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Continuation of funding to help build partnerships and improve slum upgrading and city development strategies in Eastern & Southern Africa.
Continuation - Building Partnerships for Cities without Slums in E. & S. Africa CDS/Slum Upgrading Sub-Saharan Africa Summary Continuation of Sida non-core funding for 2006-2008 for an advisor for the sub-region to help build partnerships of cities and development partners so as to achieve CA objectives in Eastern & Southern Africa. The TOR and implementation arrangements will be reviewed/updated for the 2007-2008 period. Objectives Activities • Improve number and quality of CA slum upgrading and CDS activities in the sub-region; • Improve coherence of effort and coordination amongst CA members in the sub-region; • Assist in the advancement of knowledge about citywide slum upgrading and city development strategies; • Overall, assist local and national governments in their efforts to improve the lives of slum dwellers. • Support CA members and grant recipients in the region in project design, implementation and administration; • Support CA knowledge networking activities in the region in coordination with CA Secretariat staff; • Assist in the monitoring and oversight of the rapidly growing CA portfolio in the region; Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: Sida, World Bank Request to CA: $ 364,450 Co-financing: $ 45,000 Total Budget: $ 409,450 Submitted by: Sida, World Bank Duration: 2.5 years Implemented by: World Bank CA Monitor:William Cobbett Expected Impact and Results • Increased effort by CA members, cities and countries in the region to scale up slum upgrading and CDS; • The establishment of targets and plans by cities and countries to achieve Targets 10 & 11 of the MDGs; • Improved quality of the Cities Alliance programmes in the sub-region.
Optimising Cities Alliance Participation in Africities Summit 2006 Sub-Saharan Africa Summary The fourth Africities Summit brings together 3,000 participants from Africa and around the world, including 1000 politicians representing 53 different African nations (heads of state, ministers, mayors), international development agencies, small and medium-sized enterprises, etc. to discuss ways of cooperation at the local level in order to achieve the MDGs. This proposal outlines the Cities Alliance’s engagement at the Summit. Objectives Activities • High-profile presence of the Cities Alliance (CA) at the Africities 2006 Summit in order to: • Promote the CA’s approach and the financial, technical and knowledge resources of the CA and its members to a highly targeted audience; • Highlight CA flagship publications through targeted events; • Provide regional dialogues and city-networking opportunities; • Provide discussion opportunities with mayors, municipal managers, municipal associations, national government representatives and CA members on upcoming CA activities. • Organization of four sessions on: (1) “Rethinking Planning and Programming Processes”; (2) “Rethinking Financial Policies” (together with AfD); (3) “The Positive Impact of Urbanization”; (4) “Local Economic Development Experiences in Africa” (together with MDP/PDM); • Organization of an exhibition booth at the International Mayors’ and Local Governments’ Exhibition Fair, Citexpo (to be shared with members of the CA); • Organization of three book-launches; • Preparation of a poster and other dissemination materials. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: Request to CA: $100,000(Africa Facility) Co-financing: $75,000(CA Secretariat)Total Budget: $ 175,000 Submitted by: Duration: September 2006 Implemented by: CA Monitor: K. Milroy Expected Impact and Results • Increased CA assistance to cities and their development partners in LDCs and other countries throughout Sub-Saharan Africa; • Increased recognition of the positive impacts of urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Preparatory Study: Participatory City Development Strategies CDS Sub-Saharan Africa - Namibia Summary The proposed preparatory study in 3 selected Local Authorities aims to prepare CDSs which address social and economic exclusion. Priority is given to Local Authorities in underprivileged / underserved areas. The activity will result in a funding proposal for promoting participatory and inclusive CDSs in the selected municipalities. Objectives Activities The objective of the current proposal is to undertake a preparatory study that will evaluate and define the components and steps needed that will result in a Namibian Comprehensive Development Strategy (NCDS) for Local Economic Development (LED) for three Local Government Authorities (LGA). Research and Assessment: • Literature review of government policies, urban governance, decentralization, LED, and poverty reduction • Review of previous activities in LED and Stakeholder Involvement • Mapping of previous capacity building interventions • Exploration of options for long-term planning (i.e. sustainable financing and revenue generation) Workshop and Report/Proposal Development: • Including a local stakeholder CDS workshop in the municipalities to ensure participation. • Exploration of replication and dissemination opportunities. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: CIDA, World Bank Request to CA: $ 89,325Co-financing: $ 32,500Total Budget: $ 121,825 Submitted by:Association of Local Authorities of Namibia (ALAN) Duration: 6 months Implemented by: Federation of Canadian Municipalities, ALAN CA Monitor: P. Persson Expected Impact and Results • Promotion of pro-poor policies and contribution to the sustainability of smaller municipalities, particularly in terms of urban governance, poverty reduction, local economic development, revenue generation and financial management. • Development of a process for NCDS planning at the local government level that will be disseminated and replicated in Namibia. • Involvement of a broad base of stakeholders in consultation, planning and development.
CDS on Urban Environment Management in Haiphong CDS East Asia and Pacific – Vietnam With a rapid urbanization and industrialization, Haiphong has faced serious environmental problems. Environment pollution has caused adverse effects on people’s health and quality of life, especially for the urban poor. The CDS aims at developing a comprehensive environmental management strategy with public participation and knowledge sharing at national levels. Summary Objectives Activities The objective of the Haiphong CDS is to strategically and systemically address constraints for the development of the city, particularly the environmental issues affecting health and livelihood of the population, such as air quality, water, wastewater and drainage, solid waste, noise and groundwater. The CDS will integrate environmental management issues into the city strategic planning, to amongst others, improve the competitiveness of the city. • The CDS will include the following activities: • Follow-up and update previous CDS; • Identify priority environmental action plans; • 3) Develop urban environmental indicators; • 4) Strengthen capacity of local government and state-owned companies; • 5) Increase public awareness of urban environmental issues and promote public participation in environmental planning and management; • 6) Disseminate CDS to social organizations, NGOs and communities. • 7) Sharing the lessons learned with other cities in Vietnam. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: JBIC, UNEP, World BankCA Monitor: Persson Request to CA: $ 357,225Co-financing: $ 198,353 Total Budget: $ 555,578 Submitted by: Chairman,Haiphong People’s Committee Duration: 18 months Implemented by: Haiphong Sanitation and Environment Improvement PMU Expected Impact and Results An integrated urban environmental management strategy to strengthen the capacity of the local government and public environmental service providers. The CDS shall indicate a range of strategic solutions to improve urban environment, such as air, water supply, sewerage, drainage and solid waste management and contribute to strengthening public awareness. The CDS aims at bringing the urban environment to quality standards of internationally competitive cities.
National Roma Housing and Social Integration Program Slum Upgrading Eastern Europe and Central Asia – Hungary Roma or “gypsies” are a particularly isolated minority and have historically suffered severe poverty and exclusion throughout Europe. This project seeks to build upon the existing Roma Housing and Social Integration Program in order to put in place a National Roma Housing and Social Integration Program. It would assist the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and participating municipalities to prepare themselves to implement the larger national programme. Summary Objectives Activities • Expand and strengthen the enabling environment (policies), tools and institutional procedures of the existing Roma Housing and Social Integration Program (RHSIP) settlement upgrading programme; • Build and extend institutional capacity including through provision of legislative and policy support of municipalities; • Increase Roma participation, including of Roma Minority Self- Governments, NGOs and communities; • Capture and disseminate lessons of RHSIP for knowledge exchange. • Develop new mechanisms to deal with housing discrimination and to regularise tenure; produce policies & guidelines for the NRHSIP; assist municipalities to develop upgrading and social integration plans based on Roma community participation; • Provide the participating municipalities with training, staff development, legislative and policy support, mentoring programs; • Create conditions for involving more Roma by supporting the participation for Roma Minority Self-Governments and NGOs; • Capture lessons learned and knowledge on RHSIP; conduct horizontal exchanges among local practitioners; develop, operate and maintain an electronic database and interactive exchanges on related topics. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: World Bank, USAID Request to CA: $ 450,000Co-financing: $ 520,000Total Budget: $ 970,000 Submitted by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MSAL) Duration: 36 Months Implemented by: MSAL CA Monitor:Jörg Haas Expected Impact and Results • Radical decrease in the number of inhabitants living in ghettos/settlements, and decrease in number of ghettos/settlements themselves; • Better infrastructure and more qualified human resources capacities; • Lower unemployment rates in the effected areas; • More accessible social and other basic services in the local settlements.
Urban Expansion Strategy for Intermediate Cities in Ecuador CDS Latin America and the Caribbean – Ecuador Responding to the most current literature that describes a forceful demographic trend that anticipates a two-billion person increase in global population over the next 25 years, primarily in urban areas of the developing world, the proposed activities focus on preparing intermediate cities in Ecuador for sustainable urban expansion, with the aim of ensuring that access to residential land for the urban poor will be affordable in the years to come when the city limits expand to accommodate the growing population. Summary Objectives Activities Through the use of studies focused on preparing the cities for the demographic and physical aspects of growth, as well as providing technical assistance tools that contribute to the social and economic sustainability of the planned expansion process, the project aims to provide five secondary municipalities with the instruments they will need in order to carry out sustainable, minimal, long-term planning for urban expansion. • Demographic and physical studies to ensure (i) adequate land designated for urban use; (ii) basic arterial infrastructure is developed to serve this land; and (iii) a regulatory framework is put in place to ensure ordered development of this land in line with municipal objectives. • Technical Assistance: social and economic sustainability tools to focus on raising awareness and encouraging municipal policy-making around participatory budgeting and land administration processes. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: World Bank, UN-Habitat Request to CA: $ 216,500Co-financing: $ 91,100Total Budget: $ 307,600 Submitted by: Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (MIDUVI) Duration: 10 months Implemented by: World Bank, UN-Habitat CA Monitor:J. Haas Expected Impact and Results The main value added of this project is its far-reaching preventative vision, i.e. the application of demographic research projections with enough time in advance to target cities that will be experiencing the greatest expansion and therefore taking action to build up the cities’ supply of serviced land in order to meet the needs of the population as it grows. The land will stay accessible to the low-income population as it grows in order to prevent the formation of slums in the first place, and therefore avoid the costly mission of having to upgrade unplanned, unserviced, informal settlements ex post.
Prep. Grant for Squatter Management & Low-Income Housing Policy Development Latin America and the Caribbean - Jamaica Slum Upgrading The Government of Jamaica has prioritized issues of inner-city and urban upgrading as these pockets of dense urban and peri-urban settlements have become the flashpoints in the escalation of crime and violence, extreme poverty and social exclusion. This project will provide assistance for a preparation grant to design and develop a broader technical assistance program proposal for submission to the Cities Alliance. Summary Objectives Activities The objectives of this preparation grant would be to undertake a rapid stocktaking of available information on informal settlements in Jamaica and to support the Government of Jamaica in conceptualizing and designing a process by which a comprehensive Squatter Policy and Program can be developed. The proposed preparation grant would support the first stage of a four-stage process outlined by the Government of Jamaica that involves (i) stock-taking and proposal development; (ii) detailed analytical work; (iii) policy and program design; and (iv) program implementation. • Analysis of available data on squatter management and low-income housing issues (including scope of the squatting situation; the policy, the legal and the fiscal challenges; the housing demand and supply situation); • Assessment of the legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks governing squatter management, land management and the low-income housing sectors in Jamaica; • Assessment of public expenditure patterns on inner-city improvement, regularization and low-income housing; • Prepare TORs, a detailed Work Program and Action Plan for Stages 2-4. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: World Bank Request to CA: $ 55,000Co-financing: $ 10,000Total Budget: $ 65,000 Submitted by: The Planning Institute of Jamaica Duration: 3 months Implemented by: World Bank CA Monitor:Jörg Haas Expected Impact and Results • As a preparatory grant, the proposed activity does not aim to have broader impacts. The key measurable outcomes from the assignment will include an integrated analysis of the squatter situation, identification of key analytical gaps, TORs for subsequent phases of work and a comprehensive action plan for the development of the policy and program.
Regularization toolkit for sustainable land regularization actions Slum Upgrading Latin America and the Caribbean – Brazil This proposal builds on the successful Cities Alliance-funded “Support to the National Program for Land Tenure Regularization and Socio-Environmental Risk Prevention in Precarious Settlements” project. It encompasses the preparation and distribution of a set of instruments for the recruitment and training of local agents (city officials, representatives of social movements, district attorneys, neighborhood associations), to disseminate and scale up the sustainable land tenure regularization actions being supported by the Federal Government, which involve precarious urban settlements throughout the country. Summary Objectives Activities The general objective of this project is to expand the scope and enhance the efficiency of the sustainable land tenure regularization process in the different regions of Brazil, through the production and distribution of a set of instruments for publicizing, capacity building, and mobilization actions for sustainable land tenure regularization. The outputs to be developed should contribute to training public officials and community leaders, NGO operatives, law practitioners and other local change agents in the different regions of Brazil. • Preparation of the graphic design for the toolkit; • Preparation of the handbook of land tenure regularization; • Virtual law library CD; • Virtual law library CD • Reprinting of the book "Regularização Fundiária de Assentamentos Informais Urbanos" (Land tenure regularization of informal urban settlements); • Production of a primer on land tenure regularization; • Packaging and distribution of the land tenure regularization toolkit. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: World Bank, UN-Habitat, Italy Request to CA: $ 75,000 Co-financing: $ 76,916Total Budget: $ 151,916 Submitted by: Ministry of Cities Duration: 5 months Implemented by: World Bank CA Monitor:J. Haas Expected Impact and Results The main impact foreseen is that the distributed material will stimulate states and municipalities, as well as other entities to make land tenure regularization an important item on their political agendas, contributing to a significant growth in the number of municipalities taking actions to promote land tenure regularization, and to speed up current land tenure regularization procedures, thereby increasing the number of title deeds granted and their registration at registry offices.
Poverty-Focused CDS for the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (MRBH) Latin America and the Caribbean – Brazil CDS/Upgrading The MRBH currently comprises 34 municipalities with a total population of approximately 4.5 million. The municipalities have formed a Metropolitan Pact aiming to build a consensus-based strategy to stimulate the development of the region, contributing to poverty reduction by identifying and implementing investments in the activities and/or services of common interest. The CDS is the tool that would define the development path. Summary Activities Objectives • Implement institutional and cooperative mechanisms for the MRBH to enhance its economic development and reduce poverty; • Define a development agenda that involves the stakeholders, identifies priority actions to include the poor and identifies poverty reduction and sustainable development programmes; • Identify investments, in land, housing and infrastructure, outlined in a five-year Capital Investment Program (CIP); • Define and implement the institutional arrangements for the participatory management of the Metropolitan Pact; • Provide technical and financial support to the preparation and/or review of local Master Plans. • Gathering information on the MRBH and preparing a participatory diagnosis; • Building a strategic vision; • Identifying project priorities and implementation mechanisms; • Developing a management model for the Metropolitan Pact. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: World Bank, Italy, Brazil - Ministry of Cities; Caixa Econômica Federal, UN-Habitat Request to CA: $ 500,000Co-financing: $ 2,113,786 Total Budget: $ 2,613,786 Submitted by: Governor, State of Minas Gerais Duration: 18 months Implemented by: Secretariat for Regional Dev. & Urban Policy CA Monitor: P. Persson Expected Impact and Results • Poverty reduction through the implementation of cooperation between the state, municipalities and the private sector; • Economic growth, reflecting the exploitation of the region's potential; • Approval of a participatory and inclusive set of mechanisms for metropolitan management in the MRBH; • Identification of a group of priorities and of a concrete portfolio of projects to be financed; • Harmonisation of the guidelines defined by the CDS with the Municipal Master Plans; and Approval of Municipal Master Plans.
Towards a Neighborhood Improvement Policy Slum Upgrading Latin America and the Caribbean - Costa Rica To curb the sharp increase of slums in the country and meet MDG Target 11, the Government of Costa Rica has allocated USD$30,000,000 for the implementation of countrywide neighborhood improvement programmes in 2006-2010. This application aims at supporting this programme with a national slum upgrading policy focusing on citywide slum upgrading activities in select cities, including the capital city. Summary Objectives Activities To develop a national slum improvement policy, that: • allows central and local governments to carry-out integrated slum improvement programs and projects; and • contributes to reducing urban poverty with emphasis on female-headed households. • Implementation of pro-poor neighborhood improvement interventions in a priority number of vulnerable communities. • Formulation of a national pro-poor policy and strategy for slum improvement that establishes the levels of competence and responsibility of national, provincial and local governments, including a component of effective citizen participation; • Implementation of neighborhood improvement pilot interventions in 12 districts (sub-municipal division) covering approximately 120 neighborhoods with an estimated 6.000 families. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: UN- Habitat, FLACMA/ UCLGA, Request to CA: $ 500,000Co-financing: $13,485,000 Total Budget: $14,035,000 Submitted by: Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements Duration: 18 months Implemented by: Ministry of Housing & Human Settlements CA Monitor: F. Tebbal Expected Impact and Results • Improvement in the living conditions of the target communities achieved by the end of the project; • Create a demonstration effect in neighboring communities and the emergence of spontaneous replication activities; • Impact on the mobilization of communities and stakeholders for the better implementation of these activities.
Aleppo City Development Strategy Middle East and North Africa - Syria CDS Development in Aleppo is guided by a Master plan adopted in 2002 and City Council priorities adopted in 2003. Both must be reviewed and a strategy prepared that meets feasibility criteria, funding constraints, and the reform agenda of the next national 5-Year Plan. The proposed CDS focuses on key concerns related to poverty, income and employment, and quality of life concerns in five key areas: local economic development, urban service delivery, the urban environment, urban spatial efficiency, and administrative and financial modernization. Summary Objectives Activities • Support the formulation of a city development strategy for Aleppo in consultation with local stakeholders; • Develop institutional capacity that ensures implementation of Aleppo planning priorities; and • Prepare training material on lessons learned and support dissemination. • Developing a future vision of Aleppo shared by all stakeholders; • Translating that vision into goals; • Setting out specific objectives to be achieved; • Translating those objectives into tangible programs; and • Developing specific action plans according to the priorities agreed upon through consultation with stakeholders. Submission Budget and Time Implementation Request to CA: $ 340,000Co-financing: $ 600,000Total Budget: $ 940,000 Submitted by: Municipality of Aleppo Duration: 15 months Implemented by: Municipality of Aleppo, GTZ CA Monitor: P. Persson CA Sponsor: GTZ Expected Impact and Results - Improved overall performance and efficiency of municipal departments; - Improved urban planning practices; and - Improved policies/mechanisms for small scale enterprise and informal sector housing.
Support to the Community-Led Infrastructure Finance Facility (CLIFF) and Widening the Scope of this Facility Multi-Regional: Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia CLIFF is a facility that provides loan finance for slum development projects that are implemented by the urban poor, and which have the potential to influence policy and practice that in turn can lead to a scaling-up in the provision of suitable housing and related infrastructure for the urban poor. This proposal is a continuation of the ongoing Sida support to CLIFF, but also aims to widen the present process and prepare the CLIFF facility and the institutions involved to examine ways forward beyond the present project period. Summary Objectives Activities The objectives of this proposal are the following: (1) Consolidation of CLIFF, India (2) Upscaling of CLIFF, Kenya (3) Setting up a CLIFF 3 (4) The conceptualisation, design and, if appropriate, the capitalisation of an Urban Poor Global Fund • The envisaged activities include, amongst others (full list – see proposal): • Mainstreaming access to finance – project finance for slum upgrading (e.g. creation of bankable projects, development of portable guarantees) • Research and engage with financial institutions nationally and regionally, negotiation on financial models • Document learning of financing urban poor housing and disseminate to government and private sector • Financial modelling and commencement of negotiations of at least one private public and community upgrading project • CLIFF 3: selection of country, implementation plan, set-up of facility, etc. • Urban Poor Global Fund: relevance, corporate structure, finance/personal policies, business plan outline, etc. Submission Budget and Time Implementation CA Sponsor: DFID, Sida, World Bank, Homeless International Request to CA: $ 2.36 milParallel financing: $ 0.24 mil Total Budget: $ 2.60 mil (increase to previous commitments) Submitted by: Sida Duration: 3 years (including 2006) Implemented by: Homeless International (with local partners) CA Monitor: K. Milroy Expected Impact and Results The support to the Community-Led Infrastructure Finance Facility will lead to reductions in urban poverty by increasing poor communities’ access to commercial and public sector finance for medium and large-scale infrastructure and housing initiatives.