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;IAMHERE1.ppe. ;By: Francis "gorilla" Amato. ;DESCRIPTION: A simple (but complete) New User PPE "script." Asks. ;questions, gets answers, checks birthdate, writes new user message. ;to user, sends message to sysop, stores users answers to questions.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ;IAMHERE1.ppe

  2. ;By: Francis "gorilla" Amato

  3. ;DESCRIPTION: A simple (but complete) New User PPE "script." Asks

  4. ;questions, gets answers, checks birthdate, writes new user message

  5. ;to user, sends message to sysop, stores users answers to questions

  6. ;asked and comment to sysop to an external file, sends the same info

  7. ;as a post on the board to the sysop, sends a file to the user,

  8. ;and "forces" new user upload.

  9. ;You can (probably) add an additonal PPE at the end via the CALL command.

  10. ;INSTALLATION: PCBSETUP. B- File Locations, D- New User Questions,

  11. ;Name/Loc of New Reg Questions: Drive\Dir\FileName.ppe. Name/Loc of

  12. ;Answers: LEAVE BLANK! If you don't leave it blank- and set your

  13. ;ANSWER file to it- you'll find it'll put the new user answers BEFORE

  14. ;the new user name. Very confusing.

  15. ;LIMITATIONS: This release is NOT currently multi-node capable. If you

  16. ;need it to be so, you have 3 choices... change it yourself, wait till

  17. ;I get another node and update it myself, or force new users to logon

  18. ;to a single BBS number and only allow validated members access to

  19. ;your other nodes. The last is probably a good idea anyway.

  20. ;This SHOULD work if you run a closed board. Just do a HANGUP or BYE

  21. ;at the end of this PPE.

  22. ;First we set up all the variables...

  23. string config ;The name of your config file

  24. string questioncolor ;The color of the questions asked

  25. string welfile ;The name of the welcome file

  26. string questions ;The name of the QUESTIONS asked file

  27. integer number ;The number of questions to ask

  28. string commentxt ;File displayed prior to user comments

  29. string ask ;The question to be asked

  30. integer x ;For a loop for answers/questions

  31. string z ;Answers to quesions

  32. string answer ;Name of the external file with answers

  33. string line ;Stores the users comment

  34. string sendthis ;External file to write as SYSOP COMMENT

  35. string newuser ;Msg to New User

  36. string DLDis ;Display File before forced DL

  37. string DLThis ;File to send to user

  38. string filehandle ;A test for length of Handle for FileName

  39. string filename ;Filename they're SENDING=Their HANDLE

  40. string descrip ;Description of file

  41. string ULdir ;The PATH of PCB dir

  42. string beforeUL ;File to display before upload

  43. string ULname ;Name of the file they are sending

  44. string birth, yr, age, currentyr ;For the BORNDAY portion

  45. string nope ;Display file if too young

  46. string never ;Path to TCAN file

  47. ;we open and store the desired config from the iamhere.cfg

  48. ;See CFG for details

  49. ;Let the sting config equal the name of your config file

  50. config="IAMHERE.CFG"

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