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WATER AS GAS. What causes sponges to go from…. WET to DRY?. It’s caused by a little thing called…. EVAPORTATION is the process by which water turns into a gas, or… Tick, tock, tick, tock. WATER VAPOR if you really want to talk like a scientist!.
EVAPORTATION is the process by which water turns into a gas, or… Tick, tock, tick, tock..
Well, you can thank the invisible WATER VAPOR in the air for that feeling!
I bet you all can now guess what causes you to be able to see your breath when it’s cold outside…
YEP! You guessed it, WATER VAPOR! Boy, you all are getting smarter by the minute!
Now, lets talk about EVAPORATION from a body of water such as a lake, ocean, pond, river, or whatever else you can think of…
How FAST or THE RATE OF(for all you smart scientists in the making) EVAPORTATION depends on 4 conditions…
1st condition is the amount of WATER VAPOR already in the air. This is known as HUMIDITY.
HUMIDITY can make a good hair day go bad OR Make 80 ° feel like 110°!!
2nd condition is the amount of SURFACE AREA exposed to the air.
SURFACE AREA sounds confusing but by the end of Investigation 3, you will all be EXPERTS!
Finally, the 4th condition is the air movement over the surface.
And when I use the term air movement, I am talking about the WIND and its location to the water.
So, if you happen to become a Manager of water resources such as reservoirs or canals, you’ll have to keep those 4 factors in mind when planning for…
Efficient water storage and transportation usage, and minimal evaporation. It is a good thing you’re getting a head start with all this in 4th grade! It’s good to be prepared!
Here’s a fact you may find interesting! Places with the greatest need to store and move water, like Arizona and southern California, are also the places where EVAPORATION is greatest.
Warm air can hold more WATER VAPOR than cold air. So when warm, humid air cools, some of the WATER VAPOR may turn into liquid. This process is known as…
CONDENSATION is a big word but you experience it every time you see CLOUDS and fog!
*Clouds are made up of itty, bitty droplets of water. *Clouds are so high up that the droplets become condensed particles of dust. Interesting, don’t you think?
If the condensed droplets collide and join together, gravity is then able to pull them to Earth as…
We just discovered that WATER can go from a LIQUID, to a GAS, back to a LIQUID
Here is another question to ponder… How is WATER released back into the air?
Well, most water released back into the air is EVAPORATED from the oceans, lakes, and rivers here on Earth. The SUN helps this process by heating the Earth’s surface.
Plants also release a huge amount of WATER VAPOR into the air to help the cause.
So do animals with their sweating and breathing And of course, us humans make contributions in the same way.
The processes of EVAPORATION and CONDENSATION continue endlessly in what is known as the…WATER CYCLE!
Here is a picture of how the WATER CYCLE works It has been going on for hundreds of millions of years!
I guess you can say the water you drank today contains a molecule of water that Julius Caesar swallowed over 2,000 years ago or…
Maybe it is the same water a T-Rex slurped up over 65 million years ago! You never know, do you?
Hope this gets you thinking about where your WATER has been and excited to start your investigation on WATER VAPOR!!