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Core Agriculture Support Program, 2011-2020 (CASP Phase 2)

Core Agriculture Support Program, 2011-2020 (CASP Phase 2). GMS Working Group on Agriculture Dr. Thamana Lekprichakul Program Coordinator/Deputy WGA Manager ASEAN Feed & Rice Symposium, Bangkok, 9 April 2014. Outline of the Presentatio n. Core Agriculture Support Program Phase 2

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Core Agriculture Support Program, 2011-2020 (CASP Phase 2)

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  1. Core Agriculture Support Program, 2011-2020(CASP Phase 2) GMS Working Group on Agriculture Dr. ThamanaLekprichakul Program Coordinator/Deputy WGA Manager ASEAN Feed & Rice Symposium, Bangkok, 9 April 2014

  2. Outline of the Presentation • Core Agriculture Support Program Phase 2 • CASP Regional Technical Assistance • Key Activities • Regional Investment Framework

  3. Core Agriculture Support Program (CASP) (2011-2020)

  4. Vision The Greater Mekong Subregion is recognized as the leading producer of safe food, using climate friendly agricultural practices and integrated into global markets through regional economic corridors. Pillar 1: Food Safety Trade Modernization Pillar 2: Climate Friendly Agriculture Pillar 3: Bioenergy & Biomass Management Agricultural Research and Development Private Sector Involvement Institutional Mechanisms for Regional Cooperation

  5. s1 Implementation Structure Working Group on Agriculture (WGA) (WGA Coordinators from GMS Countries) WGA CoChair Director, SEER ADB ADB Project Officer WGA Secretariat (WGA Manager and Administrative Staff) WGA National Secretariat Support Units Development Partners Coordination and Advisory Implementing Partners International and National Consultants WGA National Secretariat Support Units National Secretariat Specialists (NSS)* WGA National Focal Points (Counterpart) Contact Points in Agencies/Ministries *NSS are TA-funded

  6. Technical Assistance for CASP I & 2

  7. RETA 6521: Accelerating Implementation of Core Agriculture Support Program • RETA amount: $3.164 M (breakdown below) ADB : $1.5 M;PRC Fund: $0.25 M; IFAD :$0.20M(parallel) FAO : $0.714 M(in-kind); GMS : $0.250 M(in-kind) • Implementation Period:2008-2014 • Project Outputs : • Implementation of the Strategy for Biotechnology and Biosafety Initiated • Agriculture Information and Network Service Development and Use Promoted • Rural Renewable Energy • Cross-border Trade Facilitation

  8. RETA 6521: CASP 1 (cont.) Minor change in scope in 2012 • GMS Drought Management • Develop drought monitoring & warning system • Develop drought vulnerable maps • Cost-benefit analysis for economic loss due to drought • Capacity development • Knowledge products • Project Status: for extension for 1 year

  9. TA 6390: TransboundaryAnimal Disease Control for Poverty Reduction in the GMS ADB Approval: Feb 2007; TA total amount is $1.65 M Impact:to contribute to the larger goal of reducing poverty in poor livestock farming communities in the GMS, through better control of TAD, increased production of safer food, and enhanced opportunities for smallholders to access higher value markets, in order to sell their livestock and livestock products. Project Status: Requesting ADB to extended completion date to 2015 to carry forward the planned pilot activities on cross-border livestock tracability system and awareness raising materials

  10. TA 7833: Capacity Building for the Efficient Use of Biomass for Bioenergy & Food Security ADB Approval: June 2011 RETA Amount: $4 M Implementation Period: 2011-2014 Impact: Improved access to clean bionergy and enhanced food security. Outcome: Enhanced capacity for efficient utilization of biomass for scale-up production of clean bioenergy and organic soil amendments. Project Status: TA is being implemented by a consulting firm

  11. RETA 8163: Implementing Core Agriculture Support Program Phase II in the GMS • Initial Budget: $7.5M from Sida with additional financing from various development partners i.e. • $5M NDF and $0.5 ADB for N-cycle • $1M Swiss Gov’t for ‘green water’ management • Impact: agricultural sector that is more integrated and climate-friendly in the GMS. • Outcome: enhanced market access for environmentally-friendly agricultural products produced by smallholders

  12. TA 7833 Efficient Use of Biomass for Bioenergy and Food Security in the GMS -TA amount $4 million -Implementing Period 2011-2014

  13. TA 7833 Efficient Use of Biomass for Bioenergy and Food Security in the GMS Output 1: Enhanced regional cooperation on bioenergy development that safeguards and fosters food security; Output2: Climate-friendly, gender-responsive biomass investment projects pilot tested; Output 3: Enhanced capacity for the efficient use of biomass; Output 4: Knowledge products developed and disseminated.

  14. Cambodia – Rice Residues

  15. TA 7833: Output 1 Review of National Policies International Best Practice Standards, Labelling and Certification National Working Groups on Standards Regional Forums

  16. Working Group Priorities

  17. TA 7833: Output 2 Selected proposed technologies – Improved Cook Stoves, Bioslurry from biogas production, Biochar 6 feasibility studies in Viet Nam and Cambodia A rapid assessment of biomass use option for Laos PDR Review of existing business models

  18. Feasibility Studies on Pilot Investments Demonstrating the Production and Use of Biochar Scale-Up the Use of Biochar from Rice Husks in Climate-Friendly Rice Production Scaling-Up Adoption of Improved Cook Stoves Scaling-Up Proven Biogas Technology and Efficient Bioslurry Management PracticesPilot Investment Project to Scale-Up Efficient Bioslurry Management Practices within the Viet Nam National Biogas Program Rapid Appraisal for Efficient Utilization of Biomass for Bioenergy and Food Security

  19. Improved Cook Stoves • Business Model: aggregating demand and incentivize sales promotion • e.g., Viet Nam Women’s Union linked to producers of approved stoves, receive training and incentives to sell stoves. • First sale campaign: 3days sales of 300 and 80 achieved in the two districts

  20. Bioslurry • Limited use of slurry 5 to 30% • Pilot systems to move slurry to home gardens or composting • Business model – production of slurry enriched compost by women and farmer group • Biogas programs • Evaluate environmental impact of slurry • Cumulative effects are significant • est. of 150,000 m3 per annum in 1 commune

  21. Biochar Upscaling Findings • Safety issues identified in local production technologies, particularly from rice husk • Move focus from • “Production” to “use” • demand focus • “Soil Amendment” to part of “nutrient delivery” • From public good “carbon” to private good “ agronomic benefit”

  22. Increases pH Reduced greenhouse gas Fluxes (CH4, N2O) Improves soil water retention BIOCHAR Cation Exchange Capacity (with ageing) Adds nutrients / more efficient use of soil nutrients Improves soil structure Improved microbial associations Stores carbon in soil for > 1000 years

  23. Biochar Pilots Product Development • Public and private sector joint initiative • Provide product development grant funds for biofertiliser formulations and production including biochar Product Testing • Research demonstrations • Farmer demonstration plots and farmer field schools • Rice and vegetables • Womens home garden training

  24. Laos PDR Business Model: Linking local entrepreneurs with biomass technologies • production of composts • production of bio fertiliser • Introduce biochar kilns example Cambodia • Introduce small scale bio-digestors

  25. Biochar Health and Safety tests Testing of locally available char resources Characterisation tests – completed Presence of crystalline silica - awaiting final test results

  26. TA 7833: Output 3 TA 7833: Output 4 • Technical knowledge products • Biomass Assessment for CLV • Biobrief series Capacity Building Study tours Courses on Biocharbiofertilizer Participation in regional events

  27. TA 8163-REG: Implementation of Core Agriculture Support Program Phase II

  28. TA 8163-REG: Implementation of Core Agriculture Support Program Phase II • Initial Budget: $7.5M from Sida with additional financing from various development partners i.e. • $5M NDF and $0.5 ADB for N-cycle • Impact: agricultural sector that is more integrated and climate-friendly in the GMS. • Outcome: enhanced market access for environmentally-friendly agricultural products produced by smallholders.

  29. Outputs • Strengthened regional framework and capacity for agri-food quality management • Established e-trade on eco-friendly agri-food production for smallholders • Increased adoption of gender-responsive and climate-friendly agriculture • Knowledge management and dissemination • Strengthened regional cooperation on agriculture

  30. RETA 8163: Additional Financing • Additional financing approved in Nov 13: $5.0 m (NDF) and $0.5m (ADB) for Output 3 - gender-responsive and climate-friendly agriculture: • GMS-wide regional cooperation on harmonized policies, standards, and regulations on efficient use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer; • pilot investment models to scale up efficient nitrogen fertilizer (in CAM, LAO, MYN); • GMS-wide institutional capacity building on efficient nitrogen-cycle management and greenhouse gas mitigation

  31. Expected Outputs with By 2017: Road maps for regional policy framework and adoption of common carbon accounting standards to monitor and promote improvements in nitrogen-use efficiency 10% increase crop yield/unit of fertilizer applied in project sites

  32. TA 8163-REG: Additional $1M from ADB Water Financing Partnership Facilityfor ‘green’ water management • For ADB management approval by Q2 2014 • To finance additional activities under: • Output 3: Increased adoption of gender-responsive and climate-friendly agriculture: rainwater harvesting, soil moisture management i.e. mulching, adding soil organic matter, and terracing (pilot projects on green water management in rainfed agriculture in CLM) • Output 4: Facilitated knowledge management and dissemination: Conduct of regional studies and policy supports on green water management

  33. TA 8163-REG: Output 1 • Strategy for the implementation of PGS developed • PGS is a community-based cerficationsystem for safe food for smallholder farmers. • The goal is to identify and implement at least 12 pilot projects, two in each countries, to test new innovative business models to scale up PGS in the region. • PGS regional workshop conducted

  34. TA 8163-REG: Output 2 Capacity building for farmers on market access for domestic and export markets, starting with Lao and Thai farmers Initial consultations with the Foreign Economic Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC on enhancing the AINS into e-trade forum (possible additional funding from PRC in 2014 to be further discussed)

  35. TA 8163-REG: Output 3 Consulting engaged to identify/implement PPP projects to enhance emerging value chains Government officials supported to attend Training Program on Chemical Management Strategies in Sweden, organized by a Swedish Chemicals Agency Jointly organized with the Phnom Penh Plan Human Resource Development under the theme “Enhancing Regional Competitiveness and Sustainability of Agriculture Sector” Co-financed training on contract farming organized by FAO Participated in awareness raising activities with GMS Environment Operations Center and ADB/FAO/WOCAN Regional High-level consultation on Gender, Food and Nutrition Security Priorities for the Asia Pacific region

  36. TA 8163-REG: Output 4 Draft CASP 2 communication strategy Initiate development of GMS-WGA web site CASP 2 brochure; DVDs on climate-friendly agriculture, compost making technology, biochar application as soil amendment, post-harvest technology of fruits and vegetables.

  37. TA 8163-REG: Output 5 WGA 10 and Joint Knowledge Event with WGE organized in Lao PDR WGA Manager replaced Recruitment of NSS staff in PRC and CAM is ongoing. Hired Program Coordinator, Knowledge Management Specialist, and Administrative Officer. Recruitment ongoing for Finance and Management Specialist, Procurement Specialist, Implementation Specialist…

  38. Other ADB Projects contributing to CASP Phase II

  39. Collaboration with ADBI • Project Name: Agricultural Productivity and Natural Resource Management (AP and NRM) • Participating Countries: CLMV • Project Duration: Nov 2011 - Mar 2016 • Donors: include ADBI, ADB, ASEAN Secretariat • Project Status: • training programs organized: in February 18-22, 2013 in partnership with Mekong Institute and New Zealand Aid Programme, and in Sept 2013 in Bangkok • Regional policy forum in Myanmar in May 2013

  40. Investment: GMS Flood and Drought Risk Management and Mitigation Mekong river flooding W.E. Garrett • Loan/grant amount: $104 million CAM: Loan Nos 2970 & 8262, Grant 0330 LAO & VIE: Loan 2936, Grant 0316 & 0317 • Implementation period: 2013-2018 • Board Approval: 12 Dec 2012 • Project Description: Build Capacity of communities in lower Mekong basin against floods and droughts. • Key outputs: stronger regional coordination for management of flood and drought events, upgraded water management infrastructure; and enhances capacity for community based F&D management

  41. Investment: Trade Facilitation- Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Handling in the GMS • ADB Board Approval: CAM/LAO were approved on 26 June 2012; VIE was approved on 22 November 2012. • Implementation Period: October 2012 – August 2017 (CAM/LAO); April 2013 – June 2018 (VIE) • Loan amount: $25.87 million for CAM/LAO • Grant amount: $11.0 million for Lao PDR • Loan/Grant amount: $11.72 M for VIE • The Project: The project will strengthen institutions and operational and management capacities in CAM, LAO and VIE for operating cost-effective SPS systems that facilitate trade and protect health.

  42. RETA 8096: Improving  Sanitary and Phytosanitary Handling in GMS Trade (piggy-backed to CAM/LAO/VIE loans and grant) • Grant amount: $750,000 • Implementation period: August 2012-August 2017 • Impact and Outcome: • The impact of the TA is that AFF products become safer, more efficiently produced, and traded in greater quantities. The outcome is effective and well-connected SPS management systems, which will contribute to enhanced intra-regional trade, export competitiveness and protection of health.

  43. Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR): Capacity Enhancement of SPS Handling Arrangement to Improve Trade Facilitation TA will focus on promoting Customs interface with SPS agencies, and SPS capacity development to promote regional cooperation and harmonization Project Outcome: Enhanced SPS management system to cooperate with customs administrations in promoting trade in GMS Processing Period: Concept Clearance: 02 Jul 2013 Fact-finding: 19 Aug 2013 to 10 Sep 2013

  44. Investment: Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project (VIE) • Loan amount: $74 million, approved Dec 2012 • Implementation period : 2013-2018 • Project Description: • Activities are parts of climate change (CC) mitigation and adaptation measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in VIE. • Enhance climate smart agriculture development and practices focused on strengthening Low Carbon Agriculture (LCA) policies and institutions; • Establishing infrastructure support for agri-waste management; • Enhancing LCA technology and development transfer.

  45. RETA 7493: Addressing Pre- and Post-harvest Challenges of Rice Supply Chain • RETA Amount: $ 2 million for CAM, PHI, THA, VIE • Project Outputs: • Reduce pre-harvest losses through field resistance screening method and germplasm country strategies • reduced postharvest losses through technology and mgt options, agri-extension/advice and post-harvest networks • Project Status: • germplasm & field resistance screening methods and successful dissemination of pre-harvest methods & banning of pest control meds in THA and VIE • Post harvest work with NARS

  46. RETA 7495: Support for the ASEAN+3 Integrated Food Security Framework • RETA amount:$2 million (JSF) • Project Components: • Establish ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve • Actionplan for expanded and stable rice trade • Promote usage of ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS) • Project Status: • APTERR rules and procedures for endorsement in Feb 2013 • Pilot ASEAN Rice Trade Forum endorsed by ASEAN+3 as a regular activity • AFSIS to become a permanent mechanism by 2013

  47. Strategic Research for Sustainable Food & Nutrition Security in Asia (1) • RETA amount: $1.4M for CAM, LAO, PHI, THA, VIE • Board Approval: Dec 2011 • Project Outputs : • Adopt eco-based management methods to reduce rice pest outbreaks, and viable postharvest rice technologies • Develop innovations and partnership investments for water-saving technologies and safe food supply chains; • Develop demand-driven and results-based strategic action plan for ARD of Asian DMCs • Project Status: On Pre-harvest: • Focused on upscaling TA activities (multimedia campaigns and education entertainment TV series-Ecological Engineering TV)

  48. Strategic Research for Sustainable Food & Nutrition Security in Asia (2) Project Status: On Pre-harvest (con’t): • Engaged governments of THA and VIE in project advocacy • Presented at 34th ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting and World Bank's Forum for Agri-risk Management on Rice in Asia.  • Approved parallel funding for two projects initiated by the TA Project Status: On Post-harvest: • Established business plans and models for hermetic storage systems for seed producers (PHI), combine harvesting services (CAM), and drying services (CAM & PHI) and established link between rice producers and local supply chains for hermetic storage systems  • Conducted skills and capacity building in three countries. • Ongoing research on mycotoxin contamination in rice grains

  49. RETA 7996: Innovative Financing for Agri-Food Value Chains (AFVC) • RETA amount: $1.5M for Cambodia • Project Outputs : • policy report for inclusive and sustainable AFVC financing to BAN and CAM, • innovative AFVC finance business models for smallholder farms and SMAEs • application of a knowledge platform on innovative AFVC financing by selected DMCs. • Project Status: • International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) engaged for Q 1 and 3; individual consultants for Q 2 • Planning workshop on 11-13 April 2013 in Beijing

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