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Explore Warren G. Harding's presidency and the societal shifts of the 1920s, including the "Return to Normalcy" campaign, the Teapot Dome Scandal, the Washington Naval Conference, the Quota System, Prohibition, Fundamentalism, and African American politics.
Warren G. Harding’s Presidency • Return to Normalcy” – campaign slogan of the 1920 Republican candidate Warren G. Harding • wished to return America back to a normal life following the Great War • Ohio Gang – nickname given to Harding cabinet
Teapot Dome Scandal • Teapot Dome Scandal - Harding’s Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, secretly allowed companies to lease lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming • Pocketed $400,000
Washington Naval Conference • Washington Naval Conference –proposal that the major nations begin to disarm and scrap major battleships • most nations agree • Kellogg-Briand Pact – international outlaw of war as a means to settle problems • no plan on how to enforce it
Quota System • a system that limited immigration into the U.S. • each ethnic group was only allowed 3% of their total population currently living in the U.S. into the country in a single year
Margaret Sanger • opened the nation’s first birth control clinic as a way to improving ones
Fighting Prohibition • speakeasies - secret bars and night clubs that provided access to illegal alcohol and jazz music • bootleggers – people who transported illegal alcohol usually hidden in their boots • Al Capone- Famous gangster who opened Speakeasies and became rich during prohibition
Fundamentalism • a religious movement that attempted to restore values and traditions that many believed were being lost • Billy Sunday and Aimee McPherson- movement leaders
Scopes Trial a showdown trial between fundamentalist and modern beliefs over whether or not evolution could be taught in school - fundamentalism was defended by William Jennings Bryan and evolution by Clarence Darrow - Scopes loses and fined $100 fundamentalists are left looking bad when Bryan admitted that the Bible is interpretive
African American Politics • Marcus Garvey – a black leader who encouraged African Americans to return to Africa • founded the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)