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Brainstorming the Essays : Change Over Time Comparison and Contrast DBQ

Brainstorming the Essays : Change Over Time Comparison and Contrast DBQ. Writing Series Training #2. 3 Types of History Essays. Comparison and Contrast (C/C) Change Over Time (COT) Document-Based Question (DBQ). 3 Types of History Essays. Comparison and Contrast (C/C)

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Brainstorming the Essays : Change Over Time Comparison and Contrast DBQ

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  1. Brainstorming the Essays:Change Over TimeComparison and ContrastDBQ Writing Series Training #2

  2. 3 Types of History Essays • Comparison and Contrast (C/C) • Change Over Time (COT) • Document-Based Question (DBQ)

  3. 3 Types of History Essays • Comparison and Contrast (C/C) • You gather information on two items or topics • Analyze what is the same and what is different between the two topics • Change Over Time (COT) • COT is a type of C/C because you are comparing and contrasting one time and place with another time and place • Analyze what is the same and what is different between the two times • Document-Based Question (DBQ) • A DBQ is an essay question that requires you to use documents in your response • Take a position from the essay question, analyze the documents and then choose documents which support your position

  4. Comparison and Contrast (C/C)

  5. Comparison and Contrast Essay Question: How are Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July the same and different? So what do you do first? 1) What are the 2 topics that are being compared and contrasted? • Think of everything you can about each topic…

  6. C/C Thanksgiving and July 4th • Thanksgiving brainstorming • On a scrap of paper, write one word that you think of when you think of Thanksgiving. • Post your word on the wall. Note: If your word is already on the wall, you must write a different word on your piece of paper 4) July 4th brainstorming – repeat steps 1 – 3

  7. Brainstorming C/C#1 – Write down everything you think of Thanksgiving July 4th

  8. Turkey Cranberries Pumpkin pie Family Football Pilgrims American Indians Corn Blessing Thursday Christmas shopping Final exams Cold Prayer Harvest cornucopia Travel charity BBQ Hot dogs Swimming Sousa Flags Red, white, blue Fireworks 1812 Overture Bands Picnics Parades Declaration of Independence Country’s birthday Holiday Uncle Sam Statue of Liberty Neighborhood baseball Brainstorming C/C#1 – Write down everything you think of Thanksgiving July 4th

  9. Categorize the Brainstorming • Rearrange the brainstormed words into categories • Discuss different ways to categorize the words • What connections can you make between ideas? Note: As you categorize, more words and ideas will occur to you. Add them to your lists, circles, and categories!

  10. Possible Ways to Categorize • ESP – Economic, Social, Political • SPEC – Social, Political, Economic, Cultural • PERSIA – Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, Artistic • GRIPE – Geographic, Religious, Intellectual, Political, Economic

  11. Categorize the Words for Each Holiday

  12. Double Bubble Categorizing Similarity #1 Difference #1 Difference #1 Difference #2 Difference #2 Similarity #2 Topic #1 Topic #2 Difference #3 Difference #3 Similarity #3

  13. Double Bubble Categorizing With family: turkey, corn, pumpkin With neighbors:BBQ, hot dogs, ice cream Food Origin: Pilgrims giving thanks for harvest Federal holiday unique to U.S. Origin: Birthday of U.S. Thanks-giving July 4th Fireworks Parades Football Activities are secular, not religious Social/Economic Political Social

  14. Thesis and Body Paragraphs • Body Paragraph #1—Who we celebrate with • Thanksgiving = family • July 4th = neighbors • Body Paragraph #2—Why we celebrate • Thanksgiving = giving thanks • July 4th = U.S. birthday • Body Paragraph #3—What we do to celebrate • Thanksgiving = football and food • July 4th = parades, music, and fireworks Thesis: Thanksgiving and July 4th, two federal holidays unique to the U.S., are both similar and different in who they are celebrated with, why they are celebrated, and what is done to celebrate them.

  15. Comparison and Contrast Essay question: How are football and basketball similar and different? Brainstorming steps: • Draw 2 circles and write down every word you can think of that goes with each topic • Categorize the words. You could use social, economic, and political as your categories. • Choose your 3 body paragraphs and write your thesis

  16. Brainstorming C/C#1 – Write down everything you think of Football Basketball

  17. fall plays middle/high school, college, pro pads and helmets stadium tailgating goal posts 100 yds. cheerleaders band quarterback pigskin jersey tackle court net middle/high school, college, pro March Madness hoops neighborhood driveway uniform 3 points foul free throw tall players dribble NBA Brainstorming C/C#1 – Write down everything you think of Football Basketball

  18. Categorize the Words for Each Sport

  19. Double Bubble Categorizing Required equipment Football pads helmet weight room Basketball hoop cement Community event – brings people together Tailgating Super Bowl Stadium March Madness court Football Basketball Jump shotsdribbling Playstackling Rules Economic Social Political

  20. Thesis and Body Paragraphs • Body Paragraph #1—Equipment and cost • Football = Expensive (lots of equipment and people) • Basketball = Inexpensive (not much equipment) • Body Paragraph #2—Brings people together • Football = All day event with hundreds of thousands • Basketball = Shorter, more frequent events • Body Paragraph #3—Players and Rules • Football = Large and aggressive; tackling and plays • Basketball = Tall and agile players; jump shots and dribbling Thesis: Football and basketball both reflect the U.S.’s need to be bigger, more powerful, and wealthier than the rest of the world even as they differ in what is needed to play the games, how they bring people together, and how the games are played.

  21. Change Over Time (COT)

  22. Change Over Time (COT) • A type of Comparison and Contrast (C/C) • Compares how something occurred at one time and place in history with how something occurred at another time and place in history

  23. Change Over Time (COT) Essay Question: How have elementary schools in the U.S. changed since the 1950s? Brainstorming steps: • What is being compared? • Write down everything you can think of for each time and place. • Categorize

  24. memorization reading, writing, arithmetic paddling summers to work in fields segregated no kids with disabilities smaller schools chalkboards women teachers Brainstorming COT#1 – Write down everything you think of creativity investigation art, sports, music school acts as parent Need post-high school education desegregated Grades K-5 women teachers No Child Left Behinddetention Elementary schools 1950s Elementary schools today

  25. Categorize the Words for Each Time/Place

  26. Thesis and Body Paragraphs • Body Paragraph #1—Economic • 1950s = chalkboards and paper • Today = projectors, computers, interactive boards • Body Paragraph #2—Social • 1950s = Memorization of facts, paddling, parent support • Today = Creativity, schools take on parental roles • Body Paragraph #3—Political • 1950s = Segregated, failure is student’s responsibility • Today = Desegregated, IDEA, NCLB, failure is school’s responsibility Thesis: Since the 1950s, schools in the U.S. have become more inclusive and more responsible for preparing all students for success in tomorrow’s world.

  27. Change Over Time (COT) Essay question: How has the internet changed shopping? • Brainstorm circles • Categorize brainstorming • Choose 3 categories and write thesis

  28. Document-Based Question (DBQ)

  29. Document-Based Question (DBQ) • A DBQ is an essay question that requires you to use documents in your response How to Tackle a DBQ: 1) Read and analyze the question 2) Brainstorm information about the question 3) Analyze the documents 4) Use your brainstorming and the documents in your organization

  30. Essay question: Is Austin a great place to live?#1 – Write down everything you think of Austin is Great! Austin is Terrible!

  31. Document Analysis – ACAPS A –Author C – Context A – Audience P – Purpose S – Significance

  32. APPARTS A – Author P – Place and Time P – Prior Knowledge A – Audience R – Reason T – The Main Idea S – Significance Mini – APPARTS A – Author/Point of View M – Main Idea Document Analysis – APPARTS

  33. For each document, make a sticky note with the following information: Document # • Author/Point of View • Main idea

  34. Tape Documents on T-Chart Austin is Great! Austin is Terrible! Document #1 ACL attendee People having fun at ACL music Document #9 Student News reporter Highland Mall closes for Texas Relays. Decision could be racist.

  35. Thesis and Body Paragraphs Thesis: Austin has many benefits which keep its residents happy and fulfilled. • Body Paragraph #1 – Entertainment • Documents 1, 8 • Body Paragraph #2 – Cost of Living • Documents 6 • Body Paragraph #3 – Community Spirit • Documents 4, 7

  36. Websites with DBQs http://www.edteck.com/dbq/testing/dbq.htm http://www.upstatehistory.org/services/DHP/DBQ.html http://www.dbqproject.com/ http://regentsprep.org/Regents/global/examoverview/dbq.cfm http://www5.esc13.net/socialstudies/Teaching_American_History.html

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