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Item 4 Appendix 1. Quarterly Partnership Report Scrutiny Committee. Quarter 3 Contract Year 2 2013 /14. 26. Item 4 Appendix 1. Contents. Executive Summary 1 Outcomes framework 2 Financial Performance 7 Customer Service 9
Item 4 Appendix 1 Quarterly Partnership ReportScrutiny Committee Quarter 3 Contract Year 2 2013 /14 26
Item 4 Appendix 1 Contents Executive Summary 1 Outcomes framework 2 Financial Performance 7 Customer Service 9 Marketing 10 Human Resources 13 Free Swim Initiative (FSI) 14 National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) 18 Quest 23 27
Item 4 Appendix 1 Executive Summary Overall performance in Qtr 3 continues to be strong across all areas of the partnership. With Phase 2 of the Capital Investment Programme at Bridgend Recreation Centre being completed in October, the opening of the indoor climbing wall, Library and new reception / cafe areas have given another boost to the look, feel and use of the overall facility. Qtr 3 has also seen the installation of an Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) at Garw Life Centre, thanks to the support of BCBC and the successful award of a Sport Wales development grant. Participation during Qtr 3 was consistently higher than that of the same period of the previous contract year. There was a like for like increase of 5.75% (14,496 uses) in participation during the Qtr and overall participation for the first 9 months of contract year 2 is 4.14% (29,855 uses) up. It is anticipated that with the completion of phase 3 of the capital project, which includes a new spa, treatment rooms and toning suite and the opening of the new play area, which an additional £60k of new money was invested in, the facilities will be further enhanced and therefore encourage further increases in participation. Qtr 4 will also see the third phase of staff review and reconfiguration, where revised roles and responsibilities will be proposed for consultation to ensure that we are in a better position to deliver the service transformation required in order to meet the long term partnership outcomes. Jeremy Rowe Healthy Living Partnership Manager 1 28
Item 4 Appendix 1 Outcomes Framework Participation Graph Overall participation in Q3 out performed the comparative period for the previous year(+5.75%)Overall participation for the first 9 months is up by +4.14%(29,855) compared to the previous contract year. 2 29
Item 4 Appendix 1 Overall YTD in comparison to last year Public Swimming is up by +7.97%(12038) and swimming lessons by +1.56%(1898) Participation Cont’d 3 30
Item 4 Appendix 1 Participation Cont’d Fitness Suite participation (gym usage) for the Q3 produce positive comparative returns for each month. October was up by +5.21%, November by +21.77% and December by +21.93%. Overall YTD Fitness Suite usage is up for the Q3 was up by an average of +16.31%(7840)and YTD+9.11% (12,738). Group exercise (fitness classes) continued to show good growth in participation in Q3. By expanding the programmes across all sites and in particular at BRC and MSC there has been an average increase across the first nine months of the year of +38.34% (16616) compared to the same period last year. Participation in group exercise during December alone was double of that compared to the previous year (+104.88%) In August we implemented a soft launch of the new Access to Leisure scheme. To the end of December we have 373 live A2L memberships and participation has averaged over 3200 uses per month across Q3. It is anticipated that we will see continued growth both in terms of membership and participation in Q4. 4 31
Item 4 Appendix 1 Participation cont 32
Item 4 Appendix 1 Outcomes Framework Partnerships Welsh Rugby Union & Ospreys During the quarter Halo has held initial discussions with the WRU and the Ospreys to discuss the benefit of entering into a three way partnership. Early discussions have looked at how all partners could support each other on a commercial, marketing and program delivery basis to support each others objectives. Halo Sports Foundation Quarter 3 has seen the launch of the 2014/15 awards process. The awards process will run from the 20th December to the 20th February. The Community Development Manager has also met with a number of partners to explore increasing the service that athletes receive by being part of the foundation. Initial discussions have been positive and 2014 may see athletes have the opportunity to take advantage of wider sports science support from a range of professionals. Active Young People Dept, National Governing Bodies, Urdd Initial meetings have been held with AYPD and a range of governing bodies of sport in order to establish relationships and to investigate ways of supporting individual sports with their development plans. Halo Sports Stars Following a series of successful meetings with AYPD and a range of National Governing bodies, Halo is now in the planning phase to launch Halo Sport Stars. The Sports Stars program will be delivered after school and help forge a link between school provision and the current club structure. The range of activities will cater for all children and young people aged 2 and above, and have a specific emphasis on girls, disabled children and the welsh language. We plan to launch the scheme during quarter 4 having held further discussions with partners, parents and young people. 5 33
Item 4 Appendix 1 Outcomes Framework SONY Corporate Health and Well being This project goes from strength to strength. During the last quarter we have seen 15 people join a weight loss course witheveryone losing weight, we have delivered 80 blood pressure tests, organised a smoking cessation course that has helped 7 people quit smoking and delivered a weekly program of exercise classes and gym sessions. Llynfi Valley Group The Community Development Manager has represented Halo at the first Llynfi Valley meeting which was organised by ABMU. This meeting was set up to establish group of partners who all work within the Llynfi Valley. The remit of group is to explore ways in which they can work together in a more unified manner to try and tackle health inequalities with a long term aim of reducing the gap in life expectancy. BAVO Volunteering Awards Halo sponsored and presented 2 awards at the first BAVO volunteer of the year awards. In addition to the sponsorship Halo also offered each winner 3 Months free membership. MEND We have just completed the first MEND course for 7 - 13 year olds. The course held at Bridgend Recreation Centre had 15 children start the program and had a 77% attendance rate. The average age of the children was 11. All 10 children who completed the scheme decreased their BMI, waist circumference and sedentary time, whilst time spent taking part in physical activity and eating healthy increased. During quarter 4 we are aiming to run a further course for 7 - 13 year olds and also a mini MEND for 5 - 7 year olds. Bridgend College A series of meetings have been held with Bridgend College’s Senior Management Team. These meetings have been held in order to explore opportunities of how we can support each other on topics such as; Halo Sports Foundation, enrichment opportunities, leadership and workforce development. South Wales Police / Youth Offending Team A series of meetings have been held with South Wales Police and the Youth Offending team. Following discussions at these meetings we have organised for all front line staff in Halo to undergo Anti Social Behaviour Awareness training. This training is part of a preventive measure to ensure that we are proactive in identifying and diffusing any anti social behaviour. Further discussions are planned to ensure that Halo activities and inclusive as possible and take into consideration the views of young people. 6 34
Item 4 Appendix 1 Financial Performance Overall income at sites remains over budget £42,431 this is mainly due to Membership Income with Complete being +£35,706, Direct Debit Courses+ £48,636 and Swim +£3,741 although Enrollments (£846) and Easy (£2,939) both slightly down on target. Health and Fitness slightly over budget at+ £9,943 again as in the previous quarter this is mainly due to the Fitness Suite £13,058 although Fitness Classes under budget (£5,442) Food and Beverage under budget (£25,526) although Vending income received from BVS has only been received up to August 2013. General Leisure under budget (£25,543). The coding of Centre Based Activities £65,640 and Course Income (£97,506) still needs to be investigated, also clarification on Misc Leisure Income (£19,148). 7 35
Item 4 Appendix 1 Financial Performance Staff costs still continue to be well controlled being £101,983 under budget. Premises Costs (£137,042) which includes Capital Improvements which is currently showing an over spend of (£98,329) with no budget allocated against this. Maintenance codes also showing an over spend as well as Electricity (£55,672). Purchased Goods £13,524 and Purchased Services £64,243 have both been well controlled. 8 36
Item 4 Appendix 1 Customer Services Customer Feedback Just 13 traditional feedback cards were recorded; a marked decline on the volumes we have seen in the past. However, comments and questions on Facebook, Twitter and via email are increasing all the time and we are still considering accurate and cost effective way to capture this data. Efforts will continue in this area during Q4. Weekly Customer Survey The Weekly Customer Survey was not completed during the quarter due to technical issues. However, a new third-party resource has been purchased for this and commenced polling on 6th January. Therefore, normal reporting will resume for Q4. Customer Service Training We started the Stars training and delivered four successful three hour sessions in Bridgend County. We will continue to deliver two sessions a month over the next year. The response from staff has been overwhelmingly positive, with an average rating of 3.54 out of 4 from the delegates who have attended so far. ICT The migration to Google has remained the biggest challenge during the quarter with difficulties in correctly configuring the hardware most prevalent. However, diligent work has meant that we are now well placed to realise the planned benefits of the applications for the last part of the year. 9 37
Marketing Key marketing activities undertaken to support participation, community engagement, membership sales and income generation As 2013 drew to a close we focused on sustaining people's activity (at a time of year when dark nights and stretched budgets often push exercise off the priority list). We also ran a whole range of initiatives to support everyone who lives and works in this county, and to reach those who find exercise rather daunting, or a real challenge: We are delighted with the new Bridgend Life Centre. The Bridgend Rec (as it was formerly known) recently opened its open plan reception, cafe and library as well as a refurbished sports hall, Halo Heights - the brand new indoor climbing wall and JumpINGym the soft play facility for our younger visitors. Photo and interview opportunities, radio campaigns, social media communication helped to promote the new facilities to local residents. We know the vital role exercise plays for people living with conditions like arthritis, but we also know how keeping fit can be a challenge, and starting an exercise regime can be a worry. In October we marked World Arthritis Day by inviting sufferers to Halo to meet our fitness professionals and to discover the activity that might work for them - be it gym sessions, swimming, water based exercise, hydrogym workouts or low intensity group exercise classes. We welcomed people of all ages from across the county, and gave each of them a complimentary seven day Halo pass so they could try what’s on offer. Good quality childcare has never been more valued by working parents. We were delighted to see how many benefited from our half term activities this October, and how many children filled their days with swimming and snorkelling, trampolining to training from our healthy menu of holiday fun. In November the new Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) opened for business (or rather games) after Halo and the Council secured the £30,000 needed for this new facility at Garw Valley Life Centre. The area offers an all-weather, outdoor, floodlit pitch with a 3G artificial surface and removable goals. "It opens up opportunities for more children and young people to enjoy sport after school and in the holidays, and clubs in the area a place to train in the evenings, even when the weather is bad," says Paul Whapham, Community Development Manager at Halo. Now the facility is open Halo have been able to create more opportunities in their indoor sports hall, including a fresh group exercise and sports program. We are especially keen to encourage women and girls who don't currently exercise to try out new activities. A promotional campaign aligned with the launch of this new facility. Item 4 Appendix 1 10 38
Item 4 Appendix 1 On December 3rd we joined organisations around the world to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This global-wide event is organised by the United Nations and recognises that more than 1 billion people or 15% of the world population are living with disabilities - the world’s largest and most disadvantaged group. As part of this international drive to promote inclusion, Halo offered free seven day passes to everyone in the area registered disabled, and our staff welcomed people to our centres so they could explore their options in sport and benefit from professional advice and guidance. We've also been working with the Council to create a bespoke website promoting disability sport across the county. The site - ‘Want a Piece of the Action ?’- will go live next month. Promotion through the local media and partners allowed us to recruit ten families in the county to work with experts to build more exercise and healthier foods into their lives through the MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, DO IT!) programme. MEND is an international organisation working with groups like Halo to tackle the growing problem of childhood obesity (which affects three out of ten children across our county). At the end of the free six week programme one of the children lost nearly 7lbs, 4cm off his tummy measurement, and has discovered he loves to run and has a taste for more vegetables than he ever imagined. "He was not especially overweight," says his mum. "He was a bit chubby, but I was more concerned he wasn't fit. He didn't like PE, and tended not to join in sports or even running about games because he didn't want to make a fool of himself. I didn't want him to put on more weight and I'd been looking for something to help him. Then Halo contacted me about this programme." "It can feel like a huge step for parents signing up, but everyone was glad they did and saw a positive difference in their child," says Halo's Stuart Mitchell who is managing the project in Bridgend. The quarter ended with our 12 days of Xmas and December promotion which offered Halo members and the wider community a range of brilliant savings, to encourage activity at this busiest time in their year and reward customers for their loyalty. As well as reduced price on membership (December 2013 and December 2014 FREE) we offered 12 individual offers - from free sessions on Halo Heights indoor climbing wall, discounted birthday parties and free swim starter packs for children. As if people hadn't had enough of water in the downpours over Christmas, families came flooding to our pools for some time out together over the holidays. Halo offered all children currently on our learn to swim programmes the chance to bring along their families for a free fun swim. 11 39
Item 4 Appendix 1 Sales and retention performance summary • Total sales - 1478 which is down 813 on the previous quarter. However the membership offer during Q2 for the NHS corporates contributed to most of the growth during this quarter. 1478 is a healthy recruitment figure in what is traditionally the slowest time of year for membership sales. • Target V Actual - 1203 V 1475. The total sales target for Q3 was exceeded by 272 memberships. • Total leavers - 1366 • This is down 631 on the previous quarter. • True growth for quarter = 79 members. It is good to see a growth (however small) in a quarter where demand is at its lowest. • Attrition stood at 5% in October, 5.5% in November and 4.7% in December. On the whole we achieved the attrition KPI of 5%. This quarter has been successful in not only recruiting but retaining members. • Live subs - we entered the quarter with a figure of 9101 and this stood at 9213 at the end of the quarter, representing an uplift of 112 and 1% increase. We currently have 373 live Access to Leisure committed memberships and along with casual and cash payers are generating an average of 3200 monthly uses of the Access to Leisure scheme. 12 40
Item 4 Appendix 1 Human Resources Phase 3 structure review update Phase 3 structure options were drafted and prepared for consideration during this quarter. Due to the complex nature of the process this has taken a little longer than originally planned. Consultation with union representatives started in December and full staff consultation is planned to start in January 2014. Absence and turnover levels Absence and Staff turnover continued to remain stable during the quarter. Staff Survey and IIP focus group feedback The annual staff survey was delivered during this quarter. Focus group sessions in preparation for IIP re-assessment were also held to explore some of the themes arising from the survey in more depth, to enable suitable improvement activity to take place in 2014. TUPE transfers One member of staff from BCBC library service transferred to Halo Leisure during this quarter. 2 staff also transferred to Halo Leisure in November 2013 from Just Perfect Catering. This provided a level of continuity of service provision for the new catering service within the Recreation Centre and continued employment opportunities for staff in these areas. 13 41
Item 4 Appendix 1 Free Swim Initiative (FSI) FSI Performance The following narrative is in line with the performance measurements asked for by BCBC in the new FSI claim form. As such this information should be considered alongside the figures provided within the 3rd quarter claim form. C&YP Core Program Free Swimming (splash) Holiday periods The number of holiday free swims has more than doubled compared to the first three quarters of last year. This increase can be attributed to the expanded free swimming program we introduced in the Whitsun holidays combined with better onsite recording of attendances. This increase means we have already exceeded last years total holiday free swim by 77%. Free Swimming (structured) Holiday periods The number of free structured activity has also more than doubled compared to the first three quarters of last year. This increase is mainly down to the hugely successful program of free swimming lesson crash courses that we offered during the Whitsun, Summer & October school holiday periods. These free lessons were offered to children not currently enrolled our mainstream program as well as children with low swimming ability identified through the schools intensive program. So far this year we have provided a free weeks crash course of swimming lessons to 364 local children. Free Swimming (splash) Weekends (throughout the year) By tripling the amount of free swimming sessions we offer at weekends (including ‘Free Swim Friday’s) we have seen a considerable increase in the number of free swims at weekends. This increase means we have already exceeded last years total weekend free swims by 94%. 14 42
Item 4 Appendix 1 Additional FSI Program’s Free swimming lessons Free swimming lessons (Ducklings to Stage 4) - During the October half term holidays we provided a week of free swimming lessons to 25 local children either currently not enrolled on our mainstream program or targeted under the schools intensive ‘top up’ scheme. ‘Free Swim Friday’s’ Free swim friday sessions continue to be a success with 2,880 attendances since its introduction on the 31st May 2013. These hour long sessions offer free access to both children & adults alike. The junior attendances at these sessions are included in the free holiday & weekend swim figures. Free swimming for swimming lesson pupils paying via DD Inline with the increase in the number of pupils paying for their swimming lessons via DD the number of free junior swims accessed by lesson pupils has also increased. At the end of the third quarter we have already exceeded last years total number of free junior swims provided under this incentive by 22%. These figures are included in the total number of junior swims (paid & free). Junior Swimming Total Junior swims (paid & free) The total number of overall junior swims is a concern. Although the situation has marginally improved during the 3rd quarter attendances are still 10,045 (21%) down compared to the first three quarters of last year. Even those this figure suggests a reduction when you consider the figures recorded over the first two years of the contract we are still showing a 22% increase since Halo took over the service in April 2012. 15 43
Item 4 Appendix 1 Junior LTS Program We continue to increase the number of pupils on our junior learn to swim program and at the end of the 3rd quarter we had grown our mainstream program by 280 pupils since the start of the year. The continuous movement model has now been rolled out to include all 5 sites. The percentage of parents paying for their child’s lessons via the DD scheme continues to increase at all sites with the benefit of not only spreading the cost of paying for lessons but also free public swimming for any lesson pupil paying via DD. At the end of December 68% of swimming lesson pupils were paying for their lessons via the DD scheme. 60+ Core Program 60+ free swims (splash) The number of over 60’s free swims continues to grow with an 11% increase compared to the first three quarters of last year. 60+ Structured swims The number of over 60’s structured swims also continues to grow with a 46% increase compared to the first three quarters of last year. 60+ structured swims breakdown 60+ Free swimming lessons We continue to offer free beginners swimming lessons to over 60’s with no limit on the number of lessons/courses that can be attended. At the end of the third quarter we have exceeded last years total by 445 attendances (29%). Hydrogym (BRC) The Hydro Gym facility at BRC remains popular with the over 60’s age group and attendance figures at the end of the third quarter are only 3% short of the total number of attendances for the whole of last year. 16 44
Item 4 Appendix 1 Schools Swimming The schools intensive program has completed it’s first term of operation at all four of our competitive swimming pools with 20 primary schools attending between September & December 2013. The roll out of the intensive program will mean we are able to provide accurate schools swimming attainment data for key stage 2 for all but 2 primary schools in Bridgend by the end of July 2014. Mainstream Swimming Lesson Growth In order to provide the extra capacity needed to increase the number of pupils on our mainstream swimming lesson program we have introduced extra lesson slots at Pyle & Ynysawdre Swimming pools. Teacher training UKCC Level 1 Teaching Aquatics We hosted an ASA level 1 aquatics teacher course in November. This course was fully booked with ten of the sixteen candidates being Halo staff. Swim Wales have requested that we host an additional level 1 teaching aquatics course in February & March 2014 to cater for the demand from external candidates. This will allow us to train another 2 members of staff to a level 1 standard. UKCC Level 2 Teaching Aquatics We are currently agreeing the final details for a level 2 teaching aquatics course to take place in March 2014. We already have a budget in place to upskill 10 of our existing level 1 teacher's to a level 2 standard. UKCC Level 1 Swimming Coaching At the request of Bridgend Swim Squad we are currently discussing options with Swim Wales regarding the hosting of a level 1 coaching course to train swim squad volunteers to coach their development sessions. 17 45
Item 4 Appendix 1 National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERs) NERS Quarter 3 Summary NERS is still receiving a high number of new referrals and is currently at 125% of our yearly target (1468/1170), and our current waiting list is 480 people. 16 week retention for this period has outperformed our target, this is down to the staff having administration time to complete their assessments, while new developments to the database has made their task easier. Our Q3 performance on 16 week checks is 53% and for the year it is 41% (WG target is 45%).The database has been cleaned and updated to ensure that all clients still on the waiting list for 6 months or more have been taken off the system, hence the high number of Non Attendances in this quarter. Another 2 Foodwise for Life Weight Management programmes were completed before the end of the year, one at Maesteg Sports Centre and one in Bridgend Recreation Centre.(results are outlined later) We have also started sessions for those that that have suffered a stroke. Classes are initially in Bridgend Recreation Centre, with intention of adding more classes in Porthcawl and Maesteg Sports Centre. Early feedback from the group is positive, and some of the physiotherapists from the Princess of Wales Hospital have been out to see the class and they are satisfied with the structure of the class and and are willing to refer new clients into this class. 18 46
Item 4 Appendix 1 National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERs) 19 47
Item 4 Appendix 1 2013-2014 Cumulative Figures Attendances • Overall attendances across all buildings and all activities were 5905 visits. This is an increase of +27% over the same period last year. • Memberships 20 48
Item 4 Appendix 1 Maesteg Sports Centre BMI Changes 22 49
Item 4 Appendix 1 Health & Safety Accident Statistics 30 50
Item 4 Appendix 1 Appendices Quest Update Maesteg Swimming Pool had their first assessment on 17th / 18th December and the provisional grade was that of Good. Of the centres that have yet to enter the Quest cycle,Ynysawdre and Garw are due to have their first Quest Plus assessments on 20th/21st March and 10th/11th April respectively. All centres will then be in the Quest cycle. 31 51