikkerhed.dk

  3. When a patient has been harmed 1. Take action to prevent further harm - Take responsibility, also when we (the patient or family) feel that something is wrong - Limit the extent of the damage - Take measures to prevent other effects www.patientsikkerhed.dk

  4. When a patient has been harmed 2. Tell the truth and take responsibility - Acknowledge that damage has been done - Explain what happened - Give us an apology - Offer counseling - Offer us an opportunity for dialogue with the manager and those involved in the error, in undisturbed privacy - Follow up as soon as you know more www.patientsikkerhed.dk

  5. When a patient has been harmed 3. Involve us in your root cause analysis We have a different perspective on the whole process, so: - Listen to our account of what led up to the adverse event - Let us comment on the conclusions from the analysis and recommendations - Consider us team members www.patientsikkerhed.dk

  6. The error must be prevented from recurring 4. Prevent the adverse event from happening again - Report the adverse event - Analyze the adverse event - Recommend to us, that we report the adverse event - Explain to us what you will do to prevent recurrence www.patientsikkerhed.dk

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