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— Public Awareness Ministries — Preserving Liberty and Keeping the Door for Evangelism Open. Mark Matta Ongoing Local Prayer and Action. If We Can Select God-Fearing Leaders (and we can), Shouldn’t We?. — Public Awareness Ministries — Ongoing Local Prayer and Action: Our Future Depends On It….
—Public Awareness Ministries—Preserving Liberty and Keeping the Door for Evangelism Open Mark Matta Ongoing Local Prayer and Action PreserveLiberty.com
If We Can Select God-Fearing Leaders (and we can), Shouldn’t We? —Public Awareness Ministries—Ongoing Local Prayer and Action: Our Future Depends On It… PreserveLiberty.com
America’s Second Civic War: The War of Worldviews… Everything we hold dear is under attack: • God and His principles • Innocent life • Marriage and family • Morality • National sovereignty • Educational choice How is it that the Judeo-Christian majority loses so many battles…? PreserveLiberty.com
Our Challenge: Forgetting Our Biblically-Defined Civic Duty… • Wallbuilders.com reported that only about 1 out of 4 evangelical Christians voted in the 2000 election… “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” [Edmund Burke] PreserveLiberty.com
Consider These Casualty Stats: • Operation Iraqi freedom: 3 per day • Traffic deaths: 110 per day • Heart-related deaths: 1,100 per day • Abortions: 3,500+ per day (44 million since Roe v. Wade in 1973) So where is the war really raging? PreserveLiberty.com
Remember We Have a Biblical Mandate to: • PRAY for those in authority AND invite His presence. [I Tim. 2:1-2. II Chron. 7:14] • SELECT God-fearing leaders [Ex. 18:21, Deut. 16:18, II Sam. 23:3] • ADVANCE CHRIST and His principles [Gen. 1:28, Luke 12:48, Luke 19:13b, James 2:26b, James 4:17] PreserveLiberty.com
WHY VOTE (to Elect God-Fearing Leaders)? • We have a Biblical mandate to SELECT God-fearing leaders. [Ex. 18:21, Deut. 16:18, II Sam. 23:3] • To do so preserves America’s Christian foundation, liberty, and the open door for evangelism. • People of all faiths are blessed when we do. [Ps. 33:12, Prov. 29:2] PreserveLiberty.com
Consider the Following: Key Idea #1 • America was founded on Christian principles from which has flowed the greatest liberty for the individual ever known! PreserveLiberty.com
The American Covenant… • The Mayflower Compact, (Nov. 20, 1620) is the American Covenant, the document which organized a civil government with linkage to the Great Commission and based on the principle of Christian self-government “for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith” PreserveLiberty.com
The “Fruit” of The American Covenant: • 80-to-85% of all missionaries sent to the world in the Name of Christ over the past 200 years have come from America (as well as the majority of humanitarian aid). --Mayflower Institute (No wonder America faces attacks from enemies foreign and domestic…) PreserveLiberty.com
Snapshots of America’s Christian Heritage… • 52 of the 55 Founding Fathers who worked on the Constitution were members of orthodox Christian churches and many were evangelical Christians. PreserveLiberty.com
Snapshots of America’s Christian Heritage … • Key components of our governmental structure are derived from Scripture: • Rationale for the Separation of Powers: Jeremiah 17:9 • Structure for the Three-Branch System of Government:Isaiah 33:22 • Tax Exemptions for Churches: Ezra 7:24. PreserveLiberty.com
Snapshots of America’s Christian Heritage … • John Quincy Adams said:“Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence… laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?” PreserveLiberty.com
Snapshots of America’s Christian Heritage … • Our Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, makes four direct references to God and our need for His help! • Our USConstitution was ratified on September 17 “in the Year of our Lord” 1787 (Article VII, attestation)! • Our National Motto is “In God We Trust” PreserveLiberty.com
Christian Principles of Gov’t. Foundational to America 1. God-granted unalienable rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (private property). PreserveLiberty.com
Christian Principles of Gov’t. Foundational to America 2.A Government model based on the idea that man is fallen and capable of wickedness, hence the need to separate powers. 3.God’s Principle of Individuality (Unique value and purpose of individuals and individual nations). PreserveLiberty.com
Christian Principles of Gov’t. Foundational to America 4. The Christian Principle of Self-Government. (Christian self-government is the SEED of ALL liberty). 5.America’s Heritage of ChristianCharacter. (Liberty moral leaders accountability to God) PreserveLiberty.com
Christian Principles of Gov’t. Foundational to America 6.Principle of Private Property with Conscience being the Most Sacred of All Property. 7.Christian Form of Our Government: a Constitutional Republic based on the principles listed above. PreserveLiberty.com
Christian Principles of Gov’t. Foundational to America 8.Importance of the home in maintaining religious, economic, and civil liberty by instructing the next generation about these principles. 9.The Christian Principle of American Political Union (e.g. our voluntarily working together). PreserveLiberty.com
A Word of Warning… • Without these Christian principles, there can be no liberty in America. WE must understand them, teach our children, and work to advance them at home, in church, and in civil government, otherwise they and the liberty they beget will be lost. If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? [Psalm 11:3] PreserveLiberty.com
Consider the Following: Key Idea #2 2. To preserve America’s Christian foundation (the source of liberty and the open door for evangelism), people of faith must fulfill the Biblical mandate to PRAY for and SELECT God-fearing leaders. PreserveLiberty.com
Consider the Following: Key Idea #3 3. Consistent prayer and action toward selecting God-fearing leaders is facilitated by establishing ongoing LOCAL Public Awareness Ministry groups in each city … (Next meeting: here, Sat., 7-3) PreserveLiberty.com
Public Awareness Ministries Description and MISSION… • Ongoing local PRAYER and WORK to select God-fearing leaders… • MISSION: Equipping people of faith to fulfill the Biblical mandate to pray for and select God-fearing leaders… PreserveLiberty.com
What Does Public Awareness Ministries DO?P—E—W • PRAY for those in authority, inviting God’s presence and help • EQUIP with Biblical principles of government and civic duty • WORK to select God-fearing leaders (via non-partisan voter registration and local voter guides): no threat to 501(c)(3) PreserveLiberty.com
Local Voter Guides Solve Two Main Challenges … • Provide info about our city council, school board, and judicial candidates… • Improve the quality of candidates for higher office… We have a Biblical duty to put in “good seed” at the local level… PreserveLiberty.com
Public Awareness Ministries’ Scriptural Public Policy Goals: • Select God-fearing leaders who are: • Pro-life • Pro-family • Pro-morality These are Scriptural, not partisan, objectives. PreserveLiberty.com
The Three-IngredientBiblical Recipe for Liberty… • Evangelismbegets freedom from sin’s control and self-government • Education / Discipleship(including government & civic duty) • Public Policy Participation: • Select God-fearing leaders • Pray for those in authority PreserveLiberty.com
Pagans: Proactive Resolved Consistent Christians: Reactive Casual Hit-and-miss Pagan versus Christian Public Policy Approach… PreserveLiberty.com
Proactive Resolved Consistent Organized! For your calendar: Prayer, First Sat., 7am Local Voter Guide Committee, Third Saturday, 7am. PreserveLiberty.com Christians in Public Awareness Ministries Groups PreserveLiberty.com
To Make Lasting Change, We Must Elect God-Fearing Leaders • A Russian Proverb: You cannot drive straight on a crooked road… • William Penn: You can’t get good law from bad leaders. [paraphrase] Don’t lobby, REPLACE! PreserveLiberty.com
Liberty is a Four-Letter Word (Part 1): P-R-A-Y • Invite His presence and help.Pray for those in authority. Ask that He raise up God-fearing leaders and shake Christians awake to fulfill their civic duty! PreserveLiberty.com
Liberty is a Four-Letter Word (Part 2): W-O-R-K • Select God-fearing leaders • Equip people of faith with Biblical principles of government and civic duty… PreserveLiberty.com
G-I-V-E Give monthly to organizations that advance Christian liberty. Send ammo to the front… Example Organizations: Public Awareness Ministries, ACLJ, PJI, FOTF, CRI, Abiding Truth… SEE LINKS ATPreserveLiberty.com Liberty is a Four-Letter Word (Part 3): PreserveLiberty.com
L-O-V-E Extend Christian love to enemies and recalcitrant people of faith. Speak the truth IN LOVE with conviction… Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. --Luke 6:27b Liberty is a Four-Letter Word (Part 4): PreserveLiberty.com
Would you ever allow anti-God, anti-life, anti-family individuals to govern (take control of) your house? PreserveLiberty.com
This is our house!”The fundamental principle of our Constitution enjoins that the will of the majority shall prevail.” [George Washington] PreserveLiberty.com
(A) Foreign Enemies would destroy America and her liberty from without… (B) Domestic Enemies would separate God and His principles from America… Domestic enemies pose the greater threat… PreserveLiberty.com
Warfare Against Evil is Scriptural(and it always begins with prayer) • The fear of the LORD is to hate evil... (Proverbs 8:13) • Nehemiah 4—describes fighting to advance God’s work • Esther 9—describes the Jews destroying those who sought to destroy them Does this quote describe the church today? "I shut my eyes as if to cover up the peril"(from the classic Treasure Island) PreserveLiberty.com
Free RESOURCES Available atPreserveLiberty.com PreserveLiberty.com
Free RESOURCES Available atPreserveLiberty.com • Public Awareness Ministries Handbook • Brad Dacus’ (PJI) letter to pastors • Party Platforms Summary • Voter Guides and Links INCLUDING LOCAL VOTER GUIDES! PreserveLiberty.com
National Vision: A Public Awareness Ministries Group in Every City Across America… Uniting the body of Christ in the arena of public policy to: • PRAY, inviting His presence • EQUIP with GOD’S WORD • WORK to select God-fearing leaders. PreserveLiberty.com
Public Awareness Ministries’ Vital Importance… Youth Ministries: disciple our kids Music Ministries: invite His presence in worship Public Awareness Ministries: fulfill the Biblical mandate to select God-fearing leaders… PreserveLiberty.com
How Will We Respond to the Call to Local Prayer and Action? Will we be like King Hezekiah who, having learned that Judah would taken captive (but not within his lifetime), said“The word of the LORD which you have spoken is good!… Will there not be peace and truth at least in my days?” (II Kings 20:19) • Negative consequences of not voting:Certain: yes. Immediate: no! PreserveLiberty.com
Local Prayer and Action Produces National Impact! Remember Florida 2000: it’s clear that EVERY city, EVERY church, and EVERY Christian vote will count in 2004 and beyond! • TWO Supreme Court Justices may be appointed in the coming Presidential term… PreserveLiberty.com
Local Public Awareness Ministries Begin Simply! “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” [Matthew 18:20] (First Saturday of every month, 7-8am doesn’t interfere with work or family.) PreserveLiberty.com
Public Awareness Ministries Groups • Ongoing(not a project or event) • Local(in every city) • Prayer(inviting His help & presence) • Work (to select God-fearing leaders) PreserveLiberty.com(resources) PreserveLiberty.com
A Call to Ongoing Local Prayer and Action: Public Awareness Ministries • If there’s one in your city, get involved. If not, start one. • If not you, who? If not now, when? PreserveLiberty.com(resources to help and call 916-716-1075) PreserveLiberty.com
Aren’t Individual Prayer and Voting Enough? When we pray and vote separately, we’re “Lone Rangers:” • not agreeing in prayer, • not sharing vital information. PreserveLiberty.com
Public Awareness Ministries Groups • UnitingIn Prayer • Sharing Information • SelectingGod-fearing leaders (Ex.18:21, Deut. 16:18, II Sam. 23:3) When we pray and work togethermonthly, He is present with us and the body of Christ is “coordinated.” PreserveLiberty.com
Public Awareness Ministries Groups This is not an election year project. It is an ongoing ministry wherein we fulfill the Biblical mandate to pray for and select God-fearing leaders. We stay active every month during non-election years… PreserveLiberty.com