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The Researcher’s Choice of Diverse Methodologies – “Principal” Considerations. Les choix du chercheur parmi les méthodologies diverses – La« direction » de ses choix. Corinne Barrett DeWiele University of Manitoba & Université de Saint-Boniface CASEA/ACEAS/CCEAM 2014.
The Researcher’s Choice of Diverse Methodologies – “Principal” Considerations Les choix du chercheur parmi les méthodologies diverses – La« direction » de ses choix Corinne Barrett DeWiele University of Manitoba & Université de Saint-Boniface CASEA/ACEAS/CCEAM 2014
“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Presentation format • Introductory Activity • Discussion of 5 Qualitative Approaches (Book 1- Creswell, 2013) • Published Examples of the 5 Approaches • Discussion of Book 2 Wolcott (2003) • Ideas for Inquiries using each qualitative approach from Book 1 based on Book 2 ideas • Conclusion CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Qualitative or Quantitative? • Do you have a distinct preference? • If so, why do you choose to do research using that approach? CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
What are the Five Qualitative Approaches as Proposed by Creswell (2013)? • Using your knowledge of qualitative research approaches, identify five such approaches from the following conceptual images. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#1 CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#2 = CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#3 = CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#4 = CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#5 tropes tropes What can ‘I’ infer from the experiences? In terms of culture, what is going on here? What themes have ‘I’ found in the analysis? ? Holistic description of certain way of life in a certain context using a certain vocabulary = CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Answers CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#1 Narrative CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Focus of a Narrative • Recount an individual portrait/story & his or her history in a specific place CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#2 Broad Picture Narrow Picture Case Study = CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Focus of a Case Study • Describe a complex in-depth bounded case CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#3 Grounded Theory = CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Focus of a Grounded Theory • Produce a theory that shows a process CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#4 Phenomenology = CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Focus of a Phenomenology • Explore and analyse a phenomenon (occurrence) as a single concept CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
#5 tropes tropes What can ‘I’ infer from the experiences? In terms of culture, what is going on here? What themes have ‘I’ found in the analysis? ? Holistic description of certain way of life in a certain context using a certain vocabulary = Ethnography CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Focus of an Ethnography • Recount a shared cultural/group portrait CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
The Man in the Principal’s OfficeHarry Wolcott (2003)[second edition] A two year study (1966-1968) of an elementary principal in the United States. Original work written in 1973. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry • The next part of the presentation will illustrate how ideas from the book could be studied using each of Creswell’s (2013) other four approaches: narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory and case study. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry - Narrative • Title: The Dawning of a Principal: A Biography of a Middle Years Leader • The study would focus on one individual who had risen through the ranks of student teacher, to teacher, to divisional consultant, to vice-principal, to principal of a middle years school. • The focus of this biographical study would be, through chronological storytelling, to show the portrait of this individual and his or her historical rise to the principalship. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other forms of Inquiry - Narrative • Possible research questions : • What are the life experiences of the principal that cause him or her to want to assume the role of principal? • How do these life experiences shape his or her reactions to the ascension up the hierarchical ladder? • How important are GASing behaviors during the journey up the ladder and do the GASing behaviours continue once this principal has succeeded in getting the appointment? CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry - Phenomenological • Title: Disciplinary Behaviour Techniques of Principals: Beliefs Regarding Disciplinary Strategies • The study would involve individual interviews of ten to twelve principals from all levels; elementary, middle and high school, with the same “lived experiences” (Creswell, 2013, p. 77). • The focus of this study would be to explore the beliefs and attitudes of principals regarding the discipline they mete out in their schools in order to describe generalities of the experience. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry - Phenomenological • Possible research questions: • Describe your discipline style. • On what factors does the type of discipline you choose rest (age, socio-economic status, etc.)? • Does consultation with other actors in the school community play a role in your discipline style, and if so, how? • Describe some parent reactions to your disciplining of students. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry – Grounded Theory • Title: A Grounded Theory Explanation of the Rationale for Principals’ Disregard for Written Policies • A group of five to ten principals would be interviewed over an extended period of time. • The study would be used to generate a theory regarding the process of principals’ choice as to whether or not they adhere strictly to the written policies of a school division. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry – Grounded Theory • Possible research questions: • For what reasons would principals disregard certain school division policies? • Which policies are more frequently ‘overlooked’? • What strategies of rationalization do principals use when discounting particular policies? • What are the decision-making criteria which principals use when deciding to flout a policy? CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry – Case Study • Title: The Dilemma of Interactions: A Principal’s Need for Communication Skills • The study would focus on one principal in a public school and his or her numerous face-to-face interactions, whether formal or informal and pre-arranged or spontaneous. • The problem for this inquiry would be to discover if specific characteristics or training are needed in order for a principal to communicate/interact effectively in the school setting. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Adapting Wolcott’s (2003) Book to Other Forms of Inquiry – Case Study • Possible research questions: • What happens during an interaction? • What is said during the interaction, and in what tone? • Who is involved in formal and informal encounters? • What themes of response emerge as more and more interactions are observed? • What does the participant believe to be the success level of specific interactions? CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Concluding Questions • Should the type of qualitative inquiry be chosen before the study is begun or should the inquiry type emerge from the data? • If a researcher begins with one inquiry type in mind but changes his or her mind part way through the investigation, is it acceptable to change at that point? CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
Conclusion • My goal was provide a concise understanding of Creswell’s five approaches, see good examples of published studies for each approach, and to illustrate how ideas from one book, Wolcott (2013), could be adapted to allow for study under each of those qualitative approaches in order to provide researchers with significant information so that a choice of an appropriate methodological lens can be made for any study. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
“ “But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.”Steinbeck CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
References • Blakesley, S. (2012). Juggling educational ends: Non-indigenous Yukon principals and thepolicy challenges that they face. International Journal ofEducation Policy & Leadership,7(3), 1-14. • Borg, T. (2012). The evolution of a teacher community of practice: Identifying facilitating andconstraining factors. Studies in ContinuingEducation, 34(3), 301-317. doi: 10.1080/0158037X. 2011.622717 • Cherian, F., & Daniel, Y. (2008). Principal leadership in new teacher induction: Becomingagents of change. International Journal ofEducation Policy & Leadership, 3(2), 1-11. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
References • Creswell, J. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. • de Wet, C. (2010). The reasons for and the impact of principal- on-teacher bullying on thevictims’ private and professional lives. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1450-1459. doi: 10.1016/ j.tate.2010.05.005 • Hertberg-Davis, H., & Brighton, C. (2006). Support and sabotage: Principals’ influence onmiddle school teachers’ responses to differentiation. The Journal ofSecondary Gifted Education, 17(2), 90-102. CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
References • Hoppey, D., & McLeskey, J. (2013). A case study of principal leadership in an effectiveinclusive school. The Journal of Special Education, 46(4), 245-256. doi: 10.1177/0022466910390507 • Murakami-Ramalho, E., & Wilcox, K. (2012). Response to intervention implementation: Asuccessful principal’s approach. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(4), 483-500.doi: 10.1108/09578231211238602 • Ong, C., & Dimmock, C. (2013). Principals’ engagement of low ability students inSingapore secondary schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership,41(2), 214-232. doi: 10.1177/1741143212468345 CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD
References • Oplatka, I. (2007). The school principal in late career: An explorative inquiry into career issuesand experiences in the pre-retirement working years. Leadership and Policy in Schools,6(4), 345-369. doi: 10.1080/15700760701431520 • Parylo, O., Zepeda, S., & Bengtson, E. (2013). Career paths in educational leadership:Examining principals’ narratives. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 58(4), 565-599. • Wolcott, H. (2003). The man in the principal’s office: An ethnography. Walnut Creek, CA:AltaMira Press. (Original work published in 1973) CASEA/ACEAS & CCEAM Fredericton, 2014, by CBD