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The Renaissance

The Renaissance. SOL Quiz #12. #1 Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance?. Utopianism Feudalism Humanism Romanticism. Humanism. #2 Which of the following was created during the Renaissance?. The philosophy of Socrates The epic poetry of Virgil

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The Renaissance

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  1. The Renaissance SOL Quiz #12

  2. #1 Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? • Utopianism • Feudalism • Humanism • Romanticism

  3. Humanism

  4. #2 Which of the following was created during the Renaissance? • The philosophy of Socrates • The epic poetry of Virgil • The art of Leonardo da Vinci • The history of Herodotus

  5. The art of Leonardo da Vinci

  6. #3 Based on this quote, Machiavelli’s political writings supported the idea of - • absolute power • limited monarchy • popular sovereignty • parliamentary government

  7. absolute power

  8. #4 One difference between art of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance was that the art of the Renaissance was more focused on - • everyday life and family relationships • the individual and worldly matters • the Church and salvation • Greek and Roman civilizations

  9. the individual and worldly matters

  10. #5 Which phrase completes this diagram? • Construction of Monasteries • Development of Guilds • Growth of Universities • Production of Books

  11. Production of Books

  12. #6 During the Renaissance, new accounting and bookkeeping practices were introduced with the use of ________ numerals? • Arabic • Phoenician

  13. Arabic

  14. #7 This machine helped to spread new ideas during the Renaissance. It was invented by — • Sir Thomas More • Desiderius Erasmus • Johann Gutenberg • Niccolo Machiavelli

  15. Johann Gutenberg

  16. #8 During which era did Petrarch create these works? • Classical • Hellenistic • Medieval • Renaissance

  17. Renaissance

  18. #9 The Renaissance first began in the city-state of • Flanders. • Florence. • Rome. • Venice.

  19. Florence.

  20. #10 The banking family that supported the arts and were politically active were the • da Vincis. • Tudors. • Borgias. • Medicis.

  21. Medicis.

  22. #11 The center of the Northern Renaissance was • Flanders. • Florence. • London. • Paris.

  23. Flanders.

  24. #12 This “Renaissance man” was an artist, engineer, and scientist: • Raphael • Lorenzo de Medici • Leonardo da Vinci • Michelangelo

  25. Leonardo da Vinci

  26. #13 Renaissance art includes all of the following except • sculpture that is three-dimensional. • use of perspective. • display of emotion. • religious subjects exclusively.

  27. religious subjects exclusively.

  28. #14 He is considered the “father” of humanism and was a poet. • Shakespeare • Petrarch • Machiavelli • Bruni

  29. Petrarch

  30. #15 Machiavelli’s book on secular statecraft is entitled • The Prince. • The Book of the Courtier. • Florentine Politics. • History of Florence.

  31. The Prince.

  32. #16 This poet and playwright was from England: • Sir Thomas More • Shakespeare • Petrarch • Henry VII

  33. Shakespeare

  34. #17 Machiavelli’s The Prince supported absolute ________ of the ruler? • Power • Divinity

  35. Power

  36. #18 The Prince was written by this person? • Petrarch • Machiavelli

  37. Machiavelli

  38. #19 In Europe, the movable type printing press was developed by this person? • Johannes Gutenberg • Bi Sheng

  39. Johannes Gutenberg

  40. #20 ____________ art and literature focused on the Church and salvation. • Medieval • Renaissance

  41. Medieval

  42. #21 _______________ art and literature focused on individuals and worldly matters, along with Christianity. • Renaissance • Middle Ages

  43. Renaissance

  44. #22 This man of the Renaissance painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. • Leonardo da Vinci • Michelangelo

  45. Leonardo da Vinci

  46. #23This movement celebrated the individual; stimulated the study of Greek and Roman literature and culture; and was supported by wealthy patrons? • Monasticism • Humanism

  47. Humanism

  48. #24 This person painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the statue David? • Michelangelo • Machiavelli

  49. Michelangelo

  50. #25 The moveable type printing press and the production and sale of books (the Gutenberg Bible) helped spread ideas throughout this continent A B

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