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Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training Module Mainstreaming Climate Change

Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training Module Mainstreaming Climate Change Module 11 – Synthesis Ms Isabelle Mamaty Senior Expert Climate Support Facility. Recap of the framework and tools. Finding the entry points and making the case.

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Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training Module Mainstreaming Climate Change

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  1. Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training ModuleMainstreaming Climate Change Module 11 – Synthesis Ms Isabelle MamatySenior ExpertClimate Support Facility

  2. Recap of the framework and tools

  3. Finding the entry points and making the case Mainstreaming CC into policy and planning processes Meeting the implementation challenge Preliminary assessments Understanding the science Understanding CC–development linkages Understanding climate-related uncertainties Collecting country-specific evidence and influencing policy processes Mainstreaming CC in (sub)national and sector policies, strategies, programmes Budgeting and financing Mainstreaming CC in the budgetary process Mod1 Mod3 Mod6 Mod2 Mainstreaming CC in monitoring systems Performance assessment frameworks Mod9 Raising awareness and building partnerships National consensus and commitment to climate-resilient, low-emission development Mod7 Mod4 Costing, assessing and selecting adaptation and mitigation options and measures Supporting policy measures National, sector and sub-national levels Mod10 Mod5 Strengthening institutions and capacities Needs assessment Working mechanisms Strengthening institutions and capacities Learning by doing Strengthening institutions and capacities Mainstreaming as standard practice Mod8 Mod8 Mod8 Engaging stakeholders and coordinating within the development community Adapted from: UNDP-UNEP (2009) Figure 3.1, p. 15

  4. Understanding CC–development linkages Mod1 Preliminary assessments Understanding CC–development linkages Mod2 Millennium Development Goals Millennium Ecosystem Assessment framework

  5. Strengthening institutions and capacities Mod3 Strengthening institutions / capacities Needs assessment Working mechanisms Learning by doing Mainstreaming as standard practice • Formal training • Exchange visits • On-the-job learning (interdisciplinary teams, twinning, technical assistance, demonstration projects) • Lesson learning & dissemination National capacity self-assessments Actions supporting learning-by-doing Institutional & management arrangements for mainstreaming Stakeholder analysis

  6. Understanding uncertainties and planning in the face of uncertainty Understanding uncertainties Planning in the face of uncertainty Preliminary assessments Understanding climate-related uncertainties Mod2 Climate change scenarios Adaptive management Expert opinion + local knowledge Existing reports & studies

  7. Raising awareness and building partnerships Mod4 Raising awareness and building partnerships National consensus and commitment to climate-resilient, low-emission development Mod10 Engaging key actors Communication & advocacy Vulnerability & adaptation assessments Macro & meso economic analysis Demonstration projects

  8. Collecting evidence and influencing policy processes Vulnerability & adaptation assessments Macro & meso economic analysis Demonstra-tion projects Collecting country-specific evidence and influencing policy processes Mainstreaming CC in (sub)national and sector policies, strategies, programmes Existing reports & studies See Module 4 Mod3 Mod 9 Climate change sector scripts Climate risk screening & assessment Strategic environmental assessments

  9. Costing, assessing andselecting options and measures Mod5 Costing, assessing and selecting adaptation and mitigation options and measures Cost-benefit analysis Multi-criteria analysis Cost-effectiveness analysis Social & environmental assessments Technical assessments

  10. Mainstreaming CC in thebudgetary process See Mod5 See Mod5 Mod6 Budgeting and financing Mainstreaming CC in the budgetary process Cost-benefit analysis Multi-criteria analysis Cost-effectiveness analysis Climate risk screening Public expenditure review See Mod5 See Mod3

  11. Mainstreaming CC inmonitoring systems Mod7 Mainstreaming CC in monitoring systems Performance assessment frameworks • aspects subject to monitoring: • Climate variability and change, climate impacts • Climate policy and institutional change • Climate policy implementation and outcomes National development monitoring systems Climate-related milestones, indicators & targets

  12. Conclusions

  13. Planned actions/Way forward

  14. Seminar evaluation

  15. References • OECD (2012): Integrating Climate change Adaptation into Development Co-operation, policy guidance, revised version • UNDP-UNEP (2009) Mainstreaming Poverty-Environment Linkages into Development Planning: A Handbook for Practitioners. UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative. Available from: http://www.unpei.org/PDF/PEI-full-handbook.pdf

  16. Thank you Contact: Dr. Pendo MARO, ACP Secretariat pendomaro@acp.int or +32 495 281 494www.gcca.eu/intra-acp

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