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International Labour Office (ILO). Statistical Development and Analysis Unit Policy Integration Department. Decent Work and Quality in Work Statistical Indicators: Prospects for conversion?. Igor Chernyshev. Geneva, May 2005. Decent Work: ILO organising framework
International Labour Office (ILO) Statistical Development and Analysis Unit Policy Integration Department Decent Work and Quality in Work Statistical Indicators: Prospects for conversion? Igor Chernyshev Geneva, May 2005
Decent Work: ILO organising framework “Opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity” Juan Somavia, ILO Director General, 87th ILC Report,1999 Quiality in Work: Guiding principle of EU Social Policy Agenda • Central issue in employment and social policies • One of the three overarching objectives in the Employment Guidelines 2003-2005 IC/ILO2005
Need for specific decent work/quality in work statistical indicators for EU, ILO and member States • Objectively measure extent and pattern of decent work /quality in work • Objectively monitor and evaluate progress on decent work/quality in work • Communicate with constituents/member States and public IC/ILO2005
Decent Work and Quality in Work Paradigm Decent Work • Opportunities for work • Equity in work • Security at work • Productive work • Dignity at work • Freedom of choice of employment Quality in Work • Ensuring career and employment security. • Maintaining and promoting health and well-being of workers. • Developing skills and competences • Reconciling working and non-working life. IC/ILO2005
Four global pillars Decent Work + Quality in Work = Employment, social protection, social dialogue and rights at work? IC/ILO2005
Employment opportunities Labour force participation rate Employment population ratio Unemployment rate Youth unemployment rate Share of wage employment in non- agricultural employment Intricit job quality Transition between non-employment and within emplyment Inclusion and access to the labour market Transition between E, U and inactivity Diversity and non-discrimonation E and /or U gaps of 55-64 old, immigrants, disabled people Statistical Indicators IC/ILO2005
Unacceptable work Percentage of children not at school Percentage of children in wage or self-employment Of relevance to the EU? Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Adequate earnings and productive work Pecentage of employment with low pay rate Average earnings in selected occupations Employees with recent job training Skills, lifelong training and career devlpmnt Percentage of working age population participating in education and training Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Decent hours Percentage of employees with excessive hours of work Time-related underemployment Of relevance to the EU? Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Stability and security of work Percentage of employed persons with job tenure of less than one year Percentage of employees with temporary work Perception of future job security Flexibility and security Percentage of employees working part-time and those with fixed-term contracts Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Balancing work and family life Ratio of the employment rate for women with children under compulsory school age to the employmnet rate of all women aged 20-49 Work organisation and work-life balance Absolute difference in employment rates without presence of any children with the presence of a child aged 0-6, by sex Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Fair treatment in employment Occupational segregation on the basis of gender Ratio of the female share of employment in managerial and administrative occupations to the female share of non-agricultural employment Gender equality Ratio of women’s hourly earnings index to men’s for paid employees at work 15+ hours Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Safe work Fatal injury rate per 100,000 employees Labour inspection (inspectors per 100,000 employes) Occupational injury insurance coverage Health and safety at work Evolution of the incident rate (number of accidents at work per 100,000 persons in employment) Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Social protection Public social security expenditure Public expenditure on needs-based cash income support Share of population over 65 benefiting from pension Share of the EAP contributing to pension fund Average monthly pension expressed as a percentage of median/minimum earnings Of relevance to the EU? Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Social dialogue and workplace relations Union density rate Collective wage bargaining coverage rate Strikes and lockouts per 1,000 employees Social dialogue and work involvement No agreed indicator so far Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Social and economic context Inflation Income inequality Poverty Education of adult population Income per employed person (PPP) Growth of output per employed person Informal economy employment Overal work performance Growth in labour productivity, measured as change in the levels of GDP per capita of the employed population per hour worked (in percent) Statistical Indicators cont’d IC/ILO2005
Decent work measuring tools • Labour Forces Survey (LFS) based Modular Decent Work Survey • Regular LFS + Regular statistical reports Adminstrative records What about Qualty in Work? IC/ILO2005
ILO DW – EU QW data base: Utopia or reality? Create a special regional database organised in a standardised format according to the ILO decent work and EUROSTAT quality in work dimensions with the core ILO decent work and EUROSTAT quality in work indicators – 50 countries in total. The data will be regularly updated and analysed in a summary publications, allowing easy reading and dissemination. The database will be linked with relevant databases of EUROSTAT, national statistical offices of non-EU member countries and ILO Geneva. Furthermore, the above database will be linked to the ILO Panorama Laboral (Latin America), as well as South-East Asia and the Arab State data bases. IC/ILO2005
Reducing decent work deficits globallyEnhancing quality in work performance IC/ILO2005