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The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White Paper

The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White Paper. Michael Burton UNSW. What place for millimetre-wave in Australian radio astronomy for the next decade?. ALMA 2012? SKA 2020?. Maintaining the vitality of the astronomical community till SKA. Australian MM-Wave Facilities.

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The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White Paper

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  1. The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White Paper Michael Burton UNSW

  2. What place for millimetre-wave in Australian radio astronomy for the next decade? ALMA 2012? SKA 2020? Maintaining the vitality of the astronomical community till SKA

  3. Australian MM-Wave Facilities • ATCA, Mopra, Parkes, Tidbinbilla • 3 + 7 + 12 mm (100 + 50 + 20 GHz) • Interferometry + OTF mapping • Broad band + Spectroscopy

  4. What’s coming in Australia • 8 GHz correlator for Mopra • 2 GHz correlator for ATCA • 7 mm system for ATCA + Mopra • 115 GHz extension for ATCA?

  5. ASTE 12m APEX 12m NANTEN2 4m AST/RO 1.7m SPT 10m HEAT 0.5m

  6. What’s coming now in the South • Atacama Plateau of Chile • 4m NANTEN2 • 12m APEX • 12m ASTE • Plus, of course, ALMA • Antarctica • 1.7m AST/RO • 10m South Pole Telescope • 0.5m HEAT (THz frequencies)

  7. What role for Australia’s facilities? • They’re here now! • only southern interferometer for > 5 years • 7+12mm unchallenged, 3mm largely so. • Broad Band, Fast Mapping. Complementarity to the Chilean / Antarctic facilities?

  8. Science Drivers: Formation Processes • When Planets are young • When Stars are young • When Galaxies were young • When the Universe was young

  9. Massive Protostar MM Windows 12 mm – ATCA 7 mm – ATCA 3 mm – ATCA z~6 Starburst / AGN 2 mm – Oz! sub-mm – ALMA MIR+ 200+300µm – Dome C far-IR – Dome A

  10. Science Drivers: I • Evolution of circumstellar disks • Search for biogenic molecules • Evolutionary sequence for MSF • Turbulence-regulated star formation? • Star formation in other environments • The LMC & SMC

  11. Science Drivers: II • Extragalactic star formation • calibrating the Schmidt Law and the radio-FIR relation • Star formation history of the Universe • red-shifted CO as a proxy for SFR • Unique objects • SN1987A • The Central Molecular Zone

  12. Science Drivers: III Other ideas welcome!

  13. Include possible future enhancements • 115 GHz extension to ATCA • Adjustable secondaries • Real time phase monitoring • Million channel spectrometers • Focal Plane Arrays • or re-shape dish for a multi-beam? Need to have science drivers!

  14. Science Drivers vs. Capabilities

  15. MM White Paper: the process • First Draft for MM Science + ATUC meetings (30/11/05 + 01/12/05) • Open invitation for contributions • Second draft for “Future directions for southern hemisphere mm-wave astronomy” meeting 30-31/03/06 • Place in the international context, esp. Chilean facilities • Funding sources? • MM White Paper delivered to ATUC for June 06 meeting

  16. Please contribute! mmscience.atnf.csiro.au

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